El diente - Monterrey

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact El diente

Address :

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Categories :
City : N.L.

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Juany Castañeda on Google

Ricardo Espinosa on Google

Hermoso lugar
Beautiful place
Armando franco on Google

Gracias por compartir el acceso
Thanks for sharing access
Daniel Hdz Vera on Google

Maravilloso lugar.quisiera volver
Wonderful place.I would like to return
Eugenio Garza on Google

Al parecer quedó cerrado y dentro de una colonia privada. Eso, o fuerza civil prohibió el paso. Eso me dijeron los guardias.
Apparently it was closed and inside a private colony. That, or civil force prohibited the passage. That was what the guards told me.
Marco Toporta on Google

Lastima, que el acceso ya no se permita, que por problemas de varios dueños, ojala y el Estado tome cartas en el asunto, ya que la población requiere de lugares cercanos para salir a caminar.
Too bad, that access is no longer allowed, that due to problems of several owners, hopefully and the State will take action on the matter, since the population requires nearby places to go for a walk.
Volodymyr Ivanyshyn on Google

Está cerrado
Is closed
Alejandro Ramos on Google

El acceso principal por la caseta ya esta cerrado y el guardia no deja pasar, (es vdd comenta que proteccion civil esta al resguardo), sin embargo se puede llegar por la av sierra alta en donde esta el puente de media luna (el que tiene picos blancos) por la orilla se sigue la vereda y el arroyo seco, hasta adentro el camino esta marcado con cintillas y piedras , son 27km aprox de caminata y la dificultad es media. Espero y les sirva la informacion, saludos a quien lee. Actualización 27 de agosto 2018 Ayer domingo encontre otra ruta de alrededor de 12km , el problema es que ya estan en planeación muchas casas y privadas por las cuales hay que pasar y brincar bardas. En fin ya llegando al diente(por el rio) y despues de pasar por los 3 guardias fuimos sorprendidos por el 4 guardia. El acceso esta cerrado debido a que para llegar al diente hay 3 terrenos privados divididos y la forma de llegar seria por el RIO ya que es camino federal, el problema segun los guardias es que ya esta cerrado por el rio debido a que gente lucraba el recorrido, haciendolas de guia para gente extranjera, igual comentan que antes no habia control y cualquier persona podia pasar y hacer lo que quisiera.(ruido excesivo) Por eso los dueños optaron por 1 caseta y 3 filtros mas. Anexo foto del recorrido. Hay lugares muy bellos por ver, y si lleva agua el rio , lastima que no se puede accesar por ahi, la UNICA RUTA ALTERNA SERIA EL CAÑON DE LA VIRGEN, donde se explica como llegar, en el primer parrafo. Saludos raza.
The main access through the booth is already closed and the guard does not allow it to pass, (it is you comment that civil protection is at the guard), however you can get there by the Sierra Alta Av where the half moon bridge is (the one with white peaks) along the shore you follow the path and the dry stream, until inside the path is marked with ribbons and stones, it is about 27km of walking and the difficulty is medium. I hope and the information will serve you, greetings to whoever reads. Updated August 27, 2018 Yesterday Sunday I found another route of around 12km, the problem is that many houses and private houses are already being planned through which you have to pass and jump over fences. Anyway, reaching the tooth (by the river) and after going through the 3 guards we were surprised by the 4 guards. The access is closed because to get to the tooth there are 3 divided private lands and the way to get there would be through the RIO since it is a federal road, the problem according to the guards is that it is already closed by the river because people profited from the river. tour, making them a guide for foreign people, they still comment that before there was no control and anyone could come and do whatever they wanted (excessive noise) That is why the owners opted for 1 booth and 3 more filters. Annex photo of the tour. There are very beautiful places to see, and if the river has water, it hurts that it cannot be accessed there, the ONLY ALTERNATE ROUTE WOULD BE THE VIRGIN CANYON, where it is explained how to get there, in the first paragraph. Greetings race.

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