Farmacias Benavides - 66450 Mexico

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacias Benavides

Address :

Av. Central SN, Anáhuac, 66450 Mexico, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
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City : N.L.

Av. Central SN, Anáhuac, 66450 Mexico, N.L., Mexico
Iván Rocha on Google

La chava de las fotografías me atendió muy bien. Normalmente no tengo problemas al pasar por aquí.
The girl in the photographs attended me very well. Normally I have no problems going through here.
D G on Google

Un servicio pésimo... ni voltean a verte cuando les preguntas algo... a parte, al comprar ibuprofeno salió casi al doble que en las farmacias del ahorro. Eviten este lugar para no pasar un trago amargo...
A lousy service ... they don't turn to see you when you ask them something ... besides, when buying ibuprofen, it almost doubled than in savings pharmacies. Avoid this place so you don't have a bitter drink ...
Lisseth Villanueva on Google

Muy mala experiencia pase a comprar unas pastillas y me sale q la caja venia vacia y me di cuenta hasta ahorita q me las iva a tomar me da mucho coraje x q n son ni baratas las pastillas
Very bad experience, I went to buy some pills and it came out that the box was empty and I realized until now that I was going to take them, it gives me a lot of courage, and they are not even cheap.
Moi Arreola on Google

Pésimo servicio, mucha gente y solo 2 cajas abiertas con 6 empleados viendo solamente, muy mal! Se tardan mucho en despachar!
Terrible service, many people and only 2 open boxes with 6 employees watching only, very bad! They take a long time to dispatch!
Emiliano Gallegos Mireles on Google

Son unos verdaderos inútiles, no saben ni utilizar la impresora de fotografías
They are really useless, they don't even know how to use the photo printer
Aldair Coronado on Google

Le comenté al guardia que tenía una bolsa y hasta le mostré lo que tenía en la bolsa, no le bastó con eso, me siguió por toda la tienda, era demasiado incómodo, no podía ver nada a gusto porque el estaba ahí, e incluso una señora demostradora le dijo que ya era suficiente con que le mostrara lo que traía, me hizo sentir demasiado incómodo, muy mala experiencia, ya hasta me da vergüenza ir.
I told the guard that I had a bag and I even showed him what I had in the bag, it wasn't enough for him, he followed me around the store, it was too uncomfortable, I couldn't see anything at ease because he was there, and even a The demonstrator lady told him that it was enough for me to show her what I was bringing, it made me feel too uncomfortable, a very bad experience, I'm even ashamed to go.
Roberto Carrion Serna on Google

Encuentras casi todo, en caso que no haya lo que ocupas, lo pides y lo tienen el mismo dia o al siguiente mas tardar, tambien esta muy surtida, lo mejor es que tienen un consultorio que abre en fin de semana, eso ayuda mucho y otra ventaja es que esta en una estacion del metro, tambien si te flojera ir tienen servicio a domicilio, esta algo saturada simpre hay mucha gente, asi que llega con paciensia! Al final vas por algo de primera necesidad (medicinas)
You find almost everything, in case there is not what you occupy, you ask for it and they have it the same day or the next one later, it is also very well-stocked, the best thing is that they have an office that opens on weekends, that helps a lot and Another advantage is that it is in a subway station, also if you are lazy to go have service at home, it is somewhat saturated there are always many people, so arrive with patience! In the end you go for something of first necessity (medicines)
Jorge Garza on Google

Benavides es una tradición de muy buen trato y encuentras casi siempre los medicamentos que buscas,sin problemas de estacionamiento. Los precios en Benavides son más caros en comparación de farmacias Guadalajara, HEB y Costco. De repente ponen ofertas, pero el consumidor como yo , siempre andamos comparando precios. Aclaro no incluimos a farmacias similares en las comparaciones....ellos son muy baratos..pero a veces buscamos medicamentos de patente.
Benavides is a tradition of very good treatment and you almost always find the medicines you are looking for, without parking problems. The prices in Benavides are more expensive compared to pharmacies Guadalajara, HEB and Costco. Suddenly they put offers, but the consumer like me, we are always comparing prices. I clarify we do not include similar pharmacies in the comparisons ... they are very cheap ... but sometimes we look for patent drugs.

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