Elite Graduaciones - 83190 Hermosillo

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Elite Graduaciones

Address :

Calle Gral. José María Yáñez 438, Modelo, 83190 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9798
Categories :
City : Son.

Calle Gral. José María Yáñez 438, Modelo, 83190 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico
Eva Contreras on Google

Pésima atención a cliente, cobraron por cosas que NO proporcionaron en la fiesta de graduación y que por contrato debieron otorgarnos. Sus precios tampoco son baratos, además de que son muy poco profesionales, déspotas y no te dan oportunidad de obtener un reembolso.
Terrible customer service, they charged for things that they did NOT provide at the prom and that by contract they should have given us. Their prices are not cheap either, plus they are very unprofessional, despotic and don't give you a chance to get a refund.
Daniel Ruiz on Google

Muy buen servicio
Very good service
Alma Garcia Torres on Google

sin estrellas. Horrible servicio, llevamos 4 meses, casi 5, esperando las fotos de forma digital y nos dicen que las mandaran pero no la mandan, la ocupamos para el video en nuestra graduación, no contestan dudas. Las fotos se tomaron en julio, nos apuraron a pagar (nada barato) antes de agosto-septiembre, estamos en octubre y dan largas. No contraten a esta empresa, es pésima en servicio y atención a cliente!
starless. Horrible service, we have been waiting 4 months, almost 5, waiting for the photos digitally and they tell us that they will send them but they do not send it, we use it for the video at our graduation, they do not answer doubts. The photos were taken in July, they rushed us to pay (not cheap) before August-September, we are in October and they are long. Do not hire this company, it is lousy in service and customer service!
E. Miranda on Google

No contraten a esta empresa. Prometen mucho en sus paquetes pero luego cada vez te van pidiendo más porque no les alcanza para ni para lo más básico. Nuestra graduación fue UN año después debido al pandemia y hubo pésima organización. Los arreglos de las mesas eran de mal gusto y algunos estaban rotos. No nos dieron la locación del after hasta la hora de salida de la fiesta (Para esto prometieron que en el after habría comida y que nos llevaría un autobús) Nos mandaron a un terreno HORROROSO, difícil de llegar a las afueras de la ciudad, que inclusive hasta me atrevo a decir que se lo sacaron de la manga solo para cumplir con que habría "after", ah y para esto tuvimos que movilizarnos nosotros porque el camión ni sus luces. Los tiempos de las fotos muy limitados. Para esto en el paquete incluye "fotos" las cuales son solamente 6 y ni si quiera te las dan digitales, para eso hay que pagar más aún. Uno diría que es normal pero no es así, ya que lo que pagamos fue en un paquete que inclusive incluía arreglos florales, mariachi, despensas y más fotos de la ceremonia y la misa y NO TUVIMOS, entonces, en que se gastaron el demás dinero si ni si quiera pudieron hacer un baile decente? Y ni hablar de la pésima atención a cliente, son personas groseras y soberbias, te contestan ya cuando tu arreglaste el problema, para los horarios de la toma de fotos y la entrega de alcohol no fueron nada comprensivos ya que lo hacían en días entre semana en horario laboral. IMPOSIBLE ya que muchos de nosotros ya trabajábamos e inclusive nos habíamos mudado de ciudad NO CONTRATEN ELITE.
Do not hire this company. They promise a lot in their packages but then every time they ask for more because they are not enough for even the most basic. Our graduation was ONE year later due to the pandemic and there was a terrible organization. The table settings were in poor taste and some were broken. They did not give us the location of the after party until the party's departure time (for this they promised that in the after party there would be food and that a bus would take us) They sent us to HORROROUS terrain, difficult to reach the outskirts of the city, which I even dare to say that they took it out of their sleeve just to fulfill that there would be an "after", ah and for this we had to mobilize ourselves because the truck or its lights. The times of the photos are very limited. For this, the package includes "photos" which are only 6 and they don't even give you digital ones, for that you have to pay even more. One would say that it is normal but it is not like that, since what we paid was in a package that even included flower arrangements, mariachi, pantries and more photos of the ceremony and the mass and we DID NOT HAVE, then, in which the other money was spent if they couldn't even do a decent dance? And not to mention the terrible customer service, they are rude and arrogant people, they answer you already when you fixed the problem, for the schedules of the taking of photos and the delivery of alcohol they were not comprehensive since they did it on weekdays during business hours. IMPOSSIBLE since many of us were already working and had even moved to another city DO NOT HIRE ELITE.
Jalil Saucedo on Google

Muy poco profesionales, pesima atencion y muy tardados en hacer para lo que se les pago, pero eso si son muy buenos para estar cobrando, ya van mas de 3 meses que nos tomaron las fotos y nada mas dan largas, fue un error contratarlos para la toma de fotos, si tienen oportunidad haganlo con otra empresa, no se los recomiendo aqui.
Very unprofessional, terrible attention and very slow in doing what they are paid for, but that if they are very good to be charging, it has been more than 3 months since they took the photos and they just take long, it was a mistake to hire them to Taking photos, if you have the opportunity, do it with another company, I do not recommend them here.
Hayhdee DIAZ CASTILLO on Google

No tienen seriedad en los servicios que ofrecen, tengo más de 3 meses esperando que me entreguen mi paquete y, es hora que ni siquiera nos dan fecha para la entrega.
They are not serious about the services they offer, I have been waiting for my package to be delivered for more than 3 months and it is time that they do not even give us a date for delivery.
Wenceslao Verdugo on Google

No cumplieron ni la mitad del contrato, nomas les pagas o les das un anticipo y te dan un trato muy muy grosero hasta humillante, cuando la gene se entero como se portaban con los que ya habia pagado o abonado los que no habian pagado aun, prefirieron ya no festejar su graducion con elite, (por lo que no todos estuvimos en el baile), falto camion al after, comida en el after, dj en exterior del salon, carro de shots y muchas cosas mas, ademas a mi me empezaron a cobrar un anillo de oro cuando pedi de plata y todavia dias antes de que los hicieran me entero que me iban a entregar uno de plata disque por que pedi oro blanco (pedi plata no oro y menos oro blanco) me fui a quejar a la oficina y me dijeron que si no pagaba el anillo en oro no me iban a dar las entradas para el baile (y no me iban a regresar el dinero del baile) si no pagaba el anillo de oro blanco (que todavia no hacian y que no pedi de oro) total como no lo habian hecho y a fuerza tenia que pagar el de oro acordamos que me dieran el anillo de oro dorado, que para acabar no me lo dieron, me lo tiraron en la mesa de la recepcion, se hicieron los ofendidos y me cuestionaron cuando lo revise
They did not fulfill even half of the contract, you just pay them or give them an advance and they treat you very very rudely even humiliating, when the people found out how they behaved with those who had already paid or paid those who had not paid yet, they preferred not to celebrate their graduation with the elite anymore, (so not all of us were at the dance), there was no truck for the after-party, food at the after-party, DJ outside the hall, shot car and many other things, besides they started me to charge a gold ring when I asked for silver and still days before they made it I found out that they were going to give me a silver ring because I asked for white gold (I asked for silver not gold and less white gold) I went to complain to the office and they told me that if I didn't pay for the gold ring they weren't going to give me the tickets for the dance (and they weren't going to return the money for the dance) if I didn't pay for the white gold ring (which they still hadn't done and I asked for gold) total since they hadn't already done it, I had to pay the gold one, we agreed that I They gave me the gold gilt ring, but finally they didn't give it to me, they threw it on the reception table, they acted offended and questioned me when I checked it
Angela Rangel on Google

Estamos esperando desde antes de las 9 de la mañana a q abran....son 9:42 y no se presentan.... Se pudieran organizar mejor...para dar un mejor servicio ...es nuestra propuesta
We've been waiting since before 9 in the morning for them to open... it's 9:42 and they don't show up.... They could be better organized... to provide a better service... it is our proposal

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