Farmacia de Similares - 09090 Ciudad de México

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Contact Farmacia de Similares

Address :

Rodolfo Usigli 1565, Sector Popular, Héroes de Churubusco, Iztapalapa, 09090 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

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City : CDMX

Rodolfo Usigli 1565, Sector Popular, Héroes de Churubusco, Iztapalapa, 09090 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Bruno Diaz on Google

Que tal vecinos! Con la novedad que acabo de ir a esta farmacia por unos aderogil y que no tienen de la caja azul la que mas venden. Y el detalle es que es la 2da vez que no tienen lo que uno quiere, la vez pasada queria un paraceramol de 500 y solo habia de 650 par arriba. Asi que para que sepan que parece ya no tienen surtido y solo tienen lo que les queda para que la piensen antes de pasar.
How about neighbors! With the novelty that I just went to this pharmacy for some aderogil and that they do not have the blue box that they sell the most. And the detail is that it is the 2nd time that they do not have what one wants, the last time I wanted a paraceramol of 500 and there was only 650 par above. So so they know that it seems they no longer have an assortment and they only have what is left for them to think about it before moving on.

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