Entretelares - 72760 San Andrés Cholula

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Entretelares

Address :

Portal Guerrero 9, Centro, 72760 San Andrés Cholula, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +789
Categories :
City : Pue.

Portal Guerrero 9, Centro, 72760 San Andrés Cholula, Pue., Mexico
Philippe Carrasco on Google

La tienda esta hermosa tiene piezas realmente únicas y de diseñadores mexicanos, conozco a la dueña personalmente y es muy buena persona, he notado el esfuerzo y empeño con el que trabaja la dueña.
The store is beautiful, it has really unique pieces and from Mexican designers, I know the owner personally and she is a very good person, I have noticed the effort and effort with which the owner works.
Patricia Torres Cocone on Google

Entretelares como experiencia propia es una hermosa tienda, la cual apoya el arte mexicano trabajando de la mano con los artesanos y del tiempo que llevo conociendo a la dueña siempre me ha parecido una buena persona y el trato con ella siempre ha sido bueno desde hace tres años que la conozco
Entretelares as its own experience is a beautiful store, which supports Mexican art working hand in hand with the artisans and the time I have known the owner has always seemed to me a good person and the treatment with her has always been good for three years. years I've known her
Valeria Rope on Google

Entretelares vende mis productos desde que abrió al publico, hace aproximadamente 8-9 años. Siempre hemos tenido una relación basada en respeto y armonía. Mi experiencia tanto como clienta como proveedora es excelente. Tienda hermosa, con pincipios eticos y comercio justo, promueve tanto a artesanos como a diseñadores independientes, todos mis respetos.
Entretelares has been selling my products since it opened to the public, approximately 8-9 years ago. We have always had a relationship based on respect and harmony. My experience both as a client and as a provider is excellent. Beautiful store, with ethical principles and fair trade, promotes both artisans and independent designers, all my respects.
Ale Vi De on Google

Vivo en el extranjero y cada que voy a México, visito sus tiendas por que aparte de tener cosas super lindas, la atención es ideal. Y la dueña no tiene nada que ver con lo que estoy leyendo. Es una persona que siempre defiende la integridad de sus empleados, y del producto 100% hecho en Mex. No se vale difamar el esfuerzo de alguien, y crear falsas reseñas.
I live abroad and every time I go to Mexico, I visit their stores because apart from having super nice things, the attention is ideal. And the owner has nothing to do with what I'm reading. He is a person who always defends the integrity of his employees, and of the product 100% made in Mex. It is not worth slandering someone's effort, and creating false reviews.
diana martinez on Google

El tiempo que llevo conociendo y trabajando para Fernanda jiménez sera la mejor experiencia laboral, el trato siempre con respeto y apoyo para que pudiera trabajar con ella y al mismo tiempo estudiar, que en muchos trabajos no te permiten. En mas de tres años trabajando nunca se le trato mal a ningún artesano, proveedor o cliente. Promovemos arte, textiles, diseños auténticos 100% mexicanos con un precio justo y razonable. Se apoya el comercio local, diseñadores y artesanos mexicanos.
The time that I have known and worked for Fernanda jiménez will be the best work experience, I always treat her with respect and support so that I could work with her and at the same time study, which in many jobs does not allow you. In more than three years working, no craftsman, supplier or client was ever treated badly. We promote art, textiles, authentic 100% Mexican designs with a fair and reasonable price. Local commerce, designers and Mexican artisans are supported.
Natalia Luna on Google

Yo he sido proveedora y cliente de la tienda, y en ambas opciones he tenido una experiencia muy agradable, se cuidó de los productos que tuve en venta, además de cuidar que tuvieran una correcta exhibición. Como compradora siempre me han atendido de manera amable y me gusta mucho ver las opciones de calidad que ofrece la tienda y su apoyo a los productos artesanales y mexicanos. Consuman local :)
I have been a supplier and customer of the store, and in both options I have had a very pleasant experience, they took care of the products that I had for sale, in addition to taking care that they had a correct display. As a buyer, they have always treated me kindly and I really like to see the quality options offered by the store and its support for Mexican and artisan products. Consume local :)
Stephanie Carrasco on Google

Soy Proveedora de la tienda desde hace 5 años con mi marca de Joyería artesanal con Talavera Poblana , nunca he tenido un problema con La dueña Maria Fernanda, me ha pagado en tiempo y me consta que apoya al comercio local y nos apoya tanto como artesanos como diseñadores, se me hace muy buena persona, tampoco he viste que trate mal a sus empleadas. Si apoyo que compren en esta tienda es muy transparente y confiable, tienen artesanías hermosas , así como hace envíos a toda la República Mexicana
I have been a supplier of the store for 5 years with my brand of handmade jewelry with Talavera Poblana, I have never had a problem with the owner Maria Fernanda, she has paid me on time and I know that she supports local commerce and supports us both as artisans and designers, he makes me a very good person, nor have you seen him treat his employees badly. If I support you to buy in this store, it is very transparent and reliable, they have beautiful crafts, as well as shipments throughout the Mexican Republic
Ny Style on Google

Worst store ever, you may find beautiful traditional Mexican stuff but at the door one artisan was crying cause the owner didn't want to pay for stuff she already sold and made with hard work.

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