Dra. Leticia Quezada Monroy, Ginecólogo - 48310 Puerto Vallarta

3.4/5 based on 5 reviews

About Dra. Leticia Quezada Monroy, Ginecólogo

We want patients to find the perfect doctor and book an appointment in the most easy way. The patient journey should be enjoyable, and that's why we are always next to them: to help them find the best possible care. Anytime, anywhere.

Contact Dra. Leticia Quezada Monroy, Ginecólogo

Address :

Aldanaca 170, Versalles, 48310 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico

Website : https://www.doctoralia.com.mx/leticia-quezada-monroy/ginecologo/puerto-vallarta
Categories :
City : Jal.

Aldanaca 170, Versalles, 48310 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico
Irene Aguilar on Google

Adriana Serrano on Google

Excelente Muy amable? ??????
Excellent Very friendly? ??????
Dany Mtz on Google

Hoy tenia mi cita con la ginecologa Leticia a las 10 a.m., después de que me la cancelaron y me la reagendaron en una ocasión. Comprendo completamente que son cosas que pasan, pero mi cita de hoy no me la cancelaron y al llegar la chica recepcionista tenia una actitud muy grosera y dio por hecho que fue porque no me pudieron contactar, y como deshaciendose de la responsabilidad de que yo haya ido y mi cita fuera cancelada. La verdad es que fue muy grosera y arrogante, cuando la razón por la cual escogí ir con la ginecóloga Leticia, fue por sus buenas referencias. La cita me la cancelaron después de ir y que la chica diera por hecho de que ya me la habían cancelado, me llego la cancelación minutos después de salir de la clínica. Espero de ante mano puedan estar más atentos de la atención de su personal hacia los pacientes.
Today I had my appointment with the gynecologist Leticia at 10 a.m., after it was canceled and rescheduled on one occasion. I fully understand that these are things that happen, but my appointment today was not canceled and when the receptionist girl arrived she had a very rude attitude and took for granted that it was because they could not contact me, and like getting rid of the responsibility that I had gone and my date was canceled. The truth is that she was very rude and arrogant, when the reason why I chose to go to the gynecologist Leticia was because of her good references. The appointment was canceled after I went and the girl assumed that they had already canceled it, the cancellation came minutes after leaving the clinic. I hope in advance you can be more attentive to the care of your staff towards patients.
Karla De Valenzuela on Google

La mejor Ginecóloga experiencia absoluta y súper profesional. La recomiendo ampliamente, su trato fue respetuoso , honesto y cálido. The best Gynecologist with absolute and super professional experience. I highly recommend it his treatment was respectful, honest and warm
The best Gynecologist with absolute and super professional experience. I highly recommend her, her treatment was respectful, honest and warm. The best Gynecologist with absolute and super professional experience. I highly recommend it his treatment was respectful, honest and warm
Jennifer Sodini on Google

I really debated whether or not to share my experience, but now that’s it’s been a week, and I’m in a calm place, I feel like it is my duty to be honest. Also, after posting about this experience in a private group for mother's in Puerto Vallarta, and getting TONS of messages about similar experiences with this doctor, I feel it is important to publicly share how this doctor treats her patients. I am 7 months pregnant and have been using this doctor since trying to conceive. She was OK since day one, a little cold, not the friendliest doctor in the world, but very professional and efficient - and speaks fluent English (I’m not fluent in Spanish yet). Plus her office is nice, clean and in a beautiful building. Last week I had my 29 week visit with her - I had been in the United States since November - and here was my experience: Doctor is aware that I am sensitive when it comes to weight. Every single time I get weighed on the scale in her office, I have my husband wait in the other room until the number is cleared and not visible. EVERY VISIT I say clearly that I don’t want my husband to see how much I weigh, and that I don’t even like looking at the number. I’ve struggled with eating disorders my whole life and it’s taken me a lifetime to love my body and not obsess over the scale. Since my last visit, in November, I gained more weight than expected. I am 5’10 and was in great shape before getting pregnant. Instead of the doctor speaking to me about the concerns around weight gain (I am the patient), the doctor decided to speak through my husband in Spanish (again, she speaks perfectly fluent English) about it all and made me feel really embarrassed and unsafe. I could only make out every few words. She was very callous, extremely cold, and had the worst bedside manner I’ve ever experienced (and this is coming from someone that had to go through a journey of her father dying from a stroke and lots of different doctors and hospitals during the two months from stroke to death). When she decided to dismiss me and begin speaking through my husband, I completely froze, felt paralyzed, and unable to actually ask the questions I wanted to ask so that I could start thinking about solutions and what "normal" weight gain is. I just sat there in shock and feeling scared, judged and traumatized. She recommended I get a test for gestational diabetes and come back, but no other solutions or guidelines beyond that. The last few months have been extremely stressful (moving from LA to PV) and I haven’t been eating as healthy as I would like, but up until that appointment I felt great and really beautiful in my body. I left that appointment feeling not only ashamed but petrified that I may have diabetes/the baby may be in danger and the doctor was so rude - I literally cried from fear every day last week. This is my first pregnancy, and my life-long OBGYN back in the states was someone I considered to be like a family member (I was with her since I was 14-years-old), that I could talk to about everything without fear or judgment. This doctor lacks empathy or compassion and I would hate to have anyone go through this, especially during an already emotional and stressful time of major life changes. Luckily, I do NOT have diabetes, have now found a lovely/kind/compassionate doctor that is thorough and honest without being cruel or judgmental. I’m walking 3 miles a day, and eating super clean. I am very grateful for his honesty about this all, while also maintaining a safe demeanor! The weight gain was from too much pizza and the stress of moving not anything detrimental to the baby, thank goodness! There’s a time and place for callousness but during a woman’s pregnancy is absolutely not the place or the time. I would not recommend this doctor to anyone, especially expats looking for care - with “CARE” being the operative word.

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