Embassy of Italy - 11000 Ciudad de México

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Embassy of Italy

Address :

Av. Paseo de las Palmas 1994, Lomas de Chapultepec I Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11000 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : http://www.ambcittadelmessico.esteri.it/ambasciata_cittadelmessico/it/ambasciata/gli_uffici
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av. Paseo de las Palmas 1994, Lomas de Chapultepec I Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11000 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Magda Giordano on Google

Una vez que logramos la cita, lo demás fue muy rápido. Muy amables y el mismo día salimos con nuestro pasaporte. Es necesario llevar el dinero exacto.
Once we made the appointment, the rest was very fast. Very friendly and the same day we left with our passport. It is necessary to carry the exact money.
Diann Sanchez Sotelo on Google

¡Agradecida infinitamente! Cada uno de los miembros de esta embajada hicieron todo el proceso más ameno; gracias por toda la disposición del mundo para atender las mil dudas existentes y gracias por todo el apoyo para permitirnos lograr nuestros sueños.
Infinitely grateful! Each of the members of this embassy made the whole process more enjoyable; Thank you for all the willingness in the world to address the thousand existing doubts and thank you for all the support that allows us to achieve our dreams.
C Lazzeri on Google

Todo el personal muy amable y su atención fantástica. Reconocimiento para el Señor Torres por su paciencia y amabilidad en la entrada. Sigue siendo un poco complicado conseguir una cita.
All the staff are very friendly and their attention is fantastic. Recognition for Mr. Torres for his patience and kindness at the entrance. It's still a bit of a hassle to get a date.
Wilmer Forghieri on Google

La atención telefónica ESTUPENDA! Abiertos a apoyar, encontrar soluciones y dar guia para hacer los trámites bien a la primera.
Vanessa Marchena on Google

Llamé por teléfono para preguntar sobre las citas para pasaporte y la persona de la recepción cuestionó el porqué renuncié a mi otra nacionalidad, súper triste que alguien tenga que opinar sobre las decisiones personales. No tener pasaporte me trae problema con los bancos, ya me bloquearon mi tarjeta de débito y solicitudes que requiero hacer (cambio de hipoteca y firma ante notario); esto es una pesadilla.
I phoned to ask about passport appointments and the person at the reception questioned why I gave up my other nationality, super sad that someone has to have an opinion on personal decisions. Not having a passport brings me problems with the banks, they have already blocked my debit card and requests that I need to make (change of mortgage and signature before a notary); this is a nightmare.
Valter Orchard on Google

Da italiano in vacanza in città del Messico, mi sono sentito orglioso della nostra ambasciata. La signora Maria, contattata da noi telefonicamente per una problematica con la polizia locale, ha risolto in men che non si dica e telefonicamente, la questione. Grazie mille
As an Italian on vacation in Mexico City, I felt proud of our embassy. Mrs Maria, contacted by us by telephone for a problem with the local police, resolved the matter in no time at all and by telephone. A thousand thanks

Personalmente non ho mai avuto problemi con gli impiegati, però sì i tempi son lenti. Qualora ci fosse un problema ti possono rivedere la settimana successiva MA non considerano che in molti vivo a oltre 1000 km da lì e non è facile. Una cosa che non capisco (e siamo nel 2022) è perché si ostinano a farsi pagare in contanti o con assegno al portatore. Dovrebbero agevolare le persone con un pagamento con bancomat o trasferimento bancario. Per il resto, pazienza e sangue freddo. Se non si ha fretta svolgono il loro lavoro con efficacia.
Personally I have never had problems with employees, but yes, times are slow. If there is a problem they can see you again the following week BUT they do not consider that many live over 1000 km from there and it is not easy. One thing I don't understand (and this is 2022) is why they insist on getting paid in cash or by check to bearer. They should facilitate people with an ATM payment or bank transfer. For the rest, patience and coolness. If you are not in a hurry, they do their job effectively.
Chaz67 on Google

Unsurprising a very predictable outcome...... useless, unprofessional and pathetic "service" to the citizens...... W l'Italia

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