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Delivering sustainable growth and strong financial performance responsibly

Element’s approach to corporate responsibility is incorporated into our business decision-making and is based on a framework that identifies and addresses Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters. In 2018, we developed a Corporate Responsibility policy that confirms our commitment to integrate an ESG framework into our business practices and to demonstrate our application of regulatory best practices consistently across all jurisdictions we work in.

We also recognize the importance of continuously developing our ESG framework; we achieve this through established internal processes, oversight and reporting so that corporate responsibility is reviewed and discussed at Executive and Board level. Through this approach we seek to ensure that we conduct business in a way which is consistent with our values whilst delivering sustainable growth and strong financial performance.




Address :

Fresnos 52, Benito Juárez, 83750 Altar, Son., Mexico

Website : http://www.element.com/
Categories :
City : Son.

René MM on Google

En general un Servicio de Alimentación puede definirse como “la organización, que tiene como finalidad elaborar y/o distribuir alimentación científicamente planificada de acuerdo a recomendaciones nutricionales nacionales e intern acionales, a través de platos preparados u otras preparaciones culinarias, de acuerdo a estándares técnicos y sanitarios; destinado a pacientes hospitalizados, pacientes ambulatorios, usuarios sanos o clientes en general”. – Desde una perpectiva más general los Servivicios de Alimentación Coletiva “son aquellos establecimiento como los comedores, cafeterías y establecimientos que proveen alimentación por sí o a través de concesionario a Instituciones tales como Ministerios, Instituciones Públicas descentralizadas, fábricas, empresas, universidades, colegios, guarderías, albergues, centros de readaptación y en general a todas aque llas que atienden a un grupo determinado de personas” –Un aspecto diferenciador fundamental en los Servicios de alimentación es la calidad, o expresado de una forma más integral, la gestión de la calidad del servicio, simplemente ya no es ofrecer menús que cumplan con ciertas especificaciones y garanticen la inocuidad de los alimentos, hay que ir más allá, para aumentar la percepción de valor de los clientes y lograr su fidelidad, porque experiementan que realmente se les da algo más allá que la siemple oferta de menús. •Servicio de Alimentación tradicional comprende los restaurantes o casas de comidas que son un negocio individual o social, en los que la principal característica es un comedor múltiple en el que se sirven comidas elaboradas en una cocina común. Dentro de este grupo encontramos, por ejemplo, restaurantes de distinta categoría, autoservicios, bar, buffets, cafeterías, pizzerías, sandwicherías, hamburgueserías etc.
In general, a Food Service can be defined as “the organization whose purpose is to elaborate and / or distribute scientifically planned food according to national and international nutritional recommendations, through prepared dishes or other culinary preparations, according to technical standards. and sanitary; destined to hospitalized patients, outpatients, healthy users or clients in general ”. - From a more general perspective, the Collective Feeding Services “are those establishments such as canteens, cafeterias and establishments that provide food by themselves or through a concessionaire to Institutions such as Ministries, decentralized Public Institutions, factories, companies, universities, schools, nurseries, shelters, rehabilitation centers and in general all those that serve a specific group of people " –A fundamental differentiating aspect in Food Services is quality, or expressed in a more comprehensive way, service quality management, it is simply no longer offering menus that meet certain specifications and guarantee food safety, there is We have to go further, to increase the perception of value of customers and achieve their loyalty, because they experience that they are really given something beyond the mere offer of menus. • Traditional Food Service includes restaurants or food houses that are an individual or social business, in which the main characteristic is a multiple dining room in which meals prepared in a common kitchen are served. Within this group we find, for example, restaurants of different categories, self-services, bars, buffets, coffee shops, pizzerias, sandwich shops, hamburgers, etc.

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