Embajada de la República Popular de China - 01090 Ciudad de México

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Contact Embajada de la República Popular de China

Address :

Av. San Jerónimo 217b, Tizapán San Ángel, La Otra Banda, Álvaro Obregón, 01090 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : http://mx.china-embassy.org/esp
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av. San Jerónimo 217b, Tizapán San Ángel, La Otra Banda, Álvaro Obregón, 01090 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Jazmin Sanz on Google

El trámite es rápido Llevas todo y no tardas nada Obviamente si no llevas un documento pierdes tu lugar (hay mucha gente formada) No entras con celular y bolso porque es una embajada no se que creen que es esto para que se queje de eso Esto no es la inscripción al kinder por favor si no llevan todo no hagan perder el tiempo
The process is fast You carry everything and it doesn't take anything Obviously if you do not carry a document you lose your place (there are many people trained) You don't come in with a cell phone and a purse because it's an embassy, ​​I don't know what they think this is for him to complain about it. This is not kindergarten registration, please, if you don't have everything, don't waste your time
Aaron Li on Google

At 8:00 am on Saturday, the airline refused to board the plane due to the expiration of the passport. In a hurry, he called the embassy. Someone soon connected the phone and suggested that I apply for a travel permit on Monday and inform the WeChat platform. The documents and procedures required for the permit were arrived at the embassy at 9 am on Monday. Although there were many Mexicans working in front of the door, it was the first time to enter the embassy for business because of Chinese citizens. I got a travel permit at 11 am. The embassy has a good service attitude and is very efficient. The only fly in the ointment is the lack of documents and actual requirements on WeChat, so the copying place is not far from the embassy.
Sinai Olivares on Google

Para los que hacen trámite urgente y son de fuera de la Ciudad de México, dos recomendaciones: El trámite es muy sencillo pero sí debes llevar todos los papeles en ese momento, nada de que sí tienes el hotel pero no llevas la reserva (porque así escuché a alguien, tampoco se pasen). 1. Lleven resistol para pegar su foto por cualquier cosa, copias sin llenar del formulario y sobre todo, si el trámite es urgente LEGUEN ANTES DE LAS 9AM. Deben pasar a ventanilla antes de las 12:30, de otra manera su visa será entregada a los 4 días hábiles y no al siguiente día (para recoger visa es mucho más rápido). Considerar esto porque si les hace falta/corregir algo deben regresar a formarse, pierden tiempo y no podrán solicitar la visa urgente. 2. La fila para la visa es en la parte trasera de la embajada frente a BANSEFI, no en la entrada principal como aparece en las fotos.
For those who do urgent paperwork and are from outside Mexico City, two recommendations: The procedure is very simple but you must carry all the papers at that time, nothing that you do have the hotel but do not carry the reservation (because I heard someone, do not pass). 1. Bring Reselol to paste your photo for anything, unfilled copies of the form and above all, if the procedure is urgent, LEGEN BEFORE 9AM. They must go to the window before 12:30, otherwise your visa will be delivered after 4 business days and not the next day (to collect a visa is much faster). Consider this because if they need / correct something they must return to training, they lose time and cannot apply for an urgent visa. 2. The line for the visa is at the back of the embassy in front of BANSEFI, not at the main entrance as it appears in the photos.
Kvneando El Mundo kevin hernandez on Google

La entrada para solicitar visas está enfrente de bansefi direccion hacia periferico, ya debe de traer uno todos los requisitos y la forma llenada para poder solicitar la visa.
The entrance to apply for visas is in front of bansefi towards the periphery, you must already bring all the requirements and the completed form to be able to apply for the visa.
Itzel Guerrero on Google

A pesar de estar en pandemia siempre hubo comunicación por medio de correo electrónico. Y además tuve un problema con mi papeleo y ellos mismo lo arreglaron con el gobierno Mexicano. En mi experiencia , excelente servicio.
Despite being in a pandemic, there was always communication through email. And I also had a problem with my paperwork and they fixed it with the Mexican government. In my experience, excellent service.
José Federico Olvera Rincón on Google

¿Se podrá mediante pago me consigan la vacuna china cansino refuerzo. Se ha comentado es necesario por tener efectividad 8 veces mayor de defensas que la que ya nos aplicaron, la cansino, hace 6 meses y aquí no se ha mencionado sobre traer esta o con cual complementarla, ya sea pfizer u otra.
Will it be possible by payment to get me the tired Chinese booster vaccine. It has been commented that it is necessary to have 8 times greater effectiveness of defenses than the one they already applied to us, the tiresome, 6 months ago and here it has not been mentioned about bringing this or with which to complement it, be it Pfizer or another.
Emmanuel echavarria on Google

All slowly, so bad service of the guard and the officer
Cong Ding on Google

After being robbed in Mexico, I contacted the embassy right away to get a new travel document. Though at first the older lady on the phone was a bit unprofessional, when I arrived at the embassy, they gave me the new travel document within one hour because of my special situation. Thank you for the good work!!

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