Dra Cinthya Mayoral - 72000 Puebla

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dra Cinthya Mayoral

Address :

Edificio Plaza Médica II, Av 5 Pte 1501, Colonia Esmeralda, 72000 Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Website : https://www.facebook.com/Dra-Cinthya-Mayoral-821045011290824/
Categories :
City : Pue.

Edificio Plaza Médica II, Av 5 Pte 1501, Colonia Esmeralda, 72000 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
diseño ag360 on Google

excelente atención por si les sirve de algo mujeres futuras mamás
excellent attention in case it is of any use to you future mothers
vivri baja on Google

Me gusto mucho como me trataron, es una excelente Doctora, la recomiendo altamente
I really liked how they treated me, she is an excellent doctor, I highly recommend her
Marcela Cota on Google

Me encanta el trato de la Doctora y su personal, creo que tiene muchisimas atenciones con todas las personas que asistimos, me encanto estar ahí
Adrián Rodríguez Corona on Google

Parto Inhumano, Hostil y Antilactancia, mi esposa tuvo nuestro primer hijo aquí; cuando inició sus seguimientos estaba muy emocionada de la atención que obtuvo, ya que supuestamente le darían oportunidad de no incubar al bebé si naciera sano y mantenerlo con ella o que yo tuviera contacto piel con piel, de no darle fórmula y acordaron que una médica en específico asistiera su parto. Simplemente no les importó, nada de ello ocurrió y hemos afrontado problemas de lactancia extra por ello. Son una pantalla, no prometen el servicio que promueven.
Inhuman, Hostile and Antilactation Delivery, my wife had our first child here; When she began her follow-ups she was very excited about the care she received, since supposedly they would give her the opportunity not to incubate the baby if it were born healthy and keep it with her or that I had skin-to-skin contact, not to give her formula and they agreed that a doctor in specific assisting her delivery. They just didn't care, none of it happened, and we've faced extra breastfeeding issues for it. They are a screen, they do not promise the service they promote.
Dafne J. Carmona on Google

Mi primer bebé nació aquí. Los monitoreos y consultas son buenos… pero jamás te muestran las instalaciones del hospital. Tuvimos problemas con lactancia, ya que te obligan a darle fórmula al bb y te lo dan después de más de 3 horas, el trato de las enfermeras de turno del hospital es muy malo, son crueles contigo como paciente… en fin no recomiendo nada que tengan aquí un parto
My first baby was born here. The monitoring and consultations are good... but they never show you the hospital facilities. We had problems with breastfeeding, since they force you to give the baby formula and they give it to you after more than 3 hours, the treatment of the nurses on duty at the hospital is very bad, they are cruel to you as a patient... in short, I do not recommend anything that have a birth here
Elena Gonzalez on Google

Es una fachada ese consultorio, el hospital parece salido de una película de terror y es por eso que nunca te dejan entrar ni te enseñan fotos, porque solo es una casona medio adaptada, el quirofano parece improvisado, el mobiliario del mismo quirofano es muy antiguo y en malas condiciones, les juro que da mucho miedo entrar ahi!!! Pesima atención, casi me matan a mi por administrarme mal la oxitocina cuando ni siquiera era necesaria en mi caso, de hecho la doctora cynthia al llegar al quirofano regañó a Carmen la enfermera por haberme administrado mal dicho medicamento cuando yo ya estaba dilatada, no tienen equipo para monitorear el ritmo cardíaco ni presión ni nada! Solo un simple suero que para colmo me pusieron mal y tuvieron que hacerlo de nuevo en el otro brazo, yo habia pedido la anestesia epidural pero por haberme puesto la oxitocina mal ya no les dio tiempo y se les salio de control mi parto, ¡¡¡PUSIERON MI VIDA Y LA DE MI BEBÉ EN COMPLETO RIESGO POR LA NEGLIGENCIA QUE TANTO LA DOCTORA CYNTHIA COMO LAS ENFERMERAS, EN ESPECIAL CARMEN TUVIERON!!! Mi parto fue realmente e incesantemente mas doloroso debido a ello. Incluso senti cada puntada porque igualmente me hicieron la episiotomia a pesar de que me dijeron que no lo harian ya que habia dilatado bien, pero asi la doctora se cansaba menos asi que yo no importaba. Mi bebé nacio bien, pero el pediatra aun asi se lo llevo a cuneros, mi esposo no pudo ni siquiera abrazarlo cuando ya nos habian prometido practicarla técnica de papá canguro, a mi me lo dejaron ver menos de 3minutos, no respetaron que le diera leche materna inmediatamente, nos obligaron a aceptar que le dieran formula porque si no, de todas maneras no me iban a dejar amamantarlo. Yo había pedido que me guardaran la placenta y el cordón umbilical, cosa que no hicieron, despues del parto me tuvieron en un pasillo del sotano por mas de 1 hora y me entregaron a mi bebe 2 horas y media mas tarde y cuando entró la enfermera, básicamente aventó a mi bebé contra la cama donde yo estaba y se salio incluso azotando la puerta, son realmente crueles y no puedo mas que imaginar por lo mal que trataron a mi bebé inocente que no podia quejarse ni yo tenia forma de ver como lo trataban. No respetaron ningún acuerdo que hicimos, la lactancia materna se me hizo muy difícil despues debido a que lo forzaron a tomar formula, a su papá no dejaron verlo en cuneros, no querian dejar pasar a mis papás, el hospital ese parece un laberinto, es demasiado oscuro, el baño del cuarto estaba sucio, las sabanas de la cama estan viejas y tenian hoyos, la bata ya hasta amarilla de lo percudida que estaba porque no las cambian. Despues del parto antes de darme de alta una secretaria fue a pedir que firmaramos varios documentos que ni siquiera te dejan leer bien, la doctora nunca fue a revisarme ¡NI A PEDIR UNA DISCULPA POR EL DESCONTROL QUE HUBO EN MI PARTO, ni siquiera la enfermera Carmen que se supone estaba a cargo de mi ya que ella fue la que cometio la negligencia y asi nos sacaron lo mas pronto que pudieron con solo una hoja de supuestos cuidados del recién nacido que para colmo estaban muy desactualizados! ¡Fue pura violencia obstetrica, debido a eso, entre varias mamás que pasamos por esa carnicera estamos armando una demanda colectiva! POR FAVOR NO SE ACERQUEN A ELLA NI A ESA CLÍNICA DE TERROR, NO PONGAN LA VIDA DE SUS BEBÉS NI LA SUYA EN PELIGRO Si tu pasaste por eso, por favor deja tu comentario para que ninguna otra mamá tenga que pasar por ese calvario de temer por sus vidas.
That office is a facade, the hospital looks like something out of a horror movie and that is why they never let you in or show you photos, because it is only a half-adapted mansion, the operating room seems improvised, the furniture in the operating room itself is very old and in bad conditions, I swear it's very scary to go in there!!! Terrible attention, they almost killed me for misadministering oxytocin when it wasn't even necessary in my case, in fact, when Dr. Cynthia arrived at the operating room, she scolded Carmen the nurse for having misadministered that medication when I was already dilated, they don't have equipment to monitor heart rate or pressure or anything! Just a simple serum that to top it off they made me sick and they had to do it again in the other arm, I had asked for epidural anesthesia but because they gave me the wrong oxytocin they didn't have time and my delivery got out of control, ¡¡ THEY PUT MY LIFE AND MY BABY'S LIFE AT COMPLETE RISK DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE THAT BOTH DOCTOR CYNTHIA AND THE NURSES, ESPECIALLY CARMEN, HAD!!! My delivery was actually and unceasingly more painful because of it. I even felt every stitch because they still did the episiotomy despite the fact that they told me they wouldn't do it since I had dilated well, but that way the doctor got less tired so it didn't matter to me. My baby was born well, but the pediatrician still took him to the nursery, my husband could not even hug him when they had already promised us to practice the kangaroo daddy technique, they let me see him for less than 3 minutes, they did not respect that I gave him milk breastfeeding immediately, they forced us to agree to give him formula because if not, they weren't going to let me breastfeed anyway. I had asked them to keep the placenta and the umbilical cord, which they did not do, after the delivery they kept me in a basement corridor for more than 1 hour and they gave me my baby 2 and a half hours later and when the nurse came in , basically he threw my baby against the bed where I was and he even came out slamming the door, they are really cruel and I can only imagine how badly they treated my innocent baby who could not complain and I had no way of seeing how they treated They didn't respect any agreement we made, breastfeeding became very difficult for me afterward because they forced him to take formula, they didn't let his father see him in nurseries, they didn't want to let my parents pass, the hospital looks like a labyrinth, it's too dark, the bathroom in the room was dirty, the sheets on the bed are old and had holes, the robe was already yellow from how worn it was because they don't change them. After the delivery, before I was discharged, a secretary went to ask us to sign several documents that they don't even let you read properly, the doctor never went to check me NOR TO ASK FOR AN APOLOGY FOR THE DISCONTROL THAT WAS DURING MY LABOR, not even the nurse Carmen, who was supposed to be in charge of me since she was the one who committed the negligence and so they took us out as soon as they could with only a sheet of supposed newborn care that, to top it off, was very outdated! It was pure obstetric violence, because of that, among several mothers who went through that butcher shop we are putting together a class action lawsuit! PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH HER OR THAT HORROR CLINIC, DO NOT PUT THE LIFE OF YOUR BABIES OR YOURS IN DANGER If you went through that, please leave your comment so that no other mom has to go through that ordeal of fearing for their lives.
Cathy Nunez on Google

Como paciente, mujer y mamá, definitivamente no me volvería a atender aquí, y tampoco le deseo una experiencia desagradable a ninguna mamá. Consideró que incluso en el IMSS pude tener quizás una mayor atención para que fuera parto, me hubieran entregado a mi bebe y me hubieran apoyado para una lactancia materna inmediata. Quizás el trato no es el mejor, pero también me pude ahorrar vivir una situación tan complicada, por negligencia médica y pensamientos de escuela vieja. Aun así divido en puntos buenos y áreas de oportunidad. Puntos buenos: 1.Buena atención por parte de la Dra. Cinthya, como de la Dra. Jennifer, así como del equipo de enfermería, recepción y seguridad. 2.Buenas instalaciones del consultorio médico, así como de la clínica, con protocolos correctos de ingreso por la pandemia. 3.Conocimiento para la recolección de sangre y tejido para almacenamiento de cordón umbilical. 4.Excelente atención para el monitoreo prenatal, donde buscan el bienestar tanto del bebe como de la madre, y que no tiene costo. 5.Precio accesible, incluye tanto los honorarios médicos, como el servicio del hospital, insumos, medicamentos, quirófano, etc.. Sea parto o cesárea es un mismo precio, y no estas con la preocupación de que si termino en cesárea voy a tener que pagar más. 6.Consultas médicas a precio accesible con ultrasonido incluido, adicional a que la primera consulta es gratuita. Áreas de oportunidad: 1.Se basan en mejor programación para cesárea, evitando labores de parto; la realidad es que con el parto si duele y sufres unas horas, pero la recuperación es rápida, ya que, con cesárea, pasas semanas de dolor y recuperación, al final es una cirugía, sin contar que es necesario esperar al menos 18 meses para un nuevo embarazo. 2.Te comentan que papá estará con mamá en todo momento, que él bebe una vez que nace sube a cuneros con papá y permanece 3 horas en observación, para posteriormente pasarlo con mamá, es una MENTIRA. 3.El papá solo pasa 10 minutos, para ver el nacimiento del bebe, no le permiten estar más tiempo, y tampoco se queda con él bebe, ya que suben al bebe a cuneros, pero papá ya no puede pasar. 4.Servicio del área de cuneros, no te entregan a tu bebe al momento del nacimiento, sino hasta el día siguiente, antes del alta hospitalaria, con el argumento de que por el frío se deben de quedar en incubadora y prefieren que tomen fórmula en biberón, que leche materna. 5.El pediatra Sergio Rosas Aguilar con cédula 2207284 que forma parte del equipo, un médico sin calidez, de la vieja escuela, sin actualizaciones, y sin tacto médico-paciente. Dando diagnósticos erróneos y sin fundamentos, y lo peor que no puedes ver a tu bebe por el frío. 6.Mercadotecnia y publicidad engañosa, solo que contrates el paquete de fotografía, vas a tener fotos de dicho día, ya que, de lo contrario, solo lo poco que papá pueda grabar o fotografiar. (Importante, el paquete es fotógrafo, tamices y vacunas; si solo quieres contratar al fotógrafo no se puede, porque es en paquete, las vacunas son gratis en sector médico público y hay paquetes de tamices más completos en otros lugares y a un excelente precio). 7.Estacionamiento, ni el consultorio, ni la clínica cuentan con estacionamiento, hay que buscar en la calle o bien en los estacionamientos cercanos.
As a patient, a woman, and a mom, I definitely wouldn't treat myself here again, and I wouldn't wish any mom an unpleasant experience either. He considered that even in the IMSS I could perhaps have had more attention so that it would be a delivery, they would have given me my baby and they would have supported me for immediate breastfeeding. Perhaps the treatment is not the best, but I was also able to save myself from living through such a complicated situation, due to medical negligence and old school thoughts. Even so, I divide into good points and areas of opportunity. good points: 1. Good attention from Dr. Cinthya, as well as from Dr. Jennifer, as well as from the nursing, reception and security team. 2. Good facilities for the medical office, as well as for the clinic, with correct admission protocols due to the pandemic. 3. Knowledge for the collection of blood and tissue for storage of the umbilical cord. 4. Excellent care for prenatal monitoring, where they seek the well-being of both the baby and the mother, and which is free of charge. 5. Affordable price, includes both medical fees, such as hospital services, supplies, medications, operating room, etc. Whether it is a delivery or a cesarean section, it is the same price, and you are not worried that if I end up with a cesarean section, I will have to pay more. 6. Medical consultations at an affordable price with ultrasound included, in addition to the fact that the first consultation is free. Opportunity Areas: 1. They are based on better programming for caesarean section, avoiding labor; the reality is that with childbirth it does hurt and you suffer for a few hours, but the recovery is quick, since, with a caesarean section, you spend weeks of pain and recovery, in the end it is a surgery, not to mention that it is necessary to wait at least 18 months to a new pregnancy. 2. They tell you that dad will be with mom at all times, that he drinks once he is born, goes to nurseries with dad and stays for 3 hours under observation, to later spend it with mom, it is a LIE. 3. The father only spends 10 minutes, to see the birth of the baby, they do not allow him to stay longer, and he does not stay with the baby either, since they take the baby to the nursery, but father can no longer pass. 4. Service of the nursery area, they do not deliver your baby at the time of birth, but until the next day, before hospital discharge, with the argument that due to the cold they must stay in an incubator and they prefer that they drink formula in bottle than breast milk. 5. Pediatrician Sergio Rosas Aguilar with ID 2207284 who is part of the team, a doctor without warmth, from the old school, without updates, and without doctor-patient tact. Giving wrong and unfounded diagnoses, and the worst thing is that you can't see your baby because of the cold. 6. Misleading marketing and advertising, only if you hire the photography package, you will have photos of that day, since, otherwise, only the little that dad can record or photograph. (Important, the package is a photographer, screens and vaccines; if you only want to hire the photographer you cannot, because it is a package, the vaccines are free in the public medical sector and there are more complete screens packages in other places and at an excellent price) . 7. Parking, neither the office nor the clinic have parking, you have to look on the street or in nearby parking lots.
ivon hernandez on Google

Pésimo servicio, desde la primera consulta me hicieron esperar mas de una hora, pese a que tenía cita. En algunas consultas la doctora ni siquiera se aparecía y me atendía otra persona. La doctora no es especialista en ginecología y en efecto el servicio de las enfermeras es horrible. Mi parto se complicó porque según la doctora tenía placenta acreta, sin embargo los ultrasonidos nunca lo demostraron y miren que hice varios en diferentes lugares. Lo cual me genera duda por lo que respecta a la realización de su trabajo ya que el sangrado no paraba. Mi bebé me lo llevaron hasta el siguiente día y en efecto, le dan fórmula. Nada recomendable chicas, espero que les sirva de algo mi comentario
Terrible service, from the first consultation they made me wait more than an hour, even though I had an appointment. In some consultations the doctor did not even show up and someone else attended to me. The doctor is not a specialist in gynecology and indeed the service of the nurses is horrible. My delivery was complicated because according to the doctor I had placenta accreta, however the ultrasounds never showed it and look I did several in different places. Which generates doubt in me regarding the performance of his work since the bleeding did not stop. They took my baby to me until the next day and, in effect, they give him formula. Not recommended girls, I hope my comment will be of some use to you

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