Dr Carlos Enrique Tene - 28037 Colima

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dr Carlos Enrique Tene

Address :

Esteban García 100-13, Miguel Hidalgo I, 28037 Colima, Col., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
Website : https://www.doctoralia.com.mx/carlos-enrique-tene-perez/endocrinologo/colima
Categories :
City : Col.

Esteban García 100-13, Miguel Hidalgo I, 28037 Colima, Col., Mexico
Joseph Diaz on Google

Elsa Ibarra on Google

Daniela Sánchez on Google

Muy buen doctor ?
Very good doctor ?
Oscar R Pacheco on Google

Nada de tacto con las personas, los pacientes van por necesidad y los trata pésimo, peor que seguro social y la secretaria peor súper grosera y prepotente... de mi parte no regresamos bye
No touch with people, patients are out of necessity and treats them lousy, worse than social security and the worst super-rude and arrogant secretary ... for my part we do not return bye

Una horrible experiencia, parece que tiene el único interés en disfrutar del monto de consulta que cobra a sus pacientes más que atenderlos, la atención, y el tacto peor que en una clínica de seguridad social.
A horrible experience, it seems that he has the only interest in enjoying the amount of consultation he charges his patients rather than attending them, the attention, and the worse feeling than in a social security clinic.
saibet valencia díaz on Google

Un "doctor" muy poco empático con sus pacientes. Mi abuela de 80 años tenía cita con él, por tiempos de covid nos pidieron que fuera sola pero le explicamos a la secretaría, que por cierto es una prepotente y poco sensible, que ella NO PODÍA ENTRAR SOLA porque necesita ayuda para caminar además de que tiene demencia por lo tanto ella NO SABE cuáles son los medicamentos que se toma, ni cantidades, no recuerda todos los tratamientos anteriores que ha tenido, entre muchas otras cosas. Bueno llegan al consultorio y les dice que no no las va atender porque NO VA SOLA, cabe mencionar que Solo entraría mi mamá con ella y cumpliendo todo el protocolo de sanidad. Le volvieron a explicar la situación y solo dijo que NO. Quizá sea bueno en lo que hace pero como persona como HUMANO vale nada.
A "doctor" very little empathic with his patients. My 80-year-old grandmother had an appointment with him, due to covid times they asked us to go alone but we explained to the secretary, which by the way is arrogant and not very sensitive, that she COULD NOT ENTER ALONE because she needs help to walk besides that She has dementia, therefore she DOES NOT KNOW what medications she is taking, or amounts, she does not remember all the previous treatments she has had, among many other things. Well they arrive at the office and she tells them that she is not going to attend them because she DOES NOT GO ALONE, it is worth mentioning that only my mother would enter with her and complying with all the health protocol. They explained the situation to him again and he just said NO. He may be good at what he does but as a person like HUMAN he is worth nothing.
anju vasc on Google

Francamente ni una estrella le daría! Pésima secretaria, pésima atención! Muy delicado el tema de salud como para ponerlo en manos de estas personas! Tenemos muchas otras opciones; no cometan el error de quedarse con este tipo de “médicos”. Y al médico le diría que cambie de secretaria, a él lo recomiendan y su empleada le corre a los pacientes!
Frankly not one star would give it! Terrible secretary, terrible attention! Too delicate the health issue to put it in the hands of these people! We have many other options; don't make the mistake of sticking with these kinds of "doctors." And I would tell the doctor to change his secretary, he is recommended and his employee runs to the patients!
Juan Pablo Cuevas Sambano on Google

LA PEOR ATENCIÓN QUE ME HAN DADO! Me atendió lo más rápido que pudo, cuando llegue yo, llego otro paciente, pienso que por eso me atendió a la carrera. Todavía ni me salía del consultorio y ya estaban desinfectandolo para que pasara el otro paciente. NO EXPLICA NADA, me dijo que era algo leve, nada que no tuviera solución y ya. Nunca me dijo que tenía (lo tuve que investigar por mi cuenta), como funcionaba el tratamiento, cuando iba a sentir mejoria, cuanto llevaba con este problema, que cuidados debia tener... NO SE SI SEA BUENO, PERO NO LO RECOMIENDO. A pero bueno para cobrar sus $840.
THE WORST ATTENTION EVER GIVEN ME! He treated me as quickly as he could, when I arrived, another patient arrived, I think that is why he treated me on the run. I still didn't even leave the office and they were already disinfecting it for the other patient to come through. IT DOES NOT EXPLAIN ANYTHING, he told me it was something slight, nothing that had no solution and that's it. He never told me what he had (I had to investigate it on my own), how the treatment worked, when I was going to feel better, how long I had been with this problem, what care I should have ... I DON'T KNOW IF IT'S GOOD, BUT I DON'T RECOMMEND IT. A but good to collect your $ 840.

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