Farmacia Guadalajara - 45017 Zapopan

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacia Guadalajara

Address :

Del Tule 649, Puertas del Tule, 45017 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Del Tule 649, Puertas del Tule, 45017 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
juan chalita on Google

Cuentan con todo lo necesario tanto en medicamento, como en productos como cereales, jamón, pan dulce e incluso licores.
They have everything you need both in medicine, as in products such as cereals, ham, sweet bread and even liquors.
Dora María Osorio on Google

Excelente servicio
Excellent service
Fernando Inmobiliario on Google

Es la unica Farmacia Guadalajara donde hay veces que no tienen cambio o antes cuando fumaba en tre ocasiones me dijeron que no habia cigarros, lo cual para la magnitud de la tienda me parece absurdo yo creo que mas bien les daba flojera ir a bodega a sacarlos.
It is the only Guadalajara Pharmacy where there are times that have no change or before when I smoked on three occasions they told me that there were no cigarettes, which for the magnitude of the store seems absurd to me, I think it was rather lazy to go to the cellar to take them out .
Blaise Isabel on Google

Eficiente pero me molesta que no me pidan IFE cuando presentó la sodexo, que tal si se la roban? Compran de todo drenan el saldo y los cajeros ni les importa.
Efficient but it bothers me that IFE did not ask me when he presented the sodexo, what if it is stolen? They buy everything they drain the balance and the tellers do not care.
Edgar Ramos M on Google

Nunca respetan el precio que tienen marcado al publico, mala atencion y son descorteces, mejor ve a otra farmacia
They never respect the price that they have marked to the public, bad attention and they are rude, better go to another pharmacy
Yoset Corona on Google

Muy buen servicio sin comentarios
Very good service no comment
Genaro Garcia on Google

es lamentable, penoso y ralla en la vergüenza que tengan tan pésima atención en un establecimiento que mereció tanta inversión !! Ejemplo: Haya o no clientes en la farmacia, NADIE ATIENDE EL TELEFONO !! si no lo van a contestar para que lo dan de alta ???? Lamento no tener un comentario positivo, pero no merecen ninguno
It is unfortunate, painful and shameful that they have such terrible attention in an establishment that deserved so much investment! Example: Whether or not there are customers in the pharmacy, NOBODY ATTENDS THE PHONE !! If they are not going to answer it so that they can register it ???? Sorry I don't have a positive comment, but you don't deserve any
Enrique D. on Google

Me vendieron un producto equivocado, asegurándome que era el correcto (tiras freestyle). Lo abrí para utilizarlo y no funcionó, porque no eran del tipo apropiado. Intenté que me lo cambiaran o reembolsaran y dijo la gerente que no, porque estaba abierto. Éstas cosas pasan por alta de capacitación del vendedor y del gerente.
They sold me the wrong product, making sure it was the right one (freestyle strips). I opened it to use it and it did not work, because they were not the appropriate type. Tried to get it changed or refunded and the manager said no, because it was open. These things pass through high training for the salesperson and the manager.

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