Farmacia San Pablo Exhibimex - 01180 Ciudad de México

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacia San Pablo Exhibimex

Address :

Calle 10 132, San Pedro de los Pinos, Álvaro Obregón, 01180 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +877
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City : CDMX

Santiago Domínguez Carmona on Google

Toda la madrugada suena su alarma y no deja dormir a los que vivimos a su alrededor mas aparte su pésimo servicio
All morning his alarm sounds and does not let those of us who live around him sleep apart from his lousy service
Olivmar Briceno on Google

No recomiendo en lo absoluto el servicio de laboratorio. Acudi el dia 26 para pagar unos examenes para mi papá para ahorrar tiempo, le indique a la señorita cuales requeria y hasta los escribi en un papel que medio, puntualice que habia uno que necesitaba especificamente y que necesitaba los resultados con 24 horas, al momento de pagar la chica habia impreso la orden mal, en fin ese dia tarde hora y media solo para pagar unos examenes cuando no habian mas pacientes. Al dia siguiente acudi con mi papá a realizar la prueba y la chica tardo mil horas en sacar la sangre. el dia 28 acudimos a retirar los resultados y nos indican que no estan, acudo el dia de hoy 29 de Enero y el examen que le puntualice a la chica mil veces no estaba en los resultados, ademas que para entregarmelos espere muchisimo. Es insolito que un servicio de salud sera tan precario y lento, no es posible que solo les interese cobrar y siento trabajadoras allí no tengan ni la minima idea de cuales son los examenes que proveen. Tuve que cancelar la cita medica porque se tardaron mas de 24 horas aunque me prometieran que cumplirian el tiempo y ademas ahora buscar otro laboratorio y pagar mas dinero, (como si 700 pesos no fuese suficiente) para que le realicen el examen puntual que pedi y solicite por escrito. La chica que me atendio hoy no tuvo ningun interes en brindar una respuesta del PORQUE no estaba el examen en los resultados. Es lamentable la atencion y lamentable que jueguen con el tiempo y el dinero de los clientes.
I do not recommend laboratory service at all. I came on the 26th to pay for some exams for my dad to save time, I told the lady which ones he required and even wrote them on a piece of paper that half, I pointed out that there was one that I needed specifically and that I needed the results with 24 hours, at the time After paying, the girl had printed the wrong order, in short that day it took an hour and a half just to pay for some tests when there were no more patients. The next day I went with my dad to perform the test and the girl took a thousand hours to draw the blood. On the 28th we went to withdraw the results and they told us that they were not there, I went today, January 29, and the exam that punctuated the girl a thousand times was not in the results, besides that to deliver them I waited a long time. It is unusual that a health service will be so precarious and slow, it is not possible that they are only interested in charging and I feel workers there do not have the slightest idea of ​​what tests they provide. I had to cancel the medical appointment because it took more than 24 hours even though they promised me that they would meet the time and also now look for another laboratory and pay more money, (as if 700 pesos was not enough) to have the specific exam that I requested and request in writing. The girl who attended me today had no interest in providing an answer on WHY the test was not in the results. It is regrettable the attention and regrettable that they play with the time and money of the clients.
Samantha Alvarez del Carmen on Google

No hay médico hasta las 2pm. Van 3 veces que vengo en la mañana y me dicen que NO hay consulta en la mañana, solo pruebas covid.
There is no doctor until 2pm. There are 3 times that I come in the morning and they tell me that there is NO consultation in the morning, only covid tests.
Mireya Itzel Pacheco Aguilar on Google

En la farmacia normal pero el consultorio es pésimo, tengo 2 días viniendo en la mañana para una prueba y los dos días han estado abriendo hasta tarde. Todo a pesar de que ayer pregunté y me dijeron que hoy abrían en horario normal. Una falta de respeto al tiempo de los demás
In the normal pharmacy but the office is lousy, I have 2 days coming in the morning for a test and the two days have been open late. All despite the fact that yesterday I asked and they told me that they were open today during normal hours. A lack of respect for the time of others
Mar Sant on Google

Hay demasiada gente, por mi no hay problema espero, pero si trae uno a personas mayores se cansan mucho de estar parados. Los que van saliendo dicen que tardaron 2 horas, yo traigo a mi mamá y ya se canso de estar parada. Y todo porqué el gobierno dice que todo está bien, deberían poner más módulos y no andar con sus payasadas de consultas que quiere el niño presidente.
There are too many people, I hope there is no problem for me, but if one brings older people they get very tired of standing. Those who are leaving say it took 2 hours, I brought my mom and she's tired of standing still. And all because the government says that everything is fine, they should put more modules and not go around with their query antics that the child president wants.
Art Alc on Google

Farmacia 24 h. Si vas por pruebas Covid, llega desde las 7 ya que hay escases de ellas y dan un número limitado y la gente llega desde temprano. Cuesta $300. La farmacia tiene de todo, muy surtido. Falta personal que te oriente sobre productos dermatológicos especializados.
24 hour pharmacy. If you go for Covid tests, arrive from 7 o'clock since there are few of them and they give a limited number and people arrive early. It costs $300. The pharmacy has everything, very well stocked. There is a lack of personnel to guide you on specialized dermatological products.
Vivekananda Aryasri on Google

Very quick and good patience levels displayed by the staff.
Carlos Garcia on Google

Lab services show 0700am to 0900pm scjedule. 0810am and still closed. Staff at drugstore not helpful at all.

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