Farmacias del Ahorro Panamericana - 04700 Ciudad de México

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacias del Ahorro Panamericana

Address :

Anillo Perif. 5120, Villa Panamericana, Coyoacán, 04700 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : CDMX

Csr Botello on Google

Buen servicio del personal de farmacia.
Good service from pharmacy staff.
Mario Vazquez Cruz on Google

La verdad este lugar iba bien. Atendían bien y con una sonrisa pero desde la pandemia han economisado en personal y calidad de atención. Que mal acabe así la farmacia más. Importante de aqui
The truth is that this place was going well. They attended well and with a smile but since the pandemic they have saved on staff and quality of care. Too bad the pharmacy ends like this more. Important from here
Mariel G. Alcalde on Google

Bien surtido y bien atendido. Está muy organizada la entrada por el covid. Los doctores del consultorio son buenos pero nunca llegan en el horario que se indica.
Well stocked and well cared for. The entrance is very organized by the covid. The doctors in the office are good but they never show up on time.
Mish CGR on Google

Quise comprar un artículo de urgencia, un salbutamol ya que estába teniendo un cuadro asmático y la que atiende me dijo que eso no es emergencia y me tenía que esperar, No es urgencia quedarte sin respirar y estar a unos minutos de morir... No logro entender a este tipo de personas, incluso los demás que estaban en la fila me dijeron que podía pasar antes que todos y está señora se portó muy prepotente y tuve que salir rápido de ahí ya que no me quiso atender sino me formaba, afortunadamente alcance a llegar a la farmacia Guadalajara de gran Sur y luego luego me lo dieron y dejaron usar incluso antes de pagarlo.
I wanted to buy an emergency item, a salbutamol since I was having an asthmatic picture and the one who attends told me that this is not an emergency and I had to wait, It is not an emergency to run out of breath and be a few minutes from dying ... No I manage to understand these types of people, even the others who were in line told me that I could pass before everyone else and this lady was very arrogant and I had to get out of there quickly since she did not want to attend to me but trained me, luckily I reached to get to the Guadalajara pharmacy in Gran Sur and then they gave it to me and let me use it even before paying for it.
Julieta Roa on Google

Pese a los comentarios negativos que hay aquí, me atreví a ir hace escasos 15 minutos (27 de mayo de 2021 a las 11:30 am), lamentablemente los pude corroborar, pregunté por la consulta médica y me dijo la señora de la entrada que son a partir de las 15:00 hrs. previa cita por Internet, le pedí que me mostrará como sacar la cita en línea y me dijo que no sabía, fue a ver a un supuesto supervisor y la respuesta fue que me metiera a la página y ahí vería cómo hacerlo, indicándome que no me atenderían si llegaba sin cita previa dado que el doctor llega ya con una agenda y no se atiende a quien llegué por su cuenta. Total, que al no encontrar la ruta para agendar en la página llamé al call center, donde me dieron información completamente opuesta, indicándome que se atiende como se va llegando y que el horario es de 9 a 15 hrs. Todo al revés, en fin, desde ahora evitaré a toda costa consumir en esa farmacia, hay mucha competencia y deberían tener algún mínimo estándar de atención al cliente con procesos homogéneos de atención . Puro negocio improvisado. #TodoMal #MalServicio #NoVuelvo
Despite the negative comments here, I dared to go just 15 minutes ago (May 27, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.), unfortunately I was able to corroborate them, I asked for the medical consultation and the lady at the entrance told me that They are from 3:00 p.m. After an appointment on the Internet, I asked him to show me how to make the appointment online and he told me that he did not know, he went to see a supposed supervisor and the answer was that I went to the page and there he would see how to do it, indicating that I did not They would attend if I arrived without an appointment, since the doctor already arrives with an agenda and whoever arrived on their own is not attended to. Total, since I did not find the route to schedule on the page, I called the call center, where they gave me completely opposite information, indicating that it is attended as it is arriving and that the hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everything the other way around, in short, from now on I will avoid consuming at that pharmacy at all costs, there is a lot of competition and they should have some minimum standard of customer service with homogeneous care processes. Pure improvised business. #AllBad #BadService #NoVuelvo
Daniel Hernandez on Google

El día 18 de SEP del 2021 a las 7:50pm el personal que solo había dos, el empleado y el supervisor no supieron ingresar recetas de Vitamedica. Al grado que se negaron ha entrar al sistema y no tuvieron una actitud de atención al cliente, su comportamiento su grosero. Pésimo servicio lástima que no les den capacitación a sus empleados.
On SEP 18, 2021 at 7:50 pm, the staff, who only had two, the employee and the supervisor did not know how to enter Vitamedica prescriptions. To the extent that they refused to enter the system and did not have a customer service attitude, their behavior was rude. Terrible service too bad they don't train their employees.
María del Carmen Fernández Santoveña on Google

No tienen el medicamento que busco y te hacen dar vueltas y más vueltas. Llevaba una receta que si cumplía con la norma oficial y no me la aceptaron.
They don't have the medicine I'm looking for and they make you go round and round. I had a prescription that did meet the official standard and they did not accept it.
polly Romo on Google

Hoy 15 Enero 7:00 pm el encargado le provoco a mi mama una crisis nerviosa ..venian de una visita con el doctor Grijalva en una curacion le recetan dos medicamentos por error mi padrastro compra el que ya tenia y al ver mi mama pide que se lo.cambien a lo que el encargado le dice que le invalidara la receta porque ya la habia sellado ...mi mama desesperada porque ya no podria comprar despues el medicamento si la invalidaba le pide que solo anote una leyenda y que ella misma regresaria a comprarla despues sin problema, el.le dijo que no y pues al ser mayor se desespero y le insistio hasta que lo hiciera final despues de gritos que le metio este señor de la farmacia pues le dio el oteo medicamento ....cabe señalar que si mi padrastro no insistio es porque el estaba muy mal despues de una curacion del pie que le hicieron a raiz de un accidente de auto ....necesito el nombre de el encargado para repsortarlo y en caso de que mi mama siga mal pues levantar cargos en la fiscalia si alguien me da el nombre se los agradeceria, son personas mayores y no tienen tacto para contratar a sus empleados de verdad que mal pondre en contacto mañana con el medico a ver que se puede hacer es posible que traten asi a la gente enferma y mayor
Today, January 15, 7:00 pm, the manager gave my mother a nervous breakdown. They came from a visit with Dr. Grijalva during a treatment. They prescribed two medications by mistake. My stepfather bought the one he already had and when he saw my mother, he asked me to change it to what the manager tells him to invalidate the prescription because he had already stamped mom, desperate because she wouldn't be able to buy the medicine later if she invalidated it, asks her to just write down a legend and that she herself would come back to buy it later without any problem, he told her no and because he was older he got desperate and insisted until he did the end after yelling at him from this man from the pharmacy, he gave him the medicine scan... .it should be noted that if my stepfather did not insist it is because he was very ill after a foot treatment that they did as a result of a car accident .... I need the name of the person in charge to respond and in case my mother continue wrong then file charges in the prosecution if anyone If you give me the name I would appreciate it, they are elderly people and they don't have the tact to hire their employees, really bad ... I will contact the doctor tomorrow to see what can be done ... it is not possible that they treat like this sick and elderly people

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