EL BUITRE - 75486 Tecamachalco

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Address :

EDIFICIO 910,15 PONIENTE, C. 11 Sur, San Antonio, 75486 Tecamachalco, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +79
Categories :
City : Pue.

EDIFICIO 910,15 PONIENTE, C. 11 Sur, San Antonio, 75486 Tecamachalco, Pue., Mexico
JC Cadena on Google

Ossama Cadena on Google

Orlando Salazar on Google

Solo para alertar a las personas que piensen en contratar este grupo les informo que el dia 7 de mayo estas personas me quedaron muy mal en un evento de 15 años de mi sobrina realice un contrato con anticipacion desde el mes de marzo con un anticipo del 60% y posteriormente su representante me estuvo marcando porque nesecitaba dinero disque porque el buitre tendria una entrevista y no tenian ni para la gasolina para transladarse a cordoba asi lo dijo el representante de este grupo quien dijo ser el papa del cantante , para no hacerla mas larga el dia del evento el buitre no llego al evento argumentando que se encontraba muy lejos del lugar y que no podria llegar a tiempo por lo cual mando a otro grupo en su representacion,pero conversando con los del grupo que se presento al evento el cual no fue de nuestra elecccion me comento que a ellos los habia contratado esta persona desde el dia 27 de abril para mi evento si lees esto te digo soy gente de la sierra gente de palabra no payasos como tu buitre no te pongas un sombrero porque no te queda eso es para hombres y los hombres tenemos palabra y eso es lo que vale asi que si van a contratar a este payaso piensenlo dos veces.
Just to alert people who think of hiring this group, I inform you that on May 7 these people left me very badly in a 15-year event of my niece, I made a contract in advance since March with an advance of 60 % and later his representative was marking me because I needed money to dial because the vulture would have an interview and they did not have even for gasoline to move to Cordoba so said the representative of this group who said he was the singer's father, not to make it longer On the day of the event, the vulture did not arrive at the event arguing that he was very far from the place and that he could not arrive on time, so he sent another group on his behalf, but conversing with those of the group that presented himself to the event which did not It was our choice to tell me that they had hired this person since April 27 for my event if you read this I say I am people from the mountains people of word not clowns c Like your vulture, don't wear a hat because you don't have that left, it's for men, and men have a word and that's what it is worth, so if you're going to hire this clown, think twice.
Waldo Cadena on Google

Mira hermano las veces que nos an contratado siempre hemos cumplido al 100% y tenemos cientos de testigos que te pueden desmentir en tu comentario, tu argumentas y dices que llego otro grupo que no fue de tu elección desde ese momento mi pregunta es porque lo resiviste ????? no es creible !!! Si a si no fue el convenio era tan sensillo que si tienes el contraro como dices lo hubieras hecho valer a travez de las instancias correspondientes ya sea por la via civil o penal y no atravez de mi pagina es de mala fe comentar sin sustento alguno porque te vuelvo a repetir tenemos cientos de personas que nos an contratado y hemos quedado al 100% muy bien a qui lo mas cierto es que nunca nos contrataste y tratas de desprestigiar una carrera que tengo por mas de 8 años y de la cual dependen mas de 20 trabajadores que viven y mantienen a sus familias atravez de la empresa "El Buitre" y para mi y mi representante no es tan facil acer lo que tu dises , la verdad no tengo el gusto de conocerte ni mi representante a qui lo mas cierto es que nunca nos contrataste y alas pruevas me remito y estoy en la mejor disposicion de que todo esto se aclare si tu dices que me contratastes conones mis oficinas para cualquier controversia legal o penal que tu dises nosotros provocamos y no digas cosas ni hagas señalamientos burdos que no puedas sustentar con pruebas el hablar y difamar es tan facil pero tan dificil es comprobar y te vuelvo a repetir manchas una reputación como artista que tengo por mas de 8 años a mis clientes y amigos les puedo decir que tengo la frente limpia y que los puedo mirae alos ojos porque yo nunca tocare ni tomare algo que no es mio y que no me lo aya ganado con el sudor de mi frente y mi esfuerzo "Viva la musica norteña" "Viva la dignidad" ATT: Carlos cadena "EL BUITRE "
Look brother the times we have been hired we have always fulfilled 100% and we have hundreds of witnesses who can deny you in your comment, you argue and say that another group arrived that was not your choice from that moment my question is because you resiviste ????? it is not believable !!! If yes it was not the agreement was so simple that if you have the contraro as you said you would have done through the corresponding instances either through civil or criminal and not through my page is in bad faith comment without any support because I repeat again we have hundreds of people who have hired us and we have been 100% very well to whom the most certain thing is that you never hired us and you try to discredit a career that I have for more than 8 years and on which depend more than 20 workers who live and support their families through the company "El Buitre" and for me and my representative is not so easy to what you dises, I really do not have the pleasure of meeting you or my representative to whom the most true is that you never hired us and you prove to me I refer and I am in the best disposition that all this is clarified if you say that you contracted me conones my offices for any legal or criminal controversy that you dises us provoke and do not say things n i make coarse statements that you can not sustain with proofs talking and defame is so easy but it is so difficult to check and I repeat again a reputations as an artist that I have for more than 8 years to my clients and friends I can tell you that I have the clean forehead and that I can look at your eyes because I will never touch or take something that is not mine and that I do not win it with the sweat of my brow and my effort "Long live the northern music" "Live the dignity" ATT: Carlos chain "EL BUITRE"

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