Dunosusa Cd. Natura - Dunosusa Cd. Natura

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dunosusa Cd. Natura

Address :

77553 Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9999
Postal code : 77553
Website : http://www.dunosusa.com.mx/
Categories :
City : Q.R.

77553 Q.R., Mexico
Edwin Nathan Avila Perez on Google

Muy pesimo lugar, administrado por personas sin ganas de trabajar y que le dan mas preferencia a sus platicas o chismes que a la atencion al cliente. empezando desde la encargada del lugar.
Very bad place, run by people who don't want to work and who give more preference to their talks or gossip than to customer service. starting from the manager of the place.
Maria Del Rosario Hau Ku on Google

Un lugar muy bien ubicado
A place very well located
Alex FNDM! on Google

Dan un pésimo servicio, te atienden de mala gana, son prepotentes, hace unas semanas me discriminaron por mi color de piel y mis preferencias sexuales. ¡HORRIBLE!
They give a terrible service, they take care of you reluctantly, they are arrogant, a few weeks ago I was discriminated against because of my skin color and my sexual preferences. HORRIBLE!
Wilfrido Rodriguez Silva on Google

En esta sucursal que está ubicada en la periferia del fraccionamiento hemos encontrado diferentes artículos a precios muy accesibles
In this branch that is located on the periphery of the subdivision we have found different articles at very affordable prices
Pablo Alejandro Lovera Palacios on Google

Algo pequeño, pero en general tiene todo lo que uno busca y el servicio es regular de igual manera, buen lugar para compras regulares!!
Something small, but in general it has everything one looks for and the service is regular in the same way, good place for regular purchases !!
ELMAYKI 259 on Google

Por lo general es práctico si lo que buscas es comprar cosas de uso básico . Alguno que otro cajero que aveces no te quiere despachar en carnes frías
It is usually practical if what you are looking for is to buy basic use things. Some other teller that sometimes does not want to dispatch you in cold meats
A E on Google

El personal que atiende este local en todos sus departamentos sabe con precision la manera de atender bien a una persona. Siempre estan dispuestos a ayudar y a brindarle confort y comodidad al huesped. Su actitud de servir es su mejor aliada. Felicitaciones. De otra parte la ubicacion del local y su limpieza son dos factores positivos adicionales que inclinan la preferencia por este lugar. Con gusto regresare a este local y lo recomiendo en alto grado
The staff that serves this location in all its departments knows precisely how to serve a person well. They are always willing to help and provide comfort and convenience to the guest. Your attitude of service is your best ally. Congratulations. On the other hand, the location of the place and its cleaning are two additional positive factors that lean the preference for this place. I will be happy to return to this place and I highly recommend it
Mosh Enikma on Google


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