Farmacias del Ahorro Real A Colima - 45601 San Pedro Tlaquepaque

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacias del Ahorro Real A Colima

Address :

Av. Prol. Colón 5972-Sur, Santa María Tequepexpan, 45601 San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
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City : Jal.

Av. Prol. Colón 5972-Sur, Santa María Tequepexpan, 45601 San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jal., Mexico
Berna Uribe on Google

Buena atención, servicio médico gratuito. No te obligan a comprar. Me parece muy bueno el servicio y les consumo x no ser abusivos
Good care, free medical service. They do not force you to buy. I think the service is very good and I consume them for not being abusive

Karla Martínez on Google

Pesimo servicio de la dra de aquí Se supone q el horario es hasta las 2 y a la 1.15 se fue a comer sin quererme atender a mi hija enferma
Pity service of the dra here It is assumed that the schedule is until 2 and at 1.15 he went to eat without wanting to attend to my sick daughter

Muy buena la atencion la chica que estaba me ayudo bien
Very good attention, the girl who was there helped me well
Dante Garcia Medina on Google

Llame para preguntar sobre las consultas y me tuvieron 10 minutos en espera, para posteriormente colgar la llamada.
I called to ask about the consultations and they had me waiting 10 minutes, to later hang up the call.
Valeria Jaime on Google

Hola hace unos días visite la farmacia por qué mi bebé estaba un poco enfermo, tenía fiebre y traía una infección. Yo tengo seguro social pero la farmacia estaba cerca y quise llegar para que lo atendieran de emergencia obviamente, llegue y para empezar toque la puerta, no había nadie esperando y me contestaron que pasara y venía entrando un señor con una inyección en la mano, entonces me grita voy a pasar estoy en cita a lo que le digo a la dra. hola va a pasar el joven... Yo traía unos papeles en las manos, entro el fulano y venía otro con el, que se quedó afuera entonces me senté enfrente de la puerta y sale la dra. y me dice "no hago examen médico" y le contesté está bien y me vuelve a repetir "no hago examen médico ni lleno formatos" obviamente esperando a que me levantara corriendo para irme, por qué no me quitaba la mirada de encima y le volví a contestar está bien. Y ya que terminó, entre me dice "me das tu ficha" y le dije no la pedí pero ahorita voy, tuve que salir con mi bebé al aire de nuevo y meterlo a la farmacia con aire acondicionado, regrese con la ficha la tomo la hizo bolita y la tiro... Entonces me dijo que sentará a mi bebé en la camilla y pues es un bebé lo tengo que cuidar no es la primera vez que lo llevo al dr. entonces comenzó a quererme empujar la dra., hasta qué habrío la boca y dijo "si me dejas ponerme de este lado" y me movió y no hizo nada por qué JAMAS en los pocos años que llevo de madre nadie los había revisado como ella lo quería hacer, la sentí un poco despota y cuando vio el termómetro que marcaba 39.6 grados C y le reviso la garganta, cambio completamente su actitud. Pero a mí forma de ver las cosas ella no me dio el servicio adecuado fue muy grosera y si en vez de salir a querer correrme me hubiera dicho traes tu ficha por qué la vas a necesitar para entrar a revisión, osea de verdad ese no es servicio y quise dejar mi opinión para que no se vuelva a repetir creo que debemos de pensar antes de actuar y no anticiparnos a lo que ni siquiera nos están preguntando...
Hello a few days ago I visited the pharmacy because my baby was a little sick, had a fever and had an infection. I have social security but the pharmacy was nearby and I wanted to get there to be treated in an emergency obviously, I arrived and knocked on the door to begin with, there was no one waiting and they told me to come in and a man came in with an injection in his hand, then He yells at me, I'm going to come by, I'm on an appointment to what I say to Dr. Hello, the young man is going to pass by ... I had some papers in my hands, the guy came in and another came with him, who stayed outside, so I sat in front of the door and the doctor came out. and he tells me "I don't do a medical exam" and I answered him that is fine and he repeats again "I do not do a medical exam or fill out forms" obviously waiting for me to get up and run to leave, why didn't he take his eyes off me and turn to him to answer is fine. And now that he finished, between he says "give me your file" and I said I did not ask for it but now I'm going, I had to go out with my baby in the air again and put him in the pharmacy with air conditioning, I returned with the file I take He made a ball and threw it ... Then he told me that he will sit my baby on the stretcher and since he is a baby I have to take care of him, it is not the first time that I take him to dr. Then the doctor began to want to push me, until I opened my mouth and said "if you let me get on this side" and she moved me and did nothing because NEVER in the few years that I have been a mother no one had reviewed them like she I wanted to do, I felt a little despotic and when he saw the thermometer that read 39.6 degrees C and I checked his throat, he completely changed his attitude. But to my way of seeing things, she did not give me the proper service, she was very rude and if instead of going out to want to cum she had told me bring your file, why are you going to need it to enter the review, I mean, that's not really service and I wanted to leave my opinion so that it does not happen again I think we should think before acting and not anticipate what they are not even asking us ...
Anerol MRMG on Google

Pésimo servicio hacen cargo a la tarjeta se niegan a resolver y TOMAN FOTOS DE TU PLÁSTICO...
Terrible service they charge the card they refuse to resolve and TAKE PHOTOS OF YOUR PLASTIC...
Jose Antonio Lopez on Google

Pésimo el consultorio. Solo te recetan medicamentos a lo tonto para vender y que la "doctora" se lleve buena comisión, y no es lo que necesitas. 5 días después de no tener mejora con lo que me recetaron aquí tuve que ir a un médico privado y solo me recetó 2 medicamentos y a los 2 días ya me sentía bien. Y los que atienden la farmacia les falta mucha capacitación
Terrible office. They only prescribe you stupid drugs to sell and that the "doctor" takes a good commission, and it is not what you need. 5 days after not having improvement with what they prescribed me here, I had to go to a private doctor and he only prescribed 2 medications and after 2 days I was feeling fine. And those who attend the pharmacy lack a lot of training

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