Eficacia en Capital Humano - 03900 Ciudad de México

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Eficacia en Capital Humano

Address :

Barranca del Muerto 329, San José Insurgentes, Benito Juárez, 03900 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Website : https://eficaciach.com/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Barranca del Muerto 329, San José Insurgentes, Benito Juárez, 03900 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Pattyta Cortina Y. on Google

Buena atención y todas las medidas de seguridad, a la entrada te toman la temperatura en la frente.
Good attention and all security measures, at the entrance they take your temperature on your forehead.
Abigail Blanca Gonzalez Hernandez on Google

Pésimo y nefasto servicio no pagan y en el edificio el personal es muy grosero nada de atención al cliente
Terrible and disastrous service they do not pay and in the building the staff is very rude no customer service
Juan de Dios Quiterio Vázquez on Google

Es un excelente lugar para trabajar, el ambiente laboral es muy bueno al menos en el área de finanzas en donde yo estuve.
It is an excellent place to work, the work environment is very good at least in the area of ​​finance where I was.
Valeria Fernandez on Google

La atención de ventanilla es mala, si van a cerrar a las 14:00 por lo menos deberían de actualizar el horario online.
The window service is bad, if they are going to close at 2:00 p.m. they should at least update the schedule online.
Eve Romé on Google

No acudan a esta empresa las vacantes no son lo que prometen yo acudí a una entrevista me prometieron un buen sueldo hice la entrevista la pase y después me mandaron a otro filtro con otra persona hasta el metro Tacubaya solo perdí mi tiempo y dinero me mencionó la otra persona que la información que me habían dado del sueldo no era la correcta que me habían dicho mal las cosas no vayan a perder su tiempo en esta empresa
Do not go to this company, the vacancies are not what they promise I went to an interview they promised me a good salary I did the interview and then they sent me to another filter with another person to the Tacubaya metro, I just lost my time and money. another person that the information that they had given me about the salary was not correct that they had told me things wrongly, they are not going to waste their time in this company
D M on Google

Me citaron a entrevista si no mas recuerdo un fulano de nombre Ivan bla bla y finalmente termino diciendo nos comunicaremos en los sig. dias finalmente falta de seriedad y etica laboral y unicamente perder el tiempo y gastos de traslado digo pues desde antes tenia mi Cv completo y muy explicito.
I was summoned to an interview if I just remember a guy named Ivan bla bla and finally I end up saying we will communicate in the following. days finally lack of seriousness and work ethic and only lose the time and expenses of transfer I say since before I had my full and very explicit Cv.
Ana R on Google

Es un outsourcing que ademas de que no paga, no presta atención en los perfiles para cubrir las vacantes, y terminan contratando por contratar. Me contrataron para una vacante de asistente de dirección bilingüe donde según tendría que atender al director general de una multinacional (realmente una empresa empresa fantasma de no más de 10 empleados) apoyándolo con llamadas, traducción de documentos y facturación al final resulto que la vacante era para cumplir con funciones de telemarketing cosa que de haberlo sabido no hubiera aceptado ya que no tengo experiencia realizando ventas por teléfono, tampoco se me menciono que tendría que hacer de maniobrista y cargar contenedores con stands y arañas de display de publicidad de 2 metros y más de 30 kilos de peso, siendo esto más del doble de mi peso. Al final la vacante era 60% maniobrista, 55% telemarketing y 5% auxiliar administrativo, pero el puesto lo seguían describiendo como asistente de dirección bilingüe desde el inicio se me dio la capacitación de mala gana además de ser esta pobre y falsa en algunos aspectos, no recibí soporte de archivos por parte de quien la impartió, ya que quien me la impartió me dijo que solo usaba la computadora para ver netflix o escuchar el radio... válgame dios!! debo reconocer que debí salir corriendo en ese momento pero no dije nada. Durante mis dos meses de labores solo pude salir a comer los días que mi jefe (el cliente) estuvo de viaje una semana, el resto de días no respeto mi horario y termine comiendo después de las 6 pm hasta que llegue a mi casa, esto después de subir y bajar escaleras con contenedores y cajas pesadas como parte de mi jornada laboral. Por obvias razones después dos meses presente mi renuncia voluntaria sin embargo como los pagos los manejan de forma mensual y yo presente mi renuncia un día antes de la fecha de pago, no me dijeron nada y simplemente cancelaron el pago de mi nomina es decir no me depositaron y no dieron motivo alguno posteriormente Karen Barrera reclutadora de Gingroup me llamo para que le explicara porque quería renunciar por lo que la puse al tanto de toda esta situación con su cliente (mi jefe) a lo cual le comente toda esta situación y me dijo que, que mala suerte que sentía mucho el pésimo ambiente laboral y que por favor me presentara a las oficinas del outsourcing a firmar mi finiquito a lo que le pregunte si me integrarían el pago del mes que me debían y me contesto que no me preocupara que se pagaría todo, total que fui a sus oficinas al llegar note que me habían citado a base de mentiras pues me mandaron con el director de jurídico y tres abogados más intentando intimidarme diciendo que no podría recibir mi finiquito hasta que me presentara con su cliente a hacer entrega del puesto, a lo cual respondí que no podía entregar nada porque no tenían archivos y el trabajo era más bien hacer llamadas para vender productos y cargar contenedores de estos productos y su aparadores y que no tenía problema de ir pero que para esto se me tendría que pagar primero el mes que me debían esto aparte del finiquito a lo que me dijo un tal Manuel Espinoza que me enviarían entonces más tarde por cabify mi cheque y mi finiquito para firmar en este momento empece a sospechar que lo que querían era no pagarme ese mes en adeudo pues ya solo me ponían pretextos y no me enviaban nada, hasta que me contactaron para decirme que no me podrían pagar hasta que yo firmara la renuncia, y que me la enviarían a la brevedad cuando recibí la renuncia en esta citaba textualmente que renunciaba de manera voluntaria y que no ellos no tenían ningún adeudo conmigo lo cual era FALSO!! pues aun me deben un mes de sueldo!! por lo que no firme la renuncia, y les indique que no la firmaría hasta que me pagaran lo que me debían y posteriormente a eso firmaría la renuncia y el finiquito, ha pasado más de un mes y estos tipos no dan señales de vida.... y me siguen debiendo un mes de sueldo y el finiquito.... NO LOS RECOMIENDO!! PERO PARA NADA!!!
It is an outsourcing that in addition to not paying, does not pay attention to the profiles to fill vacancies, and they end up hiring for hiring. I was hired for a vacancy as a bilingual assistant director where, according to what I would have to attend to the general director of a multinational (really a shell company with no more than 10 employees) supporting him with calls, document translation and billing in the end, it turned out that the vacancy was To fulfill telemarketing functions, which if I had known, I would not have accepted since I have no experience making sales by phone, nor was it mentioned that I would have to act as a maneuver and load containers with stands and advertising display spiders of 2 meters and more of 30 kilos of weight, this being more than double my weight. In the end, the vacancy was 60% maneuvering, 55% telemarketing and 5% administrative assistant, but the position was still described as a bilingual assistant director from the beginning, I was given the training reluctantly in addition to being poor and false in some aspects , I did not receive file support from the person who gave it to me, since the person who gave it to me told me that he only used the computer to watch Netflix or listen to the radio ... God help me! I must admit that I should have run at that moment but I didn't say anything. During my two months of work I could only go out to eat on the days that my boss (the client) was away for a week, the rest of the days I did not respect my schedule and I ended up eating after 6 pm until I got home, this after walking up and down stairs with heavy containers and boxes as part of my workday. For obvious reasons, after two months I submitted my voluntary resignation, however, as the payments are handled on a monthly basis and I present my resignation one day before the payment date, they did not tell me anything and they simply canceled the payment of my payroll, that is, they did not They deposited and did not give any reason later Karen Barrera recruiter from Gingroup called me to explain why she wanted to resign, so I made her aware of this whole situation with her client (my boss) to which she commented on this whole situation and she told me What a bad luck that I was very sorry about the bad work environment and that I please come to the outsourcing offices to sign my settlement to which I asked if they would integrate me the payment of the month that they owed me and he answered that I was not worried that Everything would be paid, so I went to their offices when I arrived I noticed that they had summoned me based on lies because they sent me to the legal director and three more lawyers trying to intimidate me by saying no I would love to receive my settlement until I presented myself with his client to deliver the position, to which I replied that I could not deliver anything because they had no files and the job was rather to make calls to sell products and load containers of these products and their sideboards and that I had no problem going but that for this I would have to be paid first the month that they owed me this apart from the settlement to which a certain Manuel Espinoza told me that they would then send me later by cabify my check and my settlement to sign At this moment I began to suspect that what they wanted was not to pay me that month in debt because they only gave me pretexts and they did not send me anything, until they contacted me to tell me that they could not pay me until I signed the resignation, and that they They would send it as soon as possible when I received the resignation in which it was quoted verbatim that I was resigning voluntarily and that they did not have any debt to me which was FALSE !! Well, they still owe me a month's salary !! So I did not sign the resignation, and indicated that I would not sign it until they paid me what they owed me and after that I would sign the resignation and the settlement, more than a month has passed and these guys show no signs of life .. and they still owe me a month's salary and the settlement .... I DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM !! BUT NOTHING !!!

Nice but the people in charge they think they are very powerful when theyvare nit millobaries

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