Estacionamiento Recreo 9 - 37710 San Miguel de Allende

2.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Estacionamiento Recreo 9

Address :

37700 Recreo 3-5, Zona Centro, 37710 San Miguel de Allende, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
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City : Gto.

37700 Recreo 3-5, Zona Centro, 37710 San Miguel de Allende, Gto., Mexico
Juan Manuel De la Paz on Google

Olvídate de que la tarifa sea cara, roban tus pertenencias, tomaron una chamarra, que importa lo que cueste, tomar lo que no es suyo hace de este lugar un nido de Ratas. NO ESTACIONES TU VEHÍCULO EN ESTE LUGAR !
Forget that the fare is expensive, steal your belongings, took a jacket, which matters what it costs, taking what is not yours makes this place a nest of Rats. DO NOT STATION YOUR VEHICLE IN THIS PLACE!
Angel Hernandez on Google

NO LO RECOMIENDO PARA NADA Me golpearon mi auto y un empleado y no te lo dicen, si no lo revisas ni cuenta te das. El empleado dice que si jefe no le contesta, que no sabe si tiene seguro el negocio, al final solo te ofrecen lo que ellos quieren, hablé con mi seguro y el empleado se negó a dar información de la aseguradora del lugar te dicen que te dan tanto nada más y si los quieres si no pues que te vayas a un proceso de demanda, el lugar está súper apretado meten más autos de los que caben, perdí más de una hora en exigir la reparación al final de cuentas te hacen firmar de aceptado por lo que te ofrecen y si no estás conforme que demandes, el problema que cuando no eres de la zona eso es un martirio.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT FOR ANYTHING I was hit by my car and an employee and they don't tell you, if you don't check it or count it, you will tell. The employee says that if the boss does not answer him, that he does not know if the business has insurance, in the end they only offer you what they want, I spoke with my insurance and the employee refused to give information from the local insurance company they tell you that They give so much nothing else and if you want them if not then go to a lawsuit process, the place is super tight they put more cars than they can fit, I lost more than an hour in demanding the repair at the end of the day they make you sign Accepted for what they offer you and if you are not satisfied with what you demand, the problem that when you are not from the area that is martyrdom.
Jess Olivares on Google

Ni una estrella se merecen, pésimo servicio, un empleado golpeo el auto y no se quisieron hacer responsables, llamo a su disque supervisor, y muy mala actitud por parte de él, para el colmo, el tiempo que estuvimos esperando al seguro, no los querían cobrar. Cero amables y por supuesto pésimo servicio al cliente. Y por último, un abuso, carísimo, $40 por hora.
Not one star deserves, terrible service, an employee hit the car and they did not want to be held responsible, he called his supervisor dial, and a very bad attitude on his part, to make matters worse, the time we were waiting for the insurance, not them they wanted to charge. Zero friendly and of course lousy customer service. And finally, an abuse, very expensive, $ 40 per hour.
Diana Contreras on Google

Pésima actitud del personal e intentan abusar del turista, al dejar nuestro auto para pensión nocturna nos dieron un precio de $380 ( mismo precio que nos orientaron en el hotel que cobrarían) quisimos pagar al momento y nos indicaron que mejor al retirar el auto y ya al recoger nos querían cobrar $480 comentando que tenia 2 semanas que habían modificado su tarifa y que el personal que nos había recibido el día antes había "olvidado" el precio actual, a lo que mencionamos que eso no era lo acordado y que en otra pensión el día anterior habían cobrado 350 por ello sabíamos la tarifa aproximada que sería cobrada. Sin mencionar que no cuentan con la tarifa por escrito en ningún lado. Al final nos cobraron los 380 y dijeron que lo revisarian con el que nos dio el otro precio. Más bien se resignaron a que no íbamos a ceder a sus abusos. Tengan cuidado.
Terrible attitude of the staff and they try to abuse the tourist, when we left our car for overnight pension they gave us a price of $ 380 (the same price that they guided us in the hotel that they would charge) we wanted to pay at the moment and they told us that it was better to pick up the car and now When picking up they wanted to charge us $ 480, commenting that they had changed their rate for 2 weeks and that the staff who had received us the day before had "forgotten" the current price, to which we mentioned that this was not what was agreed and that in another pension The day before they had charged 350 so we knew the approximate rate that would be charged. Not to mention, they don't have the fee in writing anywhere. In the end they charged us the 380 and said they would review it with the one who gave us the other price. Rather, they resigned themselves to the fact that we were not going to give in to their abuse. Be careful.
Charly Doumat on Google

Pensé que dejaría mi coche en un lugar seguro. Llevaba un coche rentado,pues estos señores SE ROBARON LA LLANTA DE REFRACCIÓN. $210 DÓLARES, eso les costará estacionarse en este lugar. Me confíe y no revisé cuando me entregaron el coche. Y cuando devolví el vehículo a la compañía rentadora la llanta no estaba. Este es el único sitio donde estacioné el coche dejando la llave en todas mis vacaciones. Y la cerradura no estaba violentada, así que solo pudieron ser ellos con la llave que les confíe. Son ladrones como ustedes quienes le dan una pésima imagen a este país tan hermoso. USTEDES NO MERECEN A MÉXICO. MÉXICO MERECE MEJOR GENTE. Su coche estará más seguro afuera que allí. Borren el comentario. Lo voy a publicar a diario por 2100 días, me cobraré 10 centavos de dólar con cada publicación. No les va a salir gratis la gracia.
I thought I would leave my car in a safe place. He had a rented car, because these gentlemen STOLE THE REFRACTION TIRE. $210 DOLLARS, that will cost you to park in this place. I trusted myself and did not check when the car was delivered to me. And when I returned the vehicle to the rental company the tire was missing. This is the only place I parked my car leaving the key in my entire vacation. And the lock wasn't broken, so it could only have been them with the key I entrusted to them. It is thieves like you who give a terrible image to this beautiful country. YOU DO NOT DESERVE MEXICO. MEXICO DESERVES BETTER PEOPLE. Your car will be safer outside than in there. Delete the comment. I will publish it daily for 2100 days, I will charge 10 cents of dollar with each publication. Grace will not come for free.
Roger Heller on Google

Don't use this parking! They parked my car and it came back damaged. Decline any wrong doing. The parking was in connection with a hotel booking so be aware.
George Sickler on Google

The jury is still out. Joined in July for monthly parking @ $1,500 pesos/month. Only needed the car three times since then. For the first two times, the car was readily available. The third time, it took well over 20 minutes. The car wasn’t stored at the lot, but somewhere else. It was delivered with the engine running on Recreo, backing up traffic. The windows were rolled down and there were leafs on the upholstery. And, the engine had already warmed-up to normal operating temperature. Hummmm. Time will tell. Don’t know yet if this is typical here, or if are there alternatives. Update in November: the car is never there. It takes 20 minutes to get it each time. Or more. Don’t have a clue where they put it. I have a bad back in pain. No waiting room,no chairs anywhere. The car shows up with the windows open, with the engine already warmed up to normal, and they park it on the street in one-way traffic for me to get aboard, with traffic backed-up as a consequence. Ugh! They seem to be in business for themselves and not for long-term customer care. They seem to be after short-term in-and-out tourists.
Juan Hernandez on Google

Nice parking close to the church.

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