Farmacia Guadalajara - 44430 Guadalajara

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacia Guadalajara

Address :

Calle Salvador Lopez Chavez, esquina Calzada Olímpica 1520, Quinta Velarde, 44430 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

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City : Jal.

Calle Salvador Lopez Chavez, esquina Calzada Olímpica 1520, Quinta Velarde, 44430 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
jose gabriel gutierrez magaña on Google

Nunca te quiere atender la persona de carnes frías muy mal servicio les falta capacitacion
The person with cold meats never wants to serve you very bad service they lack training
L.A. Zrt on Google

Pésimo servicio del personal.
Terrible staff service.
Fernando Soria on Google

He acudido en dos ocasiones y me encontrado con una atención deficiente por parte de las empleadas, una chica en particular con su cara de molestia por el trabajo y siempre desaliñada, ojalá le echen un ojo a la atención al cliente.
I have been there twice and I have found poor attention from the employees, one girl in particular with her face of annoyance from work and always disheveled, I hope you will take a look at the customer service.
Abraham Rios on Google

Excelente lugar para realizar compras de todo tipo ya sea de abarrotes o de medicamento, también agregar las transferencias monetarias que puedes hacer.
Excellent place to make purchases of all kinds, be it groceries or medicine, also add the money transfers that you can make.
E. R. Córdoba on Google

Las farmacias son de necesidad urgente, nunca contestan el teléfono, si llamas al "call center" te dicen que sí tienen el medicamento, y cuando llegas te dicen que no, ni siquiera lo conocen. No actualizan el sistema. Hablo de las sucursales en general, es lo mismo.
Pharmacies are urgently needed, they never answer the phone, if you call the "call center" they tell you that they do have the medicine, and when you arrive they say no, they don't even know it. They do not update the system. I speak of the branches in general, it is the same.
Di An on Google

Pesimo servicio, el muchacho nunca quiere atender, es su trabajo y esta en el celular o afuera y no es la primera vez, lleva mucho tiempo ahi y sinceramente es parte de su trabajo que si ven que un empleado no trabaja y trata asi a los clientes lo saquen, parece que hay una sola persona trabajando cuando hay varios empleados pendejeando, tengan en cuenta que si se les paga es para que trabajen, por cierto la otra vez que fuimos el proveedor del pan bueno super grosero, cuiden que sus provedores no maltraten a los clientes, sobre el cubrebocas dejan a entrar a ciertas personas sin el mismo, no importa que sean clientes habituales deben de traerlo y si no que se salga, de nada sirve que a la mitad de los exijan y la otra mitad los dejen entrar. Ojala hubiera manera de ponerles una calificación de -5
Terrible service, the boy never wants to attend, it is his job and he is on the cell phone or outside and it is not the first time, he has been there for a long time and it is honestly part of his job that if they see that an employee does not work and treats the clients take it out, it seems that there is only one person working when there are several employees bragging, keep in mind that if they are paid it is to work, by the way the other time we were the supplier of good super rude bread, take care that your suppliers do not mistreat customers, on the mask they let certain people enter without it, it does not matter that they are regular customers they should bring it and if they do not leave, it is useless that half of the people demand them and the other half let them get in. I wish there was a way to give them a rating of -5
Personal Mail on Google

Voy desde hace 3 años y paso de regreso del trabajo y lamentablemente siempre me topo con el mismo empleado que le molesta atender y trata de robar, conmigo no funciona pero con la gente grande imagino que si, cuando queria fotos me atendia una muchacha y me dicen que renuncio y es molesto que a quienes si trabajan los saquen y dejen a gente ratera que a parte no trabaja, lo mismo con los encargados a quienes les dicen "jefes" tuve una mala experiencia con una tipa "Mari" en esa misma farmacia pero a esa la cambiaron a otra farmacia, ojala tambien cambien a los rateros que ahi siguen pero no a otra farmacia sino que los despidan, hasta los proveedores son groseros el que acomoda las galletas de 'pan bueno' le avento las morusas a mi hermano y en vez de disculparse le dijo que se fijara, no se porque siguen en ese negocio con gente asi
I have been going for 3 years and I have been back from work and unfortunately I always run into the same employee who bothers to attend and tries to steal, it does not work with me but with large people I imagine that yes, when I wanted photos a girl would attend me They say that I resign and it is annoying that those who work are taken out and left with thieves who do not work, the same with those in charge who are called "bosses" I had a bad experience with a woman "Mari" in that same pharmacy But they changed that one to another pharmacy, hopefully they will also change the thieves who are still there but not to another pharmacy but to fire them, even the providers are rude, the one who accommodates the 'good bread' cookies I throw the morusas to my brother and instead of apologizing he told him to look at it, I don't know why they are still in that business with people like that
Sergio Nieto on Google


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