Farmacias del Ahorro La Romana - 54030 Tlalnepantla de Baz

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacias del Ahorro La Romana

Address :

Av. Hidalgo 1020, La Romana, 54030 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : Méx.

Av. Hidalgo 1020, La Romana, 54030 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico
Ricardo Mayén on Google

Pésimo servicio, no pudieron ofrecerme un medicamento porque no llevaba la marca, cosa que no es necesario, en otras farmacias me ofrecen opciones de marcas y precios. No los recomiendo.
Terrible service, they could not offer me a medicine because it did not carry the brand, which is not necessary, in other pharmacies they offer me brand and price options. I do not recommend them.
jose rodriguez on Google

horrible la atención, me negaron la venta porque no tenían cambio, solo me venderían si llevaba cambio, tuve que cancelar una compra de $2660.0, porque estaba pagando con $2700.0, como no tienian $40.0 pesos de cambio mejor lo cancelaron, me dice el dependiente que no me está negando la venta pero que no tiene cambio y que con todo gusto me vende si le pago con el costo exacto,
horrible attention, they denied me the sale because they had no change, they would only sell me if I had change, I had to cancel a purchase of $ 2660.0, because I was paying with $ 2700.0, as they did not have $ 40.0 pesos of change, they better canceled it, the clerk tells me that He is not denying me the sale but that he has no change and that he will gladly sell me if I pay him with the exact cost,
We Stay Safe on Google

Muy amables. El servicio es excelente
very friendly the service is excellent
Lilia Chávez P on Google

Compré una promoción de Ibuprofeno, y las dos cajas venían vacías. Desafortunadamente me dí cuenta una semana después porque iba a ocupar el medicamento. Exijan que les abran las cajas y no les hagan el truco de la caja vacía.
I bought a promo for Ibuprofen, and both boxes came empty. Unfortunately I realized a week later why I was going to use up the medication. Demand that the boxes be opened for you and don't do the empty box trick.
Emanuel jovani on Google

La consulta muy bien, aunque el día de ayer me sentía fatal pase a comprar las medicinas al mismo lugar y para mi sorpresa el día de hoy que me tenia que tomar una pastilla resulta que la caja solo tenia el papel del medicamento y todavía con descaro me ofrecieron un 2x1 en el medicamento y en ninguna de las dos cajas había pastillas. Si van a este lugar revisen sus medicamentos aunque el que despache mueva la caja y suene que trae algo, no se confíen.
The consultation very well, although yesterday I felt terrible, I went to buy the medicines at the same place and to my surprise today that I had to take a pill it turns out that the box only had the role of the medicine and still cheekily They offered me a 2x1 on the medicine and neither box had pills. If you go to this place, check your medications even if the dispenser moves the box and sounds like he has something, do not trust yourself.
Eliel Trujillo on Google

El servicio a domicilio es TERRIBLE. En verdad, NO se los recomiendo. Compré un protector solar y la caja estaba maltratada y el producto no era el que yo solicité. Fui a la farmacia personalmente para cambiar el producto y de mala gana me dijeron que no me podían hacer el cambio porque "yo rompí la caja". Tampoco contestan en la línea telefónica. Pésimo servicio, pésima trato y pésima gestión de sus productos
The delivery service is TERRIBLE. In truth, I do NOT recommend them. I bought a sunscreen and the box was battered and the product was not what I requested. I went to the pharmacy personally to change the product and they reluctantly told me that they could not make the change because "I broke the box." They also do not answer on the phone line. Bad service, bad treatment and bad management of their products
Molly 88 on Google

Estuve esperando a que me atendieran y no ingresé al mostrador hasta que me llamarán, llegó alguien después de mi y la pasaron, comentándole que me hablaron y que no pase, cómo estaba afuera no se escucha bien y jamás me hablaron con la mano, y se pusieron con una actitud medio arrogante, cero actitud de servicio parece que te están haciendo un favor, le pregunté por medicamentos y solo contestaba pues que quieres cuando trataba de explicarle ya que la compra no requería receta. Pésimo!!!
I was waiting for them to attend to me and I did not enter the counter until they called me, someone came after me and they passed it, commenting that they spoke to me and that it does not happen, how I was outside it is not heard well and they never spoke to me with the hand, and They got a half arrogant attitude, zero attitude of service, it seems that they are doing you a favor, I asked him about medications and he only answered well what do you want when I tried to explain to him since the purchase did not require a prescription. Appalling!!!
Génesis Juárez on Google

No dan servicio las 24hrs.Necesitaba urgentemente medicinas para un familiar con covid y no me quisieron atender a las 10pm.Si no van a dar servicio no contraten personal para el horario nocturno,la chica que tienen ahi en la noche no se diga a atender aun cuando el letrero y Google maps dice que el servicio es 24hrs
They do not provide service 24 hours a day. I urgently needed medicine for a relative with covid and they did not want to attend me at 10 pm. If they are not going to provide service, do not hire personnel for the night hours, the girl they have there at night, do not say to attend even when the sign and Google maps say that the service is 24 hours

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