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Address :

Valentina 16, Santiago Momoxpan, 72860 Cholula, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +777
Categories :
City : Pue.

Valentina 16, Santiago Momoxpan, 72860 Cholula, Pue., Mexico
Isaias Garita on Google

Norma C S on Google

Mi perrita estaba por parir y ya tenia toda la noche asi, decidí hablarle a su veterinaria y no pude localizarla, entonces busqué en internet y me topé con este anuncio. Le llamé, el hombre llegó como a las 8:00 a.m. A atender a mi perrita y en lugar de decirme que todavia le faltaba tiempo, inventó que un cachorrito tenía el cordón enredado y que por eso era urgente hacerle una cesarea. ( ahora se que eso no sucede en los perros de raza pequeña) no llevaba NADA esteril, no llevaba ni con que abrir a mi perrita y me pidió un cutter, la operó en mi sala sin ninguna higiene, yo estaba mas preocupada porque no se murieran los cachorritos y mi perrita, que pasé por alto todoas estas irregularidades confiando que era un veterinario calificado y por lo tanto, sabía lo que estaba haciendo. Me cobró mas por ligarla, según el, y lo que hizo fué amarrarle el cuello de a matriz con HILO DE PESCAR!! Lo que le ocacionó una hemorragia interna, después le hizo un amarre en el centro de la matriz, otra vez con hilo de pescar y le hizo un corte en ella, lo que le volvió a hacer otra hemorragia. Después la cerró de nuevo con hilo de pescar. Y asi la dejo. A los dos dias de esto, mi perrita se estaba muriendo, la lleve de emergencia con su veterinaria, misma que tuvo que hablar por teléfono con este tipo, mismo que le conto las porquerias que le habia hecho a mi perrita. La tuvieron que volver a operar de urgencia, le encontraron un pedazo de intestino necrosado, una parte de la pared abdominal igual, y la vejiga. Estuvo en cuidados intensivos casi una semana y vive casi de milagro. Toda esta tragedia sucedió gracias a este tipo. Le hablé para pedirle comprobante de lo que le pagué y no contestó.
My dog ​​was about to give birth and I already had all night like this, I decided to talk to her veterinarian and I could not find her, so I searched the internet and came across this ad. I called him, the man arrived at about 8:00 a.m. To attend to my dog ​​and instead of telling me that he still lacked time, he invented that a puppy had a tangled cord and that was why it was urgent to do a cesarea. (Now I know that does not happen in dogs of small breed) I had NOTHING sterile, I did not even have to open my dog ​​and asked for a cutter, he operated in my room without any hygiene, I was more worried because I do not know died the puppies and my dog, who overlooked all these irregularities trusting that he was a qualified veterinarian and therefore, knew what he was doing. He charged me more for flirting, according to him, and what he did was tie his neck to the womb with FISHING LINE !! What caused an internal hemorrhage, then he tied it in the center of the womb, again with fishing line and cut it in it, which made him another hemorrhage again. Then he closed it again with fishing line. And so I leave it. Two days after this, my dog ​​was dying, take her to emergency with her veterinarian, who had to talk on the phone with this guy, who told him the crap he had done to my dog. They had to return to operate urgently, they found a piece of necrosed intestine, a part of the same abdominal wall, and bladder. He was in intensive care for almost a week and lives almost by miracle. All this tragedy happened thanks to this guy. I spoke to ask him for proof of what I paid him and he did not answer.

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