Facemaker Cirugía Plástica - 77500 Cancún

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Contact Facemaker Cirugía Plástica

Address :

Av. Tulum manz 1, lote 1 fase 2 Hospital Galenia consultorio 503, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99898
Website : http://www.facemaker.com.mx/
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Av. Tulum manz 1, lote 1 fase 2 Hospital Galenia consultorio 503, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Adriana Gonzalez on Google

Acudí con el dr Piletti por presentar una celulitis muy avanzada en ambos muslos siendo más notorio la zona lateral y posterior, la verdad una apariencia bastante desagradable, el dr me realizó un procedimiento con mesoterapia, shockwave y láser ( introdujo una fibra óptica debajo de mi piel, sin dolor ya que coloca anestesia ) y mi faja , luego de varios días observe que los hoyos habían desaparecido !!! Le estoy muy agradecida pues ya puedo lucir mi traje de baño sin complejos!!! Gracias dr piletti!
I went with Dr. Piletti for presenting a very advanced cellulite on both thighs, the lateral and posterior area being more noticeable, the truth is quite unpleasant, the doctor performed a procedure with mesotherapy, shockwave and laser (he introduced an optical fiber under my skin, painless since it places anesthesia) and my girdle, after several days I noticed that the holes had disappeared !!! I am very grateful because I can wear my swimsuit without complexes! Thanks dr piletti!
Mar on Google

Me hice lipo (vaser y laser) solo en brazos para poder usar blusas sin mangas y la verdad es que esto no pasara ya que mi brazo izquierdo se sigue viendo flaccido en la zona que yo queria mejorar. El costo de la operacion fue elevado y eran solo dos zonas que tratar. Es bastante evidente por como quedo la piel que mis brazos no fueron trabajados de la misma forma. El derecho quedo mejor, aunque hay fibrosis en el antebrazo que ire tratando. Piensen bien antes de invertir en estos tratamientos en Facemaker porque luego el Dr. Piletti te sale con que no se garantizan resultados y no es mago. La verdad eran solo DOS AREAS, en el brazo derecho trabajo mejor y casualmente fue el primero en el que trabajo, no hay excusas!
I did lipo (vaser and laser) only in my arms to be able to wear sleeveless blouses and the truth is that this will not happen since my left arm continues to be flaccid in the area that I wanted to improve. The cost of the operation was high and there were only two areas to treat. It is quite evident from the skin's appearance that my arms were not worked in the same way. The right one was better, although there is fibrosis in the forearm that I will be treating. Think carefully before investing in these treatments at Facemaker because then Dr. Piletti comes out with that results are not guaranteed and he is not a magician. The truth was there were only TWO AREAS, I work better on the right arm and coincidentally it was the first one I worked on, there are no excuses!
Andrea Breton on Google

Llegue a FaceMarker después de buscar de manera desesperada un cirujano que pudiera ayudarme a componer una Horrible cirugía de aumento de senos hecha anteriormente y estoy agradecida con Dios y con la vida por haberme puesto en manos de Dr. Piletti que me ha regresado la tranquilidad a mi vida reconstruyendo y arreglando una horrible práctica elaborada anteriormente lográndolo de manera más que satisfactoria. Estoy sumamente agradecida con sus resultados encima la profesionalidad y el trato con sus pacientes comenzando desde recepción , asistentes y obviamente el Dr. Piletti son excepcionales. Se preocupan tanto por que el resultado de sus procedimientos sea excelente como por qué sus pacientes estén contentos y tranquilos en todo momento. Con los ojos cerrados les aseguro que si están buscando algún lugar en el cual puedas confiar tu vida para buscar cualquier tipo de procedimiento para sentirse mejor como persona, FaceMarker es la mejor opción! Muchísimas e infinitas gracias por el resultado y por todo! Más que agradecida!
I came to FaceMarker after desperately searching for a surgeon who could help me compose a Horrible Breast Augmentation Surgery done previously and I am grateful to God and to life for having put me in the hands of Dr. Piletti who has returned my peace of mind to my life rebuilding and fixing a horrible practice elaborated previously achieving it in a more than satisfactory way. I am extremely grateful for his results, and his professionalism and treatment with his patients starting from reception, assistants and obviously Dr. Piletti are exceptional. They care both that the result of their procedures is excellent and that their patients are happy and calm at all times. With my eyes closed I assure you that if you are looking for a place where you can trust your life to seek any type of procedure to feel better as a person, FaceMarker is the best option! Many and infinite thanks for the result and for everything! More than grateful!
Meg McGary on Google

I love this place for the caliber and the people. If you are looking for a little touch up ot a mayjor procedure look no further. I have living in mexico over 15 years and met alot of plastic surgeons, done the little boutique medical spas etc. Also i have had alot of friends and family have had work done in mexico. From my experience Dr. Pelletti and his team at facemaker is the best! They have a beautiful office and update machines/ technology and technics. I can not say more positive things about this place. Worth every penny and amazing quality!!!!
Harinder Brar on Google

If I could do negative stars I would...dr.piletti is nice the staff were nice but I didn't go for a nice time I went for results last year in September I had my hair transplant a very small area and it has been the worst nightmare of my life...now there is covid-19 and I don't know how long before I can find someone to fix my hair I had a 10 hour transplant!!! This is no exaggeration I have pictures messages 100% proof I had a 1 cm hairline transplant that took 10 hours ! And I look like a 100 year old doll thats hair has been ripped out I don't goto barbers because its so embarrassing....i can't even begin to explain what I'm going thru...and I'm not lying or exaggerating I habe all proof and if anyone questions my review I can send pictures and show everything since before and after my surgery..... MY REPLY TO FACEMAKER!!! Hi Dr Puletti thanks for replying. To be sure there is no confusion and that you guys remember me correctly, you did my surgery on September 16th 2019 you said it was a Mexican independence day but you came just for me. It was you, dr. Adriana hernandez and another nurse whose name I don't remember but she spoke perfect English. My surgery was done on the main floor of gallenia hospital but we had our consultation upstairs at facemaker. My surgery lasted about 9 hours. You left the surgery room exactly at 9pm and Dr hernandez and the nurse finished my hairline. My wife was also with me and was there the entire time, she talked with your friendly nurse for hours while she cleaned the hair for transplantation. I do have pictures and videos we all took together from that day, it was kind of celebration for harmony as I was the first transplant in cancun so we all took pictures and videos together. I can post them here or send to you however you like but in the end yes you did do my surgery that day. And yes I personally never contacted facemaker or dr puletti for my hair surgery, I contacted harmony but the surgery was done by dr puletti himself and before that day I did not know who dr puletti is. You did tell me you have done hair transplant surgery and you were confident in my result but the result is just horrible. The hairs planted from donor area do not even match my hair texture in the front. I don't go to the barber because I am embarrassed and I wear a hat all the time. This surgery has caused me so much embarassment even with my friends and family.
Andriy Khvetkevych on Google

I had a mole removed by Dr. Gianbattista Piletti! It took just 5 minutes, and I love the results. The staff is super friendly, everything fast and convenient. The clinic is spotless, which is essential, especially during pandemic times.
Felipe Borras on Google

I contacted Dr. Gianbattista Piletti team early November notifying them that I was coming into Cancun December, they were very convenient to my schedule & responsive to all my questions. I’m not going to lie that I was very hesitant, especially coming over the border to do cosmetic work but I was more than happy with my results and healing. The after care was very smooth, overall the experience was seamless.. I would recommend the office to anyone looking for a CLEAN location & amazing results!! You won’t be disappointed
Lara Viau on Google

I am very happy with my whole experience with Dr Piletti and his team. After seeing many doctors who all told me there were no other options I found Dr Piletti. He made it possible for me to feel good about myself without all the scars. I highly recommend Dr Piletti.

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