FARMACIA SIMILARES - 50600 El Oro de Hidalgo

1/5 based on 2 reviews


Address :

Av. Independencia 8, El Oro de Hidalgo, 50600 El Oro de Hidalgo, Méx., Mexico

Website :
Categories :
City : Méx.

Av. Independencia 8, El Oro de Hidalgo, 50600 El Oro de Hidalgo, Méx., Mexico
francisco rivera on Google

si se pudiera seria menos 5 estrellas por el mal servicio tanto de una chica en farmacia como del medico que estaba el dia que nesecitaba de una consulta cuando llegue toque en el consultorio en el cual no habia nadie pregunte en la farmacia y una de las chicas me dijo que no tardaba mientras platicaba con un señor espere por un espacio de 20 minutos y fui a preguntar de nuevo la chica con tono molesto me dijo que ya iva para alla y resulta que el doctor en turno era el que estaba platicando con la chica desde que llegue quien ni se inmuto cuando pregunte por el y siguio platicando por sierto puras tonterias por eso cuando lo vi entrar al consultorio decidi retirarme ese tipo de personas no son de fiar si la empresa simi nota bajas ventas este puede ser el principal motivo
If possible, it would be less than 5 stars for the poor service of both a girl in the pharmacy and the doctor who was there the day I needed a consultation when I arrived at the office where there was no one, I asked at the pharmacy and one of the girls He told me that he would not take long while I was talking with a man, wait for a space of 20 minutes and I went to ask again the girl with an annoyed tone told me that she was already going there and it turns out that the doctor on duty was the one who was talking with the girl since he arrived who didn't even flinch when I asked about him and kept talking by the way pure nonsense that's why when I saw him enter the office I decided to leave that type of people are not trustworthy if the company simi notes low sales this may be the main reason
Yazzy8811 Sanchez on Google

Ay una muchacha q atiende de muy mal modo siempre q voy a comprar siempre con su carota trabajo el día de hoy pase a comprar y no quiso venderme nada y me gritó y se me quedó viendo muy feo arreglen eso aparte u a vez estaba en un coche estacionado afuera con unos chicos tomando
There is a girl who attends in a very bad way whenever I always go to buy with her big job today, come to buy and she did not want to sell me anything and she yelled at me and she looked at me very ugly, fix that apart, once I was in a car parked outside with some guys drinking

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