Farmacia Ahorro Ej. Rojo Gomez - 81189 Javier Rojo Gómez

4/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Farmacia Ahorro Ej. Rojo Gomez

Address :

Luis Echeverría, 81189 Javier Rojo Gómez, Sin., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8798
Categories :
City : Sin.

Luis Echeverría, 81189 Javier Rojo Gómez, Sin., Mexico
Niria Castro on Google

Elvira Moreno on Google

Daniel Carlos on Google

Farmacia chica, cuenta con un medico para consultad, esta completa y el servicio es muy rapido y barato, se ve que el medico si sabe a pesar de ser joven, tambien es economica
Small pharmacy, it has a doctor to consult, it is complete and the service is very fast and cheap, it is seen that the doctor knows despite being young, it is also economical

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