El Asador Catalán - 37884 San Miguel de Allende

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact El Asador Catalán

Address :

Carretera San Miguel de Allende - Querétaro, Corralejo Km. 9.5, 37884 San Miguel de Allende, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +898
Website : https://elasadorcatalan.com/
Categories :
City : Gto.

sarahi Albor Loeza on Google

No soy amante de la comida española, sin embargo el lugar está rico. El chamorro me encantó súper suave, buen sabor y porción muy grande para mi sola. El conejo que preparan 4ambien estaba más que delicioso y la porción bien servida para el precio, seguro dos pueden comer ese platillo y quedan bien. Lo único que les falto un poco es que pedí unas tortitas de jamón serrano y en ningún momento encontré el sabor del jamón. La primer naranjas que pedí no sabía nada a naranja pero la segunda ya estuvo un poco mejor.
I am not a lover of Spanish food, however the place is delicious. I loved the chamorro, super soft, good flavor and a very large portion for myself. The rabbit that 4ambien prepares was more than delicious and the portion was well served for the price, surely two can eat that dish and they look good. The only thing missing a bit is that I ordered some Serrano ham pancakes and at no time did I find the taste of ham. The first oranges I ordered didn't taste like orange at all but the second one was already a little better.
Scarlett Navarrete on Google

Debo advertir que si esperan una experiencia Mexicana este no es el lugar. He visto calificaciones bajas para este restaurante con el cual tuve una experiencia súper agradable y en la mayoría noto que las personas esperan cierto sabor o textura y este lugar es para tener un paladar flexible y estar abierto a probar cosas diferentes a nuestra gastronomía mexicana ? Para empezar el pan que utilizan para las tapas es amigajonado con toques a ajo y los embutidos son de muy buena calidad, de los mejores jamones serranos que he probado, si no estás acostumbrado a comer embutidos puede que te resulte demasiado simple. La paella no es como acostumbramos el arroz en Mexico, es un poco más crocante y tiene Azafrán en cuál puede costarte percibir si no estás acostumbrado a el. Las bebidas preparadas muy ricas, yo pedí Clericot. Tienen buena variedad en vinos, también tuve el gusto de probar del fideuá que es una pasta oscura por la tinta del pulpo, con mejillones y camarón, si lo tuyo no son los mariscos no te la recomiendo; y si los mariscos te gustan es un platillo muy distinto al de nuestras costas por lo que tienes que tener una mente abierta a paladear algo nuevo. El medallón de Atún con espárragos y papas se los súper recomiendo se los juro que no se van a arrepentir, es el atún más rico que jamás haya probado estaba tan bien preparado que era jugoso con notas ahumadas maderosas y casi sabía a arrachera de lo bien sazonado. Los postres son imperdibles, las peras al vino tinto tienen que probar porque son tremendamente jugosas y es un dulzor envinado que no hostiga. También si irás en grupo y no deseas esperar demasiado por una mesa aconsejo llamar al restaurante y hacer una reserva para ti y tus acompañantes. Y si eres muy desesperado tienes que tener en cuenta que los platillos tardar un rato en prepararse, por lo que nosotros aplicamos en pedir los alimentos de manera en que cuando estábamos recibiendo un platillo pedíamos de una vez el siguiente para cuando termináramos el primero, el segundo llegara casi en seguida. Y por último y no menos importante el lugar es amplio, bonito y con una impresión relajada, ligeramente vintage, es bastante instagrameable al igual que los platillos y a un lado del edificio hay unos vagones de tren que son muy bonitos y pintorescos, si tienen la oportunidad de echar un vistazo sin vandalizar ni destruir la propiedad les dará la impresión de que regresaron al siglo XX. En conclusión el lugar es agradable, el trato súper cálido y es fácil hablar con el chef que es Catalan y da la impresión de que es una persona muy cálida, la comida es muy rica a apreciación del paladar que lo pruebe, no es comida barata, no es para bolsillos apretados, y si te permites ser generoso con tu estómago te llevarás una grata sorpresa en calidad y gastronomía Española. Son pocas las fotos que subo esta vez porque realmente me dediqué a disfrutar el momento y en ratos olvidé fotografiar los platillos. Pd. Si eres una persona gordita podría resultarte algo incómodo el tamaño del primer baño, el del fondo es más amplio en el tocador de damas.
I must warn that if you expect a Mexican experience this is not the place. I have seen low ratings for this restaurant with which I had a super nice experience and in most I notice that people expect a certain flavor or texture and this place is to have a flexible palate and be open to trying things other than our Mexican cuisine ? For To start with, the bread they use for the tapas is friendly with a touch of garlic and the sausages are of very good quality, some of the best Serrano hams I have ever tasted, if you are not used to eating sausages it may be too simple for you. The paella is not like we are used to rice in Mexico, it is a little crispier and has Saffron in it, which can be difficult to perceive if you are not used to it. The prepared drinks are very tasty, I ordered Clericot. They have a good variety of wines, I also had the pleasure of trying fideuá, which is a dark pasta due to octopus ink, with mussels and shrimp. If seafood is not your thing, I don't recommend it; And if you like seafood, it is a very different dish from that of our coasts, so you have to have an open mind to savor something new. The tuna medallion with asparagus and potatoes I highly recommend it, I swear you will not regret it, it is the richest tuna I have ever tasted, it was so well prepared that it was juicy with woody smoked notes and it almost tasted like flank steak. seasoned. The desserts are not to be missed, the pears in red wine have to be tried because they are tremendously juicy and it is a wined sweetness that does not harass. Also, if you are going in a group and you don't want to wait too long for a table, I recommend calling the restaurant and making a reservation for you and your companions. And if you are very desperate, you have to take into account that the dishes take a while to prepare, so we applied in ordering the food in such a way that when we were receiving a dish we ordered the next one at once for when we finished the first, the second would arrive almost immediately. And last but not least, the place is spacious, beautiful and with a relaxed, slightly vintage impression, it is quite instagrammable as well as the dishes and to the side of the building there are some train cars that are very nice and picturesque, if you have the A chance to take a look around without vandalizing or destroying the property will give them the impression that they've stepped back into the 20th century. In conclusion, the place is pleasant, the treatment is super warm and it is easy to talk to the chef, who is Catalan and gives the impression that he is a very warm person, the food is very rich to the appreciation of the palate that tastes it, it is not cheap food It is not for tight pockets, and if you allow yourself to be generous with your stomach, you will be pleasantly surprised in quality and Spanish gastronomy. There are few photos that I upload this time because I really dedicated myself to enjoying the moment and at times I forgot to photograph the dishes. P.S. If you are a chubby person, the size of the first bathroom could be a bit uncomfortable for you, the one in the back is larger in the ladies' room.
Evaristo Perez on Google

Excellent food!!!
Hector Flores on Google

Not bad
Sandra Villarreal on Google

Delicious food and excelent service
David Acosta on Google

Delicious place really the pork is a delisous dish
Carla Fortson on Google

Good food just a little lacking in the service area
David Jahnke on Google

This place is very nice, it's one of the older San Miguel restaurants and the fact that it has been arround since so long, shows that its worth visiting, specially if you like Spanish food. Joan Casas the owner and Chef is such a nice guy and his food is authentic Spanish food. Joan is from Spain but has moved over 30 years ago to San Miguel and has since then his restaurant and also a factory right next to it where he does Spanish sausages and other things. Juan used to race cars and also had once the world record of the largest paella. Every Saturday he also does fresh paella with his son at the organic market TOSMA. Try out his food and hopefully you get to meet Joan.

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