Dr. Gregorio Martínez Valdés - 25000 Saltillo

2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dr. Gregorio Martínez Valdés

Address :

Calz Francisco I. Madero 1264-Consultorio 6, Centro, 25000 Saltillo, Coah., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Coah.

Calz Francisco I. Madero 1264-Consultorio 6, Centro, 25000 Saltillo, Coah., Mexico
Alejandro Valrod on Google

Según su horario de atención es hasta las 8:00PM a las 7:00 acudimos a su consultoroo por una emergencia y no estaba. Llamamos al teléfono de emergencia y está suspendido.
According to his schedule of attention is until 8:00 PM at 7:00 we went to his consulting room for an emergency and he was not there. We call the emergency number and it's suspended.
blanca Martinez on Google

Un dr muy despota no explica mala experiencia no lo recomiendo antes era bueno hoy para nada
A very despotic dr does not explain a bad experience I do not recommend it before it was good today for nothing
Survival Effe on Google

No le interesa escucharte del todo, te interrumpe y va directo a lo que el quiere decir. No deja que le expliques se molesta si le haces saber tus dudas, busquen otra opción. Nada recomendable.
He is not interested in listening to you at all, he interrupts you and goes straight to what he means. Do not let him explain if he bothers you if you let him know your doubts, look for another option. Nothing recommended.
MICHELLE G. on Google

recomiendo ampliamente al Dr. Gregorio Martnez, ya que gracias a su experiencia ayudo muchísimo a que mi mamá saliera adelante con su problema. ella gracias a Dios ya esta mejor y no ha recaído. Gracias doctor por sus atenciones , muy amable, atento y entiende el dolor del paciente como de sus familiares.. saludos...
I highly recommend Dr. Gregorio Martnez, because thanks to his experience, he helped my mother a lot to get ahead with her problem. She, thank God, is already better and has not relapsed. Thank you doctor for your attention, very kind, attentive and understands the pain of the patient as well as his family members. Cheers...
Patricia Al on Google

Pésimo trato y consulta express, hasta en el imss te dan mejor trato, no me checo bien, ni me dejo decirle bien como era mi dolor o algo, les recomiendo buscar otro especialista o hasta la consulta de similares
Terrible treatment and express consultation, even in the imss they give you better treatment, I do not check well, nor do I let myself tell him well what my pain was or something, I recommend looking for another specialist or even consulting similar
Karina c on Google

Pésimo servicio. No tiene tacto para dirigirse al paciente y tampoco se toma el tiempo para revisar los estudios previamente realizados por el médico general. No recomendable
Terrible service. He is tactless to address the patient and does not take the time to review studies previously performed by the general practitioner. Not recommendable
Esmeralda Ruiz on Google

Fui a una consulta, le expliqué pero no se tomó el tiempo de escucharme. Y al final concluyó (sin yo decirle nada al respecto) que yo lo que tenía era que cargaba con problemas ajenos, que se notaba que mi trabajo no era algo que me estresara pero que se notaba que yo me la pasaba preocupada por cosas y problemas que no eran míos y por eso tenía los síntomas, me dió risa su comentario y me dijo: si te ríes es por algo. Hasta me dijo que tal vez tenía un trabajo donde me pagan mal o no es lo que yo quiero, pero debería agradecer tener uno. Me dijo que aumentara mi consumo de líquidos y fibra, le dije que yo tomaba linaza y respondió que tampoco debería exagerar, luego me quiso vender una fibra de $400.00 y me dijo que se notaba que yo era de las que se la pasan tomando "tecitos". Esta vez no me tomé el tiempo de ver primero las opiniones antes de agendar una consulta. Me queda de lección. Ojo: muy elegante su consultorio pero cuando está con un paciente dentro y uno está esperando afuera se escucha TODO lo que hablan. No hay privacidad.
I went to a consultation, I explained but he didn't take the time to listen to me. And in the end he concluded (without me telling him anything about it) that what I had was that I was carrying other people's problems, that it showed that my work was not something that stressed me but that it showed that I was spending it worried about things and problems that they were not mine and that is why I had the symptoms, I laughed at his comment and said: if you laugh it is for something. He even told me that maybe I had a job where I get paid badly or not what I want, but I should be grateful to have one. He told me to increase my consumption of liquids and fiber, I told him that I took flaxseed and he replied that I should not exaggerate, then he wanted to sell me a fiber of $ 400.00 and he told me that you could tell that I was one of those who spend it taking "techitos ". This time I did not take the time to see the opinions first before scheduling a consultation. I have a lesson left. Eye: your office is very elegant but when you are with a patient inside and one is waiting outside you will hear EVERYTHING they speak. There's no Privacity.
Daisy Rodriguez on Google

Una persona déspota y con cero tacto, nisiquiera revisó a mi abuelita y la queria internar directo en area de COVID, no se toma el tiempo tampoco de explicar, la que da las indicaciones es la enfermera. NO LO RECOMIENDO
A despotic person with zero tact, he did not even check my grandmother and wanted to intern her directly in the COVID area, he does not take the time to explain, the one who gives the instructions is the nurse. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT

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