ESCUELA BRUSELAS - 06000 Ciudad de México

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Isabel La Católica 69, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06000 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7999
Categories :
City : CDMX

Isabel La Católica 69, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06000 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
María José Benítez González on Google

jose luis Tejeda on Google

Que tal es la escuela
How is the school
Antonio Gerardo Escalona on Google

Me encanta su escuela
I love your school
Ángel Alfredo Rueda Ramos on Google

Me gradué ahí
I graduated there
Marce Chavez on Google

Buenas noches quiero saber el precio de las colegiaturas de su plantel
Good evening, I want to know the price of your school fees
Jennifer rosas castro on Google

Muy mala es solo curso y tu diploma
Very bad is just a course and your diploma
anastasia tremaine on Google

es una escuela que no da la información que merece te exigen el pago puntual, nunca conoces al director y menos te informan que solo es un diploma, ya que puedes realizar tu preparatoria en alguna otra escuela como enfermera general, si terminas tus documentos los mantienen y no los entregan hasta que no das mas dinero es una asociación de varias personas las cuales deben de tener tratos con la sep, para no otorgar un diploma no recomiendo esta escuela,por que no cuentan con el apoyo de alguna institución de salud para las practicas, antes de inscribirte checa bien todo porque tiene muy buenos comentarios pero la verdad es otra, no se dejen engañar es mejor pagar un poco mas pero ser enfermera general y tener tu preparatoria, ellos no te dan plan de trabajo solo son buenos para sacar dinero y sus dos secretarias se escudan diciendo que para todo no saben y dan mas largas cada día.
it is a school that does not give the information it deserves, they require you to pay on time, you never know the director and they inform you that it is only a diploma, since you can do your high school in another school as a general nurse, if you finish your documents keep them and do not give them until you give more money is an association of several people who must have dealings with the Sep, not to award a diploma I do not recommend this school, because they do not have the support of any health institution for the practice, before registering, check everything well because it has very good comments but the truth is different, do not be fooled it is better to pay a little more but be a general nurse and have your high school, they do not give you work plan they are only good to take money and his two secretaries hide behind saying that for everything they do not know and they give longer each day.
ana tremainer on Google

Les cuento que estuve estudiando durante un semestre en la Escuela de Enfermería Bruselas, la cual ofrece la carrera de enfermeria auxiliar, llege a la escuela por asares del destino ya que un dia fui a pedir informes a un sindicato del PRI sobre las becas para algunos estudios tecnicos y de ahi me refirieron a la escuela ofreciendome un descuento del 50% segun de beca durante toda mi carrera. Me dio gusto saber lo anterior, pague la inscripcion de $1000 como pago unico y mi primera semanalidad $300. Pero ese mismo dia quise corroborar si era cierto lo de la beca y me presente a la escuela como alguien que queria pedir informes. Lo que paso fue que me dieron el mismo precio que me habian dicho anteriormente sin mencionarme la beca. Luego le dije que yo ya me habia inscrito en el sindicato y queria ver cuando me podia presentar. La chica que esta en la entrada me dijo que de inmediato que si queria esa misma semana me presentara. Me cayo de extraño ya que por lo general en las escuelas en las que he estado siempre hay un calendario para cualquier tramite, examen, etc. Esto se lo hice saber y me dijo que no habia ningun problema que el chiste era estudiar. Grave error ya que al entrada te meten en grupos que a veces ni son de tu nivel y ni te enteras. A mi me pusieron en un grupo de primero que ya estaba avanzado y me tuve que poner al día. Poco despues me paso al primer piso donde me recibio la secretaria o mas bien todologa ya que funge desde intendente hasta subdirectora del plantel. Su aspecto era de fodongez total y usando chanclas, todo un personaje esa señorita (sic) de hecho en la escuela la apodan "la chanclas" debido a su total descuido personal. Sin embargo lo que mas me intereso desde el principio era que tanto en el sindicato, la chica de la entrada y la secretaria me prometieron cosas que nunca se cumplieron: en primer lugar me habian dicho que las clases eran teoricas y practicas y que la escuela enviaba a los estudiantes a hospitales a practicar, que daban boletas de calificaciones cada fin de trimestre, que proporcionaban material didáctico, etc. Pues nada mas alejado de la realidad. Yo hice solo un par de practicas en la escuela y solo una fue en su miniconsultorio que tienen y que no funciona nada ya que o esta descompuesto o ya es viejo y obsoleto. Las practicas en hospital son una total mentira. Uno las tiene que buscar, o sea ir hospital por hospital esperando que alguien te acepte y la institucion te extiende un papel para que las realices debido a que ellos argumentan que generaciones anteriores habian dejado en mal a la escuela (y uno que culpa tiene?), es decir que nadie te va a supervisar y si tienes dudas en las practicas pues las resuelves tu solo. El material didactico es otra cosa, a parte del miniconsultorio de la epoca de las cavernas, y digo mini porque lo dividieron por apertura de la carrera de consultora de belleza reduciendo el espacio y quitando el unico lavabo para lavar el cabello en las clases, la escuela no cuenta con material didactico, solo una cama sucia con cortinas mugrosas un gabinete con alcohol y material de curacion que nunca sacan. Todo lo que necesitamos en ese tiempo tuvimos que cooperarnos para comprarlo porque no tienen mas que bandejas de plastico, patos y comodos. Todo lo demas habia que comprarlo. A parte no dan boletas de calificaciones como prometian, te meten en grupos donde compartes clase con los de otros niveles, llegando los profesores a tener hasta tres grupo en un mismo salon reduciendo el tiempo que dedican a cada uno, ya que nos dijeron que era incosteable un profesor por grupo. La subdirectora y el director jamas estan solo esta una persona que se hace pasar por el contador y que trata los asuntos de la escuela (pero es promotor nada mas) y la secretaria que a veces funge como subdirectora. La subdirectora es jefa de enfermeras de un hospital del imss y pocas veces atiende y eso hasta el mesHablamos con ella sobre la situación y nos dijo que todo lo iba a checar.
I tell you that I was studying during a semester at the Brussels Nursing School, which offers the auxiliary nursing career, I arrived at the school through the asares of the destination since one day I went to request reports from a PRI union about scholarships for some technical studies and from there I was referred to the school offering me a 50% discount according to scholarship throughout my career. I was pleased to know the above, I paid the registration of $ 1000 as a single payment and my first weekly $ 300. But that same day I wanted to confirm if the scholarship was true and I went to school as someone who wanted to ask for reports. What happened was that they gave me the same price they had told me before without mentioning the scholarship. Then I told him that I had already signed up for the union and wanted to see when he could introduce me. The girl at the entrance told me that immediately if I wanted that week to introduce me. I fall strange because usually in the schools where I have been there is always a calendar for any procedure, exam, etc. This I let him know and he told me that there was no problem that the joke was studying. Serious error because at the entrance you get into groups that sometimes are not of your level and do not even know. They put me in a first class group that was already advanced and I had to catch up. Shortly thereafter I pass to the first floor where the secretary received me or rather an all-purpose doctor since it serves as mayor to assistant principal of the campus. Her appearance was total fodongez and wearing flip flops, a whole character that lady (sic) in fact in school nicknamed "the flip flops" due to her total personal carelessness. However, what interested me most from the beginning was that both in the union, the girl at the entrance and the secretary promised me things that were never fulfilled: first they had told me that the classes were theoretical and practical and that the school I sent the students to hospitals to practice, they gave report cards every end of the quarter, they provided teaching material, etc. Well, nothing is further from reality. I did only a couple of practices at school and only one was in their mini-office that they have and that nothing works since either it is broken or it is already old and obsolete. The practices in hospital are a total lie. One has to look for them, that is to go hospital for hospital waiting for someone to accept you and the institution extends a paper for you to do because they argue that previous generations had left the school in bad shape (and what is your fault? ), that is to say that nobody is going to supervise you and if you have doubts in the practices, you solve them by yourself. The didactic material is something else, apart from the mini-consultation of the time of the caverns, and I say mini because they divided it by opening the beauty consultant career reducing space and removing the only sink to wash the hair in the classes, the The school does not have didactic material, only a dirty bed with filthy curtains, a cabinet with alcohol and healing material that they never take out. Everything we need at that time we had to cooperate to buy it because they have nothing but plastic trays, ducks and comfortable. Everything else had to be bought. Besides, they don't give report cards as they promised, they put you in groups where you share class with those of other levels, and teachers get up to three groups in the same room, reducing the time they spend on each one, since they told us it was One teacher per group. The assistant principal and principal are never only one person who pretends to be the accountant and who deals with the affairs of the school (but is nothing more than a promoter) and the secretary who sometimes serves as assistant principal. The deputy director is head of nurses of an imss hospital and rarely attends and that until the month we talked with her about the situation and told us that everything was going to check.

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