Farmacia Gi Genericos - 54160 Tlalnepantla de Baz

3.5/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Farmacia Gi Genericos

Address :

Plaza Niños Heroes, Cam. San Juan Ixtacala, 54160 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Categories :
City : Méx.

Plaza Niños Heroes, Cam. San Juan Ixtacala, 54160 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico
Sonia Tellez M on Google

Yvonne Ftes. on Google

Lic. Billy Pedraza on Google

Excelente lugar
Excellent place
Adriana R. on Google

Desafortunadamente encontrar un medico profesional es complicado.
Unfortunately finding a professional doctor is difficult.
Gaby Estévez on Google

La Médico Janeth es buenísima y muy amable.
Doctor Janeth is very good and very kind.
Ary Cooper on Google

Acabo de ir y una doctora de complexión robusta me atendió muy mal. En todo momento la trate con respeto y hasta le sonreía porque pensé que todos tenemos un mal día. Al final agarró su tablet y sin decirme "sale bye" me ignoró esperando a que yo me saliera por mi cuenta. Ah, eso si, no sin antes decirme "esa jeringa es tuya", señalandome la jeringa con la que me había inyectado previamente, como diciendo "llevese su basura"... Es triste que una persona brinde un servicio de esa manera. Ojalá cambien de personal.
I just went and a robust doctor treated me very badly. At all times I treated her with respect and even smiled at her because I thought we all have a bad day. In the end he grabbed his tablet and without saying "come out bye" he ignored me waiting for me to come out on my own. Ah, yes, not without first telling me "that syringe is yours", pointing to the syringe with which he had previously injected me, as if saying "take your garbage" ... It is sad for a person to provide service in that way. Hopefully they change staff.

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