Escuela Primaria Federal Francisco Villa - Santa María Zacatepec

2.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Escuela Primaria Federal Francisco Villa

Address :

72660, Cholula - Puebla 5, San Isidro, Santa María Zacatepec, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Pue.

72660, Cholula - Puebla 5, San Isidro, Santa María Zacatepec, Pue., Mexico
Yu Mora Zano on Google

Margarito Espinoza on Google

Lizeth Reyes on Google

Esta escuela tiene a los peores maestros y a los peores directores en verdad adentro de esa escuela se practica bullying, acoso y se practica el bandolismo y los maestros ni siquiera estan atentos osea que a nuestros niños les puede pasar una desgracia y ellos ni por enterados y ni les interesa. Les platico mi experiencia yo tenia a 3 pequeñines en esa escuela lo cual a 1 de mis niños lo empezaron a molestar una bandita son jovenes de 5to y 6to grado y empezaron poco a poco hasta llegar a un punto donde ya llevaban a mi niño cargando y de rumbo a el terreno valdio para golpearlo de modo que el pudo safarse y escapar si no Dios sabe que daños hubieran pasado y estaba totalmente indefenso. Mi niño tiene 10 años, iba en el turno de la mañana y la situation llego a un extremo en donde de tanto miedo porque le dijeron que si decia algo le Iban a hacer algo a sus hermanitos, mi niño estaba aterrado ya no queria ir a la escuela y al recorrir con maestros y directores no pudieron hacer absolutamente nada mas que llamarles la atencion y ahora esos jovenes estan haciendo lo mismo con mis 2 niños un niño y una niña! Esta situacion tiene que ser publica para ver si asi ellos hacen algo al respeto o si los Padres gustan tomar Cartas en el asunto porque quien dice que no le estan haciendo algo igual a sus hijos, sobrinos o lo que sea. A mi niño lo tube que sacar ahora esta en la primaria de la Colonia en donde esta siendo muy bien tratado y los maestros parecen ser mas atentos tambien como el comite no como esta escuela que solo les interesa sacarle el Dinero a Los papas. Esa es mi opinion de esta escuela.
This school has the worst teachers and the worst principals, inside that school bullying, harassment and bandolism are practiced and the teachers are not even attentive, that is to say that a misfortune can happen to our children and they are not even aware and nor are they interested. I told you about my experience I had 3 little ones in that school which 1 of my children started to be bothered by a bandita they are young people from 5th and 6th grade and they started little by little until they reached a point where they were carrying my child carrying and He was on his way to the empty ground to hit him so that he could escape and escape if God didn't know what damage had happened and he was totally helpless. My boy is 10 years old, he was on the morning shift and the situation reached an extreme where he was so scared because they told him that if he said something they were going to do something to his little brothers, my boy was terrified and he didn't want to go to school and touring with teachers and principals could do absolutely nothing more than attract their attention and now those young people are doing the same with my 2 boys a boy and a girl! This situation has to be public to see if they do something about it or if the Parents like to take Cards in the matter because who says that they are not doing the same to their children, nephews or whatever. I had to take my child out now is in the primary school in Colonia where he is being treated very well and the teachers seem to be more attentive as well as the committee, not like this school that is only interested in taking money from the parents. That is my opinion of this school.

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