Farmacias del Ahorro López Mateos - 24040 Campeche

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacias del Ahorro López Mateos

Address :

Adolfo, Av López Mateos 2, Barrio de San Román, 24040 Campeche, Camp., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9999888
Website :
Categories :
City : Camp.

Adolfo, Av López Mateos 2, Barrio de San Román, 24040 Campeche, Camp., Mexico
Jose Luis Bonilla Centeno on Google

Gran surtido de medicamentos y ahora productos derma
Large assortment of medications and now derma products
Irving mtz on Google

Bien ubicado y con buenos precios. Lo que no tienen lo consiguen de otras farmacias. Y buena atención .
Well located and with good prices. What they don't have they get from other pharmacies. And good attention.
Rebeca A Reyes Zetina on Google

He hablado y me contestan enseguida, pero ahora no y como vivo retirado, solo hablo para preguntar y saber si voy o no hay y ya no hago el viaje en balde. Pero no contestan.
I have spoken and they answer me right away, but not now and since I live retired, I only speak to ask and find out if I go or not and I no longer make the trip for nothing. But they don't answer.
Jose Alberto Maceda Pinzon on Google

No está abierto las 24 horas Cierran a las 10pm
It is not open 24 hours They close at 10pm
Guadalupe Hernandez on Google

Atención poco amable de la srita Karina Gasca. En serio por qué trabajan en lugares donde hay que atender a gente y obvio no les gusta.
Unkind attention from Miss Karina Gasca. Seriously why they work in places where you have to serve people and obviously they don't like it.
Ricardo Chan on Google

Nunca contestan ni aún con la encuesta que para nada sirve
They never answer even with the survey that is useless

Te atendienden muy bien, muy recomendable.
They take care of you very well, highly recommended.
Josrisindie on Google

La farmacia cumple con su función, solo que el horario que tienen no es 24hrs, ya que cierran. Las 11pm aproximadamente, la atención se me hizo buena, son atentas las señoritas
The pharmacy fulfills its function, only that the hours they have is not 24 hours, since they close. At approximately 11pm, the attention was good, the ladies are attentive

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