Enrique Bricker - 07760 Ciudad de México

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Contact Enrique Bricker

Address :

Lima 280, Magdalena de las Salinas, Gustavo A. Madero, 07760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9998
Website : http://www.enriquebricker.com.mx/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Lima 280, Magdalena de las Salinas, Gustavo A. Madero, 07760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Sofia Maya on Google

Me dejaron muy mal mi corte, ni siquiera me preguntaron como, para lo que cobran las recepcionistas son unas déspotas elitistas y groseras, no hay ni el más mínimo trato de amabilidad."Nada" te barren de arriba hacia abajo. No lo visiten, no lo recomiendo ?
They left my court very badly, they didn't even ask me how, for what the receptionists charge they are elitist and rude despots, there is not even the slightest kindness treatment. "Nothing" will sweep you from top to bottom. Don't visit it, I don't recommend it ?
Yadza Aguilar on Google

El día lunes 13 de enero 2020 acudí a realizarme un corte y desde que llegué su poca atención que porque era día de limpieza, insisti que no había sacado cita, si era necesario regresaría otro día y me dijeron que no, sólo que no me lavarían el cabello, yo respondí que no importaba pues ese día era temprano y ma había bañado.. me quedé parada como 7min sin que nadie me ofreciera un asiento o un "permitame" era obvio que a las 11am no era buen momento que yo llegara pregunté donde podía dejar mi saco de la oficina y me lo pusieron en la silla siguiente.. me cortan el cabello y se acerca uno de ellos a preguntar de quien era el saco que estaba ahí y respondí que era mío... solo lo hizo bolita y lo puso donde estaba lleno de pelos, suficiente!! Me pare molesta, pedí mi cuenta y me retiré. Obviamente me cobraron todo sin buena atención y sin recibir el trabajo completo, Pedí hablar con el gerente y me dijeron que estaba en zona rosa, me dirijo a esa zona días después y aprovechar platicar mi mala experiencia.. no hicieron nada, tomaron mis datos y jamás supe de alguien para tener una explicación de mi mala experiencia.. MILES DE ESTETICAS Y YO CAÍ EN LA PEOR
On Monday, January 13, 2020 I went to make a cut and since I received his little attention that because it was a cleaning day, I insisted that I had not made an appointment, if necessary I would return another day and they said no, just that they would not wash me the hair, I replied that it did not matter because that day was early and ma had bathed .. I stayed as 7min without anyone offering me a seat or a "allow me" it was obvious that at 11am it was not a good time that I arrived I asked where I could leave my sack in the office and they put it in the next chair .. they cut my hair and one of them approached me to ask who was the sack that was there and I replied that it was mine ... only made it and put it where it was full of hairs, enough !! I got upset, asked for my bill and withdrew. Obviously they charged me everything without good attention and without receiving the full job, I asked to speak with the manager and they told me that I was in the pink zone, I go to that area days later and take advantage of talking about my bad experience ... they did nothing, they took my data and I never knew someone to have an explanation of my bad experience .. THOUSANDS OF AESTHETICS AND I FELL IN THE WORST
Mariana Rodriguez C on Google

Muy buena atención de parte del personal, sólo fuí por un presupuesto pues ya casí cerraban, pero me convenció su esmero y profesionalismo al resolver mis dudas. Regresaré sin duda.
Very good attention from the staff, I only went for a budget because they were almost closing, but I was convinced by their dedication and professionalism when solving my doubts. I will return without a doubt.
Lesli López Jiménez on Google

Fuí a realizarme un corte de cabello y me lo dejaron horrible, a pesar de que le mostré fotos a la chica de como quería el corte de cabello hizo lo que quiso.Me lo dejo super cortito.
I went to get a haircut and they left it horrible, even though I showed the girl photos of how she wanted the haircut, she did what she wanted, I kept it super short.
Fernando Campos on Google

Eduardo Village es un gran estilista, se los recomiendo
Eduardo Village is a great stylist, I recommend them
Erika Villafaña on Google

Pedí un corte, pregunte si podían hacerlo pero me hicieron un corte muy diferente a lo que quería... Caro y la atención del personal regular... No lo recomiendo...
I asked for a cut, asked if they could do it but they made me a very different cut than what I wanted ... Expensive and regular staff attention ... I don't recommend it ...
Julieta Glez on Google

Fui a relizarme efectos de color y corte en capas y no hay palabras para describir el terrible trabajo q me hicieron, el color nada parecido a lo q pedi y la calidad del tinte pesima, me quemo el cabello mucho, adicional se nota que no estan preparados ni reciben capacitacion, el corte era tan facil q cualquier estilista podria hacerlo pero aqui NO... la cuenta fue de 4500 pesos por el peor servicio que puede dar un salon.. CERO recommendable.
I went to do color effects and layered cuts and there are no words to describe the terrible job they did to me, the color is not similar to what I asked for and the quality of the dye is terrible, I burn my hair a lot, additionally it shows that they are not They are prepared or receive training, the cut was so easy that any stylist could do it but NOT here ... the bill was 4500 pesos for the worst service that a salon can give .. ZERO recommended.
Frank Lopez on Google

Llegue por un corte y salí pelón, también el chavo me lastimó la nuca con su máquina vieja, no vi que haya cambiado la navaja para rasurar, cuídense no vayan a salir con una infección en la piel.
I arrived for a cut and came out bald, the guy also hurt the back of my neck with his old machine, I didn't see that he changed the razor, take care you don't go out with a skin infection.

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