Econopets - Zona

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Contact Econopets

Address :

83137, C. Margarita Maza de Juárez 55A, Zona, Son., Mexico

Categories :
City : Son.

83137, C. Margarita Maza de Juárez 55A, Zona, Son., Mexico
Beto Props on Google

Muy mala atención, lleve a mi gato porque mi medico de confianza estaba ocupado y no le dieron un diagnóstico correcto, el gato falleció.
Very bad attention, take my cat because my trusted doctor was busy and did not give a correct diagnosis, the cat died.
Ricardo Solis on Google

muy agradecidos con ellos y con la Dra Alexandra, diagnosticaron y operaron de emergencia a mi perrita y se salvo
very grateful to them and to Dr. Alexandra, they diagnosed and operated on my dog ​​in an emergency and she was saved
Chuy Papas on Google

Pesimo servicio, abren la veterinaria sin tener veterinarios en servicio mi perrito murio ahi por que no habia doctor
Terrible service, they open the vet without having veterinarians in service, my puppy died there because there was no doctor
Fer S. on Google

No es la primera vez que comentan que les matan a sus mascotas en esa veterinaria, NO SE ARRIESGUEN!
It is not the first time that they comment that their pets are killed in that vet, DON'T TAKE A RISK!
Karen Gisel Valenzuela on Google

Solo les importa cobrar Si tienen gato y necesitan una consulta les recomiendo spay Sonora no arriesguen la. Vida de sus mascotas en esta veterinaria llena de mata sanos
They only care about charging If you have a cat and need a consultation, I recommend spay Sonora, do not risk it. Life of your pets in this vet full of healthy kills
Ale Buitimea on Google

Acudí porque mi perra Pitbull resultó con una herida profunda, había un perro en la sala de espera y supuse que tendría que esperar pero no fue así, inmediatamente después de entrar la doctora me solicitó que lo subiera a la mesa de exámen para valorarlo, le vio la herida, le tomo el peso, la temperatura, y en todo momento fue muy profesional, me explico sobre el corte que traía, lo que pudo haber pasado y lo que la perra pudiera estar sintiendo, me dió costo de la sutura $1000 pero al verme el costo se dió cuenta que no contaba con tanto dinero, así que me explico sobre una segunda opción, que era tratar la herida como abierta y me vendió un spray para curaciones el cual he estado usando, me costó $250 y la consulta en $150, la doctora me pareció muy capaz y muy atenta con mi perra Catalina, me entregó el medicamento y la receta, y además me dijo que la guardada, que de necesitar llevarla de nuevo con esa receta ya no se me cobraría consulta, quedé muy agradecidx con la doctora y en espera de que mi perra Macorina se mejore. Ampliamente recomendado, y lo mejor qué es 24 horas. :)
I went because my dog ​​Pitbull had a deep wound, there was a dog in the waiting room and I assumed that I would have to wait but it was not like that, immediately after entering the doctor asked me to take him up to the examination table to assess him, He saw the wound, I took the weight, the temperature, and at all times he was very professional, he explained to me about the cut he had, what could have happened and what the dog could be feeling, he gave me the cost of the suture $ 1000 but When he saw the cost, he realized that he did not have so much money, so he explained about a second option, which was to treat the wound as open and he sold me a spray for healing which I have been using, it cost me $ 250 and the consultation in $ 150, the doctor seemed very capable and very attentive to my dog ​​Catalina, she gave me the medicine and the prescription, and also told me that she had saved it, that if I needed to take it back with that prescription, I would no longer be charged for a consultation, I was very thanked the doctor and in e I hope my dog ​​Macorina gets better. Widely recommended, and the best what is 24 hours. :)
Edith Meza on Google

Anoche lleve a mi gatita porque la atacó un perro y ni siquiera la revisó, solo tomo radiografía y dijo que estaba con un pulmón perforado y que tenía hemorragia interna, el caso que me dijo que debía dormirla, dije que lo pensaría y me la llevé ahorita la gatita está bien y comiendo, la revisó otro veterinario y no tiene nada de lo que me dijeron NO tenía hemorragia ni pulmones perforados, como tienen la.conciencia de matar animalitos solo para obtener ingresos?? esos son médicos sin vocación
Last night I took my kitten because a dog attacked her and she didn't even check her, I just took an X-ray and she said that she had a punctured lung and that she had internal bleeding, the case that told me I should put her to sleep, I said I would think about it and I took her Right now the kitten is fine and eating, it was checked by another vet and she has nothing of what they told me, she did NOT have bleeding or perforated lungs, as they have the consciousness of killing animals just to obtain income those are doctors without vocation
María Ortega on Google

Desde que adopté a mi mascota lo llevo ahí por sus vacunas, me atienden rápido, me explican, le toman la temperatura y lo pesan, me dan opciones y no me parece caro.
Since I adopted my pet, I've taken him there for his vaccinations, they attend me quickly, they explain to me, they take his temperature and weigh him, they give me options and I don't think it's expensive.

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