Farmacia de Similares - 29020 Tuxtla Gutiérrez

3.5/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Farmacia de Similares

Address :

Av. P. Shpoina 810, CFE, 29020 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +89
Website :
Categories :
City : Chis.

Gerardo Adan Concha Correa on Google

Dulce Maria Zurita Alcudia on Google

José Luis Pacheco on Google

Alfredo Vello Lobato on Google

CrysLen Arez on Google

Hay promociones los lunes, descuento del 15%, es una buena opción para compra de medicamentos genéricos.
There are promotions on Mondays, 15% discount, it is a good option to buy generic drugs.
Juan Perez on Google

Pesimo servicio del personal que atiende la farmacia, las chavas de ahi, les preguntas algo y no saben nada, ni los precios, es el colmo, ojo al dueño, lo llevaran ala quiebra
Terrible service from the staff that attends the pharmacy, the girls there, you ask them something and they don't know anything, not even the prices, it's the last straw, watch out for the owner, they will take him to bankruptcy

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