Dr. Jose Luis Araujo Barrera, Cirujano general - 97130 Mérida

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Contact Dr. Jose Luis Araujo Barrera, Cirujano general

Address :

C. 26 199, Col. Altabrisa, 97130 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico

Website : https://www.doctoralia.com.mx/jose-luis-araujo-barrera/cirujano-general-cirujano-oncologo/yucatan
Categories :
City : Yuc.

C. 26 199, Col. Altabrisa, 97130 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico
Merit Diaz on Google

Hoy asistí a una consulta con el Dr. Araujo, buscaba un gastroenterólogo oncólogo debido a un estudio previo que notificaba células cancerosas, quería salir de muchas dudas, quería saber que un doctor con esa especialidad al escuchar mi historial y mis síntomas me diera un diagnóstico digno de su conocimiento y experiencia, tal vez quería escuchar la sabiduría de un oncólogo y estar tranquila, desgraciadamente el doctor está muy ocupado porque ahora es el director del hospital del Faro y no llegó, me atendió una doctora general estudiante de la especialidad en laparoscopía, contratada por el doctor Araujo para suplirlo, indudablemente intentó responder a mis preguntas con la mejor intención, pero recibí respuestas que tal vez ya las leí en google. La consulta fue cobrada como si el mismísimo Dr. Araujo me hubiera atendido. Tristemente se suma a la lista de doctores que al ofrecerles elevados puestos los hace perder la ética y se dejan de preocupar por el bienestar del paciente. Como recomendación sería importante preguntarle al paciente si quiere ser atendido por un medico general porque el doctor tiene otras ocupaciones y no llegará, ya será decisión del paciente si decide consultar o no.
Today I attended a consultation with Dr. Araujo, I was looking for an oncologist gastroenterologist because of a previous study that notified cancer cells, I wanted to get out of many doubts, I wanted to know that a doctor with that specialty when listening to my history and my symptoms gave me a diagnosis Worthy of his knowledge and experience, maybe I wanted to hear the wisdom of an oncologist and be calm, unfortunately the doctor is very busy because now he is the director of the hospital of the Lighthouse and did not arrive, I was attended by a general doctor student of the specialty in laparoscopy , hired by Dr. Araujo to replace it, undoubtedly tried to answer my questions with the best intention, but I received answers that maybe I already read them on google. The consultation was charged as if Dr. Araujo himself had attended to me. Sadly, he joins the list of doctors who, by offering them high positions, makes them lose their ethics and stop worrying about the patient's well-being. As a recommendation it would be important to ask the patient if he wants to be treated by a general practitioner because the doctor has other occupations and will not arrive, it will be the patient's decision whether he decides to consult or not.
Salomón Mousa on Google

SI QUIEREN SALVAR SU VIDA, NO ACUDAN CON ESTE DR! El peor medico de Merida. Su nivel de negligencia es impresionante, acudí hace unos años a su oficina debido a que presentaba una Gastroenteritis por Toxoplasmosis, me receto 3 antibióticos y me mando a mi casa. NUNCA VOLVI A SER EL MISMO, empecé a sufrir de lapsos de estreñimiento, depresion, ansiedad, y miles de sintomas mas. Tuve que ir a EU para encontrar un diagnostico, y mediante estudios especiales se me diagnostico sobrecrecimiento de candida y dysbiosis ocasionada por el tratamiento de antibioticos que el Dr. Araujo indico que tomara, estoy seguro de eso por que mi actual Dr me comento que la candidiasis crece cuando no hay un desbalance en cuanto a probioticos. Nunca sufri otra enfermadad, mi dieta era bastante buena y me ejercito 5 veces por semana.
IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR LIFE, DO NOT COME TO THIS DR! The worst doctor in Merida. His level of negligence is impressive, I went to his office a few years ago because he had a Toxoplasmosis Gastroenteritis, he prescribed 3 antibiotics and he sent me home. I NEVER WAS THE SAME AGAIN, I began to suffer from spells of constipation, depression, anxiety, and thousands of other symptoms. I had to go to the US to find a diagnosis, and through special studies I was diagnosed with an overgrowth of candida and dysbiosis caused by the antibiotic treatment that Dr. Araujo told me to take, I am sure of that because my current Dr. told me that the candidiasis grows when there is no probiotic imbalance. I never suffered from another illness, my diet was quite good and I exercise 5 times a week.
ISA TV on Google

El Dr. Araujo me salvó la vida hace varios años. Después de visitar a 6 doctores y haber aguantado dolores intensos por varios meses. El me hizo los análisis necesarios, y me hizo una cirugía exploratoria para dar con el problema (tuberculosis peritoneal).
Dr. Araujo saved my life several years ago. After visiting 6 doctors and enduring severe pain for several months. He did the necessary tests, and he did exploratory surgery to find the problem (peritoneal tuberculosis).
Stephanie Wandke on Google

I am a US citizen who lives in Florida. I had been very ill for some time so my local doctor ran some tests, and I was given a date 3 months down the road for a follow-up appointment. Being so sick and in so much pain, felt I needed medical assistance quicker than that, so I decided to go to Mexico for medical care. Before I went, I contacted Dr.Jose and made my initial appointment, and was given a date just a few days after making contact. Once I arrived, I felt like I had my own personal medical team who really cared about my well-being. They looked over my medical file and ran a few more tests to determine my pancreas was in bad shape and needed to be operated on right away. I was scheduled and had my surgery within 2 weeks. My pancreas was atrophied and they had to remove a fair amount of dead tissue. Had I not had this done, I would not be here today, writing this review. The treatment I received from Dr Jose and his team are amazing, to say the least, and I am so very grateful for everything they have done for me!! This post is submitted for Anne Lanza who does not have an account. ;)

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