El Garage - 09290 Ciudad de México

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact El Garage

Address :

Av Sta Cruz Meyehualco MZ2 LT13, Santa Cruz Meyehualco, Iztapalapa, 09290 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +879
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av Sta Cruz Meyehualco MZ2 LT13, Santa Cruz Meyehualco, Iztapalapa, 09290 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Ivan Tesco Vasques on Google

Buen servicio
Good service
Blacky 19 on Google

Muy malo
Very bad
Miguel Angel Vazquez on Google

Variedad de refacciones VW.audi.seat.
Variety of VW.audi.seat parts.
Ariatna Esquivel Herrera on Google

Buen servicio
Good service
Humberto Molina on Google

Buen lugar
Good place

Excelente servicio
Excellent service
TF. Nayeli Martinez on Google

Excelente servicio, muy buena atencion. Se los recomiendo.
Excellent service, very good attention. I recommend it.
Jesus Lopez on Google

El mejor en radiadores y me sorprendió mucho, les diré porque: Yo no sé mucho de automóvil, pero si sé que mi auto se calentaba mucho, entonces de camino a Puebla busque en Google y me recomendó está zona donde hay muchas refaccionarias. Con aspecto de la Buenos Aires hay muchos vendedores que te abordan preguntando que buscás, ellos te llevan a donde necesites y les pagan comisión, por ello es mejor llegar a donde los locatarios, eso disminuye el precio. Como buen consumidor pregunté y compare precios; había precios estratosféricos y había quién no sabía nada sobre el modelo del automóvil (Fiat500) pero de entre los muchos locales había uno pequeño donde había una mujer trabajando (si una mujer mecánica, o al menos eso me pareció) Me detuve a preguntar porque la verdad ella me inspiro confianza, los otros me veían cara de "no sabe nada y le vendemos lo que queremos", así que le pregunté y llamó a un joven que me pidió revisar mi auto, le pregunté que cuanto me cobraría me dijo "NADA" y así fue, no me cobró por revisarlo, me dijo que el problema era un golpe (me habían chocado dos días antes) y me dijo que podía repararlo o cambiarlo por uno seminuevo (solo vende seminuevos lo cual baja considerablemente el precio) me hizo un pros y contras y decidí cambiarlo por completo. Mientas esperé, mire como todos los locatarios donde había preguntado antes iban a consultarle y pedir reparaciones para sus propios radiadores. Mientras espere me contó que él le da empleo a mujeres porque dice que son más honestas y porque cree en la equidad ( y aplaudo eso, pocos hombres piensas así, sobre todo tratándose de automóviles) Mientras esperé me ofrecieron agua, soda y una cerveza (calor de 37°c) muy amables. Hago esta reseña porque cuando pedí mi factura y miré el precio final quedé pensando "venderán robado?" Y con pena le pregunté: me dijeron que podía solicitar ante cualquier instancia regulatoria su calidad como vendedores y el origen de sus piezas. No dudó en mostrarme certificados y permisos de la Alcaldía y dijeron que jamás fomentan el vender robado porque eso fomento el robo de autos. Y la verdad les creí, ya que al buscar en Hacienda, Procuradoria, Semarnat (que fueron los permisos que me mostraron y tome foto) constatan que están lícitamente certificados. Gracias por haber personas honestas y comprometidas con su trabajo, pudieron aprovecharse de mi ignorancia pero me enseñaron, me dieron un servicio increíble y además seguridad. No recomiendo a los demás locatarios porque solo lucran con la ignorancia de quienes no sabemos de automóviles. Como plus me obsequiaron el anticongelante... Llegue súper bien a Puebla y ahora sigo viajando mucho y sin problemas en el automóvil. Gracias a Ángeles López y a Jorge Ramírez.
The best in radiators and I was very surprised, I will tell you why: I do not know much about a car, but if I know that my car was very hot, then on the way to Puebla I looked on Google and recommended this area where there are many parts. With the appearance of Buenos Aires there are many vendors who approach you asking what you are looking for, they take you where you need them and pay them commission, so it is better to get to the tenants, that decreases the price. As a good consumer I asked and compared prices; there were stratospheric prices and there were those who did not know anything about the car model (Fiat500) but among the many places there was a small one where there was a woman working (if a mechanical woman, or so it seemed to me) I stopped to ask why the truth, she inspired me confidence, the others saw me as "she doesn't know anything and we sell her what we want", so I asked her and she called a young man who asked me to check my car, I asked him how much he would charge me he said "NOTHING "And so it was, he did not charge me to review it, he told me that the problem was a blow (I had been shocked two days before) and he told me that I could repair it or exchange it for a pre-owned one (it only sells pre-owned which lowers the price considerably) He did a pros and cons and decided to change it completely. While I waited, look how all the tenants where I had asked before were going to consult him and request repairs for their own radiators. While I waited he told me that he employs women because he says they are more honest and because he believes in equity (and I applaud that, few men think like that, especially when it comes to cars) While I waited they offered me water, soda and a beer ( heat of 37 ° c) very friendly. I make this review because when I asked for my invoice and looked at the final price I was thinking "will they sell it stolen?" And with sorrow I asked him: they told me that I could request before any regulatory instance their quality as sellers and the origin of their pieces. He did not hesitate to show me certificates and permits from the Mayor's Office and said they never encourage selling stolen because that encouraged car theft. And I really believed them, because when looking at the Treasury, the Attorney General's Office, Semarnat (which were the permits they showed me and took a photo) they confirm that they are lawfully certified. Thank you for being honest and committed to your work, they were able to take advantage of my ignorance but they taught me, they gave me incredible service and also security. I do not recommend other tenants because they only profit with the ignorance of those who do not know about cars. As an extra they gave me the antifreeze ... I arrived very well in Puebla and now I continue traveling a lot and without problems in the car. Thanks to Ángeles López and Jorge Ramírez.

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