Farmacia Uribe - 28200 Manzanillo

4/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Farmacia Uribe

Address :

28 de Agosto 56, Santiago Centro, 28200 Manzanillo, Col., Mexico

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Categories :
City : Col.

28 de Agosto 56, Santiago Centro, 28200 Manzanillo, Col., Mexico
Gael Joestar on Google

Alexandro Mayen on Google

Edgar Moncada on Google

Luz Rodriguez on Google

Jorge Godinez del Toro on Google

Alejandro Quintero (Hugo) on Google

Muy buen surtido de medicamentos.
Very good assortment of medications.
Mario Pérez on Google

Es una pena que dejen trabajar a pseudomedicos como tú Luis Uribe Chavez que reailzó una intervención a un sin tener los conocimientos para realizarla. Aceptó realizar una cirugia para hacer un drenado de agua de unos pulmones, cirugia que no realizó ni siquiera con la minima idea, ya que en las radiografias la aguja nunca perforó el pulmon y los aparatos siempre estuvieron extrayendo agua que tenemos en los musculos y sangre. Al asesorarnos con otro especialista tambien nos indico que la zonda que habia colocado era una zonda para orina y no para este procedimiento quirurgico. Cuando optamos por llevarnos al paciente a otro hospital despues de aceptar que no sabia lo que estaba haciendo y tener que recibir un mensaje de audio con las indicaciones de lo que tenia que hacer quiso retirar la aguja de la intervecion jalandola al paciente como si de un juego se tratara. Es una lastima que tengan a patanes como tú ejerciendo está profesión
It is a pity that they leave pseudo-doctors like you, Luis Uribe Chavez, who reactivated an intervention to one without having the knowledge to carry it out. He agreed to perform a surgery to drain water from his lungs, a surgery that he did not perform even with the slightest idea, since on x-rays the needle never pierced the lung and the devices were always extracting water that we have in the muscles and blood . When consulting with another specialist, he also indicated that the zone that he had placed was a zone for urine and not for this surgical procedure. When we chose to take the patient to another hospital after accepting that he did not know what he was doing and having to receive an audio message with the instructions of what he had to do, he wanted to withdraw the needle from the operation, pulling the patient as if from a game is about. It is a pity that they have louts like you practicing this profession

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