Farmacias Del Ahorro - 77500 Cancún

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacias Del Ahorro

Address :

BOULEVARD MZ 11 CANCUN CENTRO, Luis Donaldo Colosio, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9989
Website :
Categories :
City : Q.R.

BOULEVARD MZ 11 CANCUN CENTRO, Luis Donaldo Colosio, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Carlos Cu on Google

Solo por que no hay calificación negativa, son un asco, estando dentro del horario de consulta niegan el servicio y con la mano en la cintura la cajera y la doctora te dicen regrese mañana si quiere.
Just because there is no negative rating, they are disgusting, being within consultation hours they deny the service and with their hands on their hips the cashier and the doctor tell you, come back tomorrow if you want.
Ivette Spada on Google

El teléfono que se muestra aquí es incorrecto!! Contesta un Sr. que finge no oir..... por favor publicar el tel. de Farmacias del Ahorro
The phone shown here is incorrect !! Answer a man who pretends not to hear ... please post the tel. of Savings Pharmacies
Jimmy Aguayo on Google

Muy buena ubicación
very good location
Carlos Xavier Pickering on Google

Las farmacias son un mal necesario, las del ahorro brindan excelentes precios y muy buena atención con descuentos y programa de beneficios como en ninguna otra
Pharmacies are a necessary evil, those of savings provide excellent prices and very good service with discounts and benefits program as in no other
Arturo Ruiz Zacatzi on Google

No hay farmacias del ahorro en plaza cumbres, no vayan!
There are no savings pharmacies in Plaza Cumbres, don't go!
Jess Lozano on Google

En el area de pruebas covid de framacias de ahorro cumbres, te quieren hacer la prueba con un isopo en la punta de la nariz, cobrar en efectivo más de $299, y sin que hagas el registro por la aplicación. Obvio robando!
In the covid test area of ​​cumbres savings fragrances, they want to do the test with a swab on the tip of your nose, charge more than $ 299 in cash, and without registering for the application. Obvious stealing!
William Webb on Google

Generic Brand medicines. Some brand medicines. Many locations throughout Cancun.
Roman Santillan on Google

This company refuse to change a prescription or get money back. The excuse the computer system is new and does no take back medicines. Even though, I did try to do the transaction 2 hours later. According Consumer Protection Federal Law, Procoduraroria Federal del Consumidor, I can began a case. I am wondering, how the poor Mexicans are abuse by this kind of companies, monopolies that control the the Health Care Industry in Mexico, during this time of Crisis of COVID-19.

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