Dr. Juan Parra García - 53279 Naucalpan de Juárez

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Contact Dr. Juan Parra García

Address :

Cerro de Chimalpopoca 33, Bosques de Moctezuma, 53279 Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +789
Categories :
City : Méx.

Cerro de Chimalpopoca 33, Bosques de Moctezuma, 53279 Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx., Mexico
Alexa Carrillo on Google

Fui a consulta de valoracion con el y sali super decepcionada el docyor es muy impersonal y solo ve a sus pacientes con signo de pesos ademas de ser prepotente y y por lo mismo se siente poco profesional, tendra muchas cedulas mucha preparacion y lo que sea pero para su profesion es importante tambien tener calidad humana y no verse avaricioso.
I went to an evaluation consultation with him and I was super disappointed, the doctor is very impersonal and only sees his patients with a peso sign besides being arrogant and for the same reason he feels unprofessional, he will have many certificates, a lot of preparation and whatever, but for His profession is also important to have human quality and not look greedy.
Becky Macedo on Google

Pésimo, me desgracio la vida, fui para que me arreglara y me hizo un pésimo trabajo, aparte me estafó, solo eres un signo de pesos para él, te engaña, cuando termino la cirugía y yo empecé a regresar de la anestesia, veía muy borroso, me sentía muy inestable y su asistente me obligo a firmar unas hojas que ni siquiera pude leer por mi estado y ella tomó mi mano y puso mi huella dactilar en el documento, más tarde me informaron que se tuvo que suspender la cirugía por que tuve una gran hemorragia por mi mala salud. Solo hizo 1 cirugía mal hecha de 3 que le pague, tarde años ahorrando para estas cirugías y con la mano en la cintura, me culpo a mi, suspendió la cirugía, no me hizo la cirugías que le pague, fue descuido 100% suyo, por favor no se arriesguen, valoren su su vida. Se abrió mi bubi y él solo me decía va muy bien, en verdad fue una pésima experiencia que no le deseo a nadie.
Terrible, my life was unfortunate, I went to get him fixed and he did a terrible job, apart from that he cheated me, you are only a sign of pesos for him, he deceives you, when the surgery ended and I began to return from anesthesia, I looked very blurred, I felt very unstable and her assistant forced me to sign some sheets that I could not even read because of my condition and she took my hand and put my fingerprint on the document, later they informed me that the surgery had to be suspended because I had a great hemorrhage due to my poor health. He only did 1 poorly done surgery out of 3 that I paid him, I spent years saving for these surgeries and with his hand on his waist, I blame myself, he suspended the surgery, he did not perform the surgeries that I paid for, it was 100% his carelessness Please do not risk it, value your life. My bubi opened and he just told me it's going very well, it really was a terrible experience that I don't wish on anyone.
Pamela Rivera on Google

No vayan!! Es una estafa, nos pidieron $2,800 por adelantado para realizar una cita y ya después no nos abrieron la puerta.
Do not go!! It's a scam, they asked us for $2,800 in advance to make an appointment and then they didn't open the door for us.
Maria fernanda Gonzalez on Google

Hace 2 años tome la peor decisión de ponerme implantes glúteos con este doctor,me los coloco mal y cuando acudí me culpo y me quería cobrar 200 mil por arreglarme su mal trabajo su hijo me dijo que estaban bien que somos muy quisquillosas no vayan en verdad tomen en cuenta todas estas reseñas
2 years ago I made the worst decision to get gluteal implants with this doctor, I put them wrong and when I went he blamed me and wanted to charge me 200 thousand for fixing his bad work, his son told me that they were fine that we are very picky, don't really go take into account all these reviews
Carmen Rodriguez on Google

Busquen a verdaderos profesionales, ellos piensan que son lo máximo por que cobran carisimooo y hablan mal de todos los cirujanos , no tienen Ética cuidado no todo es lo que vemos en Tik tok
Look for true professionals, they think they are the best because they charge very expensive and speak ill of all surgeons, they do not have Ethics care, not everything is what we see on Tik tok
Mar Lia on Google

Solo con ver su instagram, puedo decir, que este doctor es un mercenario, son vulgares y corrientes los dos, eso se nota a kilómetros, no entiendo como la gente confía en ellos. Gentes!!!!, no se dejen, si pagan el triple o el doble por el trabajo, no por eso va hacer un buen trabajo ojo con eso, busquen calidad y no cantidad. Se ve que no tienen etica
Just by looking at his instagram, I can tell that this doctor is a mercenary, they are both vulgar and ordinary, it shows for miles, I don't understand how people trust them. People!!!!, don't be fooled, if you pay triple or double for the work, that's not why you're going to do a good job, watch out for that, look for quality and not quantity. It seems that they have no ethics
Elizabeth Reyes on Google

JUAN PARRA Estafador con cedula profesional, no caigan en sus promociones, no les den dinero sin conocer el contrato, pide $100,000 de apartado, te cita para valorarte y firmar contrato, mi interés era para cirugía de Mommy MakeOver por un total de $170,000....CUIDADO todas las cláusulas estàn diseñadas para que pierdas tu dinero de apartado o que estés dispuesta a pagarle todo lo que él quiera cobrarte, en mi caso después de firmar contrato me pidio examenes pre operatorios, me dio indicaciones pre operatorias, y cita para ver los resultados de los estudios , en esa cita me determinò que habia incremento en los precios de $90,000, lo cual por la explicaciòn que me diò aceptè y cambiamos el contrato, por los procedimientos adicionales (corrección de hernia y levantamiento de vejiga) quedando el nuevo contrato por un total de $260,000 (lo cual ya excedía por mucho mi presupuesto inicial, pero lo aceptè), eso no fue todo a partir de ese dìa 24/04/2022 me indicò de debìa tomar tratamientos DIARIOS pre operatorios hasta el dìa de la cirugìa programada para el dìa 06/05/2022 los cuales tendrìan costo de $6000mxn y que esto tendrìa la finalidad de disminuir riesgos durante la intervenciòn quirúrgica, Lo paguè, tomè el 1er tratamiento, el cual consistia en 3 sueros intravenosos de duraciòn aprox 2.5 horas, al dìa siguiente me presentè a tomar mi 2o tratamiento y me querian cobrar otros 6 mil, indiquè a la recepcionista /cajera / asistente/enfermera que ya había cubierto el costo el dia anterior, y esta me indicò que le precio era $6,000 por dìa , lo cual me pareciò excesivo, por lo que pedì hablar con Parra y èl mismo me dijo que sì, cada aplicacion de suero me costarìa $6,000 c/u por 14 dìas lo cual daba un total de $84,000, le preguntè que cual era el medicamento que me iba a administrar y porquè tan caro, a lo que solo me respondiò que yo no soy doctora y no tengo conocimientos de medicamentos, y asi con la mano en la cintura me dijo que si no le pago el tratamiento no me opera, obviamente me neguè, eso nunca me lo informò previamente, no venía en ninguna parte del contrato ni de las indicaciones pre operatorias, y ademàs porque se negò a dar explicaciones del medicamento de los sueros, al preguntarle a sus enfermeros dijeron que es Vitamina K, y ESO ES UN ABUSO sólo lo hace para sacarte dinero a GUSTO, debido a que solo tienes la opciòn de seguir adelante con todo lo quiera cobrarte o la opciòn de perder tu dinero, y aun faltaban los gastos post operatorios (consultas, fajas, estudios, medicamentos, sueros, etc, etc) ... yo decidì no darle un peso más a este RATERO, estoy segura que no soy la única que ha pasado por esto, el Señor Parra e hijo ya tienen vasta experiencia haciendo fraudes....
JUAN PARRA Scammer with professional ID, don't fall for their promotions, don't give them money without knowing the contract, ask for $100,000 aside, quote you to assess you and sign the contract, my interest was for Mommy MakeOver surgery for a total of $170,000.. ..BE CAREFUL all the clauses are designed so that you lose your money aside or that you are willing to pay him everything he wants to charge you, in my case after signing the contract he asked me for pre-operative exams, he gave me pre-operative instructions, and an appointment for see the results of the studies, in that appointment he determined that there was an increase in prices of $90,000, which due to the explanation he gave me, I accepted and changed the contract, for the additional procedures (hernia correction and bladder lifting) leaving the new contract for a total of $260,000 (which already greatly exceeded my initial budget, but I accepted it), that was not all from that day 04/24/2022 he told me that I should take treatment DAILY pre-operative visits until the day of the surgery scheduled for 05/06/2022, which would cost $6000mxn and that this would have the purpose of reducing risks during the surgical intervention, I paid for it, I took the 1st treatment, which It consisted of 3 intravenous fluids lasting approximately 2.5 hours, the next day I went to take my 2nd treatment and they wanted to charge me another 6 thousand, I indicated to the receptionist / cashier / assistant / nurse that I had already covered the cost the day before, and She told me that the price was $6,000 per day, which seemed excessive to me, so I asked to speak with Parra and he himself told me that yes, each serum application would cost me $6,000 each for 14 days, which gave a total of $84,000, I asked him what was the medicine that he was going to administer to me and why so expensive, to which he only replied that I am not a doctor and I have no knowledge of medicines, and so with his hand on his waist he said yes I do not pay for the treatment He did not operate on me, obviously I refused, he never informed me of that beforehand, it did not come anywhere in the contract or in the pre-operative instructions, and also because he refused to give any explanations about the medicine of the serums, when I asked his nurses they said that It is Vitamin K, and THAT IS AN ABUSE, it only does it to get money out of you, because you only have the option of going ahead with everything it wants to charge you or the option of losing your money, and the post-operative expenses were still missing (consultations , girdles, studies, medications, serums, etc, etc) ... I decided not to give this BURGLAR another weight, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gone through this, Mr. Parra and son already have vast experience doing frauds....
Lo Corral on Google

Terrible, es la peor experiencia médica de mi vida. Para empezar me hicieron gastar miles de pesos en estudios, habló terrible de todos los médicos del mundo poniéndose en un pedestal (a él y a su hijo) diciéndome que nadie en el mundo podía ayudarme más que él y queriendo cobrarme $6000 diarios por un tratamiento que jamás quiso decir en qué consistía y que a parte no garantizaba resultados. Son personas nefastas que se decían especialistas en nefrologia, por alguna razón dejaron de hacerlo pero ahora son "oncologos". No vayan, solo van a sacarles dinero.
Terrible, it is the worst medical experience of my life. To begin with, they made me spend thousands of pesos on studies, he spoke terrible about all the doctors in the world putting him and his son on a pedestal, telling me that no one in the world could help me more than him and wanting to charge me $6,000 a day for a treatment that He never wanted to say what it consisted of and that apart from that it did not guarantee results. They are disastrous people who called themselves specialists in nephrology, for some reason they stopped doing it but now they are "oncologists". Do not go, they will only take money from you.

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