Farmacia Guadalajara - 44800 Guadalajara

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacia Guadalajara

Address :

Fray Antonio de Segovia 233, San Antonio, 44800 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Fray Antonio de Segovia 233, San Antonio, 44800 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Gerardo vázquez on Google

Pésimo sin las 8:20 y está cerrado al público cuando el horario indica abierto, tienen gente esperando y ni así atienden.
Lousy without 8:20 and it is closed to the public when the schedule indicates open, they have people waiting and not even attend.
Tragón pacheco on Google

Buenos precios ,encuentras casi siempre todo . En medicamentos es más barata que otras farmacias.
Good prices, you almost always find everything. In medicines it is cheaper than other pharmacies.
Silvia Morales on Google

Pésimo servicio de las que atienden mostrador de farmacia, la encargada Julia, con una pésima actitud, muy grosera y prepotente. Aparte de que no tienen los medicamentos, atienden al cliente como si fuéramos a pedir limosna, con actitud de perdonavidas. Tienen una música ambiental horrible, como de cantina. Nosotroa los clientes pagamos
Terrible service from the pharmacy counter, the manager Julia, with a terrible attitude, very rude and arrogant. Apart from not having the medicines, they attend to the client as if we were going to beg for alms, with an attitude of forgiveness. They have horrible background music, like a canteen. We pay customers
Lucero Suarez on Google

Horrible atención, venden con mentiras, checas los.precios señalados y ya en caja siempre cambian es un ROBO lo q hacen
Horrible attention, they sell with lies, they check the indicated prices and already in the box they always change it is a THEFT what they do
Roberto Mendez on Google

Hola estuve llamando a varias farmacias guadalajara a ver si tenían un producto jamas contestaron el teléfono y en la única hice la pregunta y me colgaron para mi hay mal servicio si no quieren que preguntemos para que poner telefonos
Hello, I was calling several Guadalajara pharmacies to see if they had a product they never answered the phone and in the only one I asked the question and they hung up for me there is bad service if they do not want us to ask why to put phones
George Smith on Google

El 23 de mayo alrededor de las 8:25 P.M. Quería comprar un producto del área electrónica, donde están las memorias, entonces le pregunte a una empleada si ella atendía esa área, la empleada me contesto con otra pregunta, y como ella no me contesto mi pregunta yo le volví a hacer la pregunta. Ella volvió a contestarme con otra pregunta. Y así varias veces no contestó lo que le pregunté: si ella atendía ahí. Le dije que cuando le pregunten algo no responda con otra pregunta, se supone que eso se lo debieron haber enseñado cuando ingreso a laborar. Al final no compré nada y me fuí.
On May 23 at around 8:25 p.m. I wanted to buy a product from the electronic area, where the memories are, so I asked an employee if she attended that area, the employee answered me with another question, and since she did not answer my question, I asked the question again. She answered me again with another question. And so several times she did not answer what I asked her: if she attended there. I told him that when they ask him something he doesn't answer with another question, he is supposed to have been taught that when he went to work. In the end I didn't buy anything and I left.
Maxi Valher on Google

Servicio de lo Peor, el supuesto "encargado" si es que así se le puede llamar a este remedo de marioneta, Con una aptitud de Asco, sin capacidad de Solucionar problemas, Solo se alaba de ser encargado y no da la debida atención que se requiere. Un poquito de humildad no te vendría nada mal P....Jo.
Service of the Worst, the so-called "in charge" if that is what this puppet imitation can be called, With an aptitude of Disgust, without ability to Solve problems, He only praises himself for being in charge and does not give due attention to required. A little humility would not hurt you P .... Jo.
Bety Hernandez on Google

Sucursal muy surtida en donde encontraras artículos de limpieza, de higiene personal, alimentos, bebidas, etc. Lo que no me gusta es que no respetan los horarios que se supone son de apertura y de cierre (ha habido ocasiones que me han atendido hasta casi entradas las 8am y otras ocasiones he ido un poco antes de las 9:30 pm y no me han querido vender ya). He puesto quejas por medio de correo desde casi la apertura de esta sucursal y nunca he tenido respuesta.
A well-stocked branch where you will find cleaning supplies, personal hygiene, food, drinks, etc. What I do not like is that they do not respect the hours that are supposed to be opening and closing (there have been occasions when they have attended me until almost 8am and on other occasions I have gone a little before 9:30 pm and I did not have wanted to sell already). I have been submitting complaints by mail since almost the opening of this branch and have never had a response.

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