Eme Red Hospitalaria - 97000 Mérida

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Eme Red Hospitalaria

Address :

56 y 56 A Calle 33, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +999979
Website : http://www.emered.mx/
Categories :
City : Yuc.

56 y 56 A Calle 33, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico
SteppenWolf MX (SteppenWolf) on Google

Recomiendo mucho este hospital por sus instalaciones y personal pero mención honorífica al Urólogo José Emilio Bolio Romero que mi papá teniendo una próstata muy grande y con un pequeño desgarre en la uretra salió de la cirugía mi papá bien sin problemas.
I highly recommend this hospital for its facilities and staff, but with an honorable mention to Urologist José Emilio Bolio Romero that my father, having a very large prostate and with a small tear in the urethra, came out of the surgery, my father was fine with no problems.
Mariana Padilla on Google

Excelente hospital... Todo el personal muy amable, los enfermeros y enfermeras siempre pendientes, las instalaciones muy limpias y cómodas, estoy muy contenta con el servicio, sobre todo con la atención del doctor Hans Heming...
Excellent hospital... All the staff are very friendly, the nurses are always attentive, the facilities are very clean and comfortable, I am very happy with the service, especially with the care of Dr. Hans Heming...
Carlos Osorio on Google

Pesima experiencia en urgencias, unicamente tratan de hacer el mayor numero de estudios para aumentar la cuenta, sin hacer las pruebas o exploraciones suficientes para justificar un RX, ultrasonido ó tomografia. Por lo que decidi no hacerme los estudios solicitados y pedir una segunda opinion en otro hospital.
Terrible experience in the emergency room, they only try to do the greatest number of studies to increase the account, without doing enough tests or explorations to justify an X-ray, ultrasound or tomography. So I decided not to do the requested tests and ask for a second opinion at another hospital.
Roberta Villanueva on Google

Bellas enfermeras de lo mejor la atención. Al principio mencioné sólo lo de la parte superior sin embargo al ver comentarios tan negativos preferí explayarme un poco más Pienso que el area de enfermería al menos de admisión hospitalaria hace lo que tiene que hacer y son uy buenos en ello, es comprensible que el que te ayude a salir o vestirte sea tu familiar ya que es más cómodo pero siempre te acompañan hasta la puerta como es el protocolo hospitalario, además la canalización es excelente y se preocupan por tu comodidad en esos momentos difíciles de incertidumbre de una cirugía. Pero bueno cada quien cuente como le fue y yo estoy encantada ?
Beautiful nurses with the best care. At first I only mentioned the top part, however, seeing such negative comments, I preferred to expand a little more I think that the nursing area, at least in hospital admissions, does what it has to do and they are very good at it. It is understandable that the one who helps you get out or get dressed is your family member, since it is more comfortable, but they always accompany you to the door. as is the hospital protocol, in addition the channeling is excellent and they care about your comfort in those difficult moments of uncertainty of a surgery. But well everyone tell how it went and I'm delighted ?
Eduardo Jimenez on Google

Brian on Google

Hospital and Dr's were amazing had a great experience twice one emergency surgery and one endoscopic
S on Google

Absolute worst. No infection control. Track blood in and out of the rooms without cleaning it. No use of gloves. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Katie Eyles on Google

I went to the Urgent Care/ER here for sudden and severe back and abdominal pain. I arrived at 8:30pm on a Wednesday and they were able to see and treat me pretty much immediately. There were a fair number of staff that spoke English, but I was under the expectation (from other reviews) that there would be more. This was a bit frustrating, but thank goodness for phones and Google Translate! The staff were friendly and willing to work with me. My primary complaint is the inconsistency of information that was delivered to me throughout my 21 hours there. I think this was due to the ~20 different people I worked with in this time in combination with the language barrier. My bill ended up being much higher than expected and initially told, but in the end, I'm glad I was treated, and treated fairly well given the circumstance. The WiFi was pretty spotty.

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