Farmacias del Ahorro Vicente Guerrero - 40000 Iguala de la Independencia

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About Farmacias del Ahorro Vicente Guerrero

"La Roche Posay Lipikar Cleansing Oil AP+
Aceite corporal de ducha para piel seca, extra seca y/o con tendencia atópica. Calma e hidrata la piel. "

Contact Farmacias del Ahorro Vicente Guerrero

Address :

Av. Vicente Guerrero 130B, Centro, 40000 Iguala de la Independencia, Gro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +777
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City : Gro.

Av. Vicente Guerrero 130B, Centro, 40000 Iguala de la Independencia, Gro., Mexico
Jorge Luis Jimenez on Google

JUAN ENRIQUE Lozano Peralta on Google

Buenos precios competitivos
Good competitive prices
Ehécatl López López y López on Google

Bien ubicado
Well located
Alma Reyna on Google

Muy buena atención
Very good attention
Fatima Rosendo on Google

Pesimo servicoservicing nunca te contestan supervisores monitoreen el servicio telefonico x favor
Pesimo servicoservicing never answer supervisors monitor the phone service x please
Salvador Serrano on Google

l know these Foks for more I oko 10 years I only known One Delivery Guy, Indeed he likes to do his JOBI Respects. You can ask him for a favor as yo are going somewhere else, & Ask him politely to Bring it to Bodega Auherra by the Tech. which is Basically the university of Iguala, Guerrero and you can. Count in his words "Yo te la llevo, solo voy a verificar la receta, ya ellos me la dan y se paga y ya yo le traigo" Pues el chaval que conozco de más de 10 años es para confiar jamás me han robado qué porque no hable por el medicamento. Pues PORQUE esté repartidor sí tiene compasión y escríbele esto pues a mí me ha ahorrado tiempo visitas a la farmacia cuándo estoy limitado en tiempo! Y me ahorrado DINERO, pues ultimamente El Encargado Gustavo No Me VENDE NADA Controlado por TENER compras Abnormales - Ni porque tenga las Receta. Es qué NO SE trata el porqué se me acabo 1 caja es porque hay oferta y se acabara el 31 de marzo 2021. Nuevo precio $ 717. Creo qué lo regañaron por haberme cobrado $1,497 pesos. Y se le olvido al Gustavo Decirle a sus Demas empleados por la tarde que yo iría por el pedido de 3 personas, pero l en mi nombre, El No sabe qué pasa El No sabes qué el Action es para mi vecina, y Alli Me tienen en la sucursal de Estrella alas 10pm casi y me dice la chica,(ESPECIALISTA DE QUE?) QUE SU JEFE "GUSTAVO " A Dicho que no sé ME VENDA NADA! Es decir tengo 2 personas qué se lleban SUPER BIEN desde hace 10 años, y este me prohibe la VENTA, olvidando LA LEY! Gente que te NIEGA LA Medicina .porque son compras ABNORMALES, NO! Para Terceros pues vivi, vivimos a 2 horas Lejos de esta Sucursal. Lo Bueno La chica Carmen de VICENTE GUERRERO Conoce de mi, y mi carrera como Farmacologo. Represento a Baylor Medical School en hace TX. Sl. No valido mi Diploma es porque NUNCA LO NECESITARE, Y Ayudare a quien lo NECESITE Asi como el Repartidor pero El Gustavo, tendra que ver mi Diplomada Texas y el porque es ABNORMAL MIS COMPRAS! (se las compro a terceros de mi pueblo porque, son grandes y no pueden IR! por falta de $ en transporte! Y en FIN! Bien con todo menos el problema con el Gerente Gustavo, su coraje hacer una devolucion te 1,497 Pesos! pues llegalmente las dejo afuera PERO NUNCA TE Aviso A ALGUIEN ! Es DECIR, se de no DEVOLUCIONES, pero llegue y Ya se había cobrado de la App. (orden 1:18pm llegue a las 4:20pm.) Transporte publico y solo tuve ese problema Alli tenia 2 Pedidos en Sucursal Hidalgo Y SUPER! pues, otra llamada de Atencion le hace FALTA Y con eso TIENE PARA QUEDARSE YA EN SU CASA! Es mi histona de 10 años No se me venden controlados porque el niño hizo lo más torpe! Cobrar y olvidar decirles vendran por esta orden. y las Recetas cuantas veces han sido Fradulentas? NUNCA! Fraude es el no SABER LA LEY de SALUD, NO Negarás LA VENTA A..... Personas, PEOR cuando son del sector Salud Extranjero y saben más qué Tú! Es decir NO saber porque uno necesita 3 caja de Farmapram? 1 de Bropina y 3 de clonazepam? pues me Nace del corazon traerle sus medicinas a una Amiga, a una señora con dificultad al caminar. Y a 2 personas más quienes confian qué les traere sus medicamentos controlados, Asi d Abnorma lo es, quien no puede dormir No soy yo me despierto porque tengo que RESURTIR la Brospina Hoy Ire contigo Veras ya puse mi queja con la policia Ministerial de Huitzuco, de hecho tendre que Ir con la de Iguala, Me lo venderas O de verdad Vas Acordarte siempre quien te quito tú EGO É Igual la Empleada del Jueves. Me dijo. Espérame (espere) otra se acerco No dijo nada hasta que dejo el teléfono es El guion de Gustavo. No necesitan trabajar si van a Negar la Medicina Ni siquiera una caja de Omeprazol ? No ! Gracias por en 10 años cambiar mi percepción de la Farmacia del Ahorro. Ellos Aprecion mi Lealtad. Y saben qulen soy pero tú NI LA Idea. (Consejero de Substancias Adictivas, FASE I ) Porqué se el unico que le otorga otra oportunidad a ex Adictos porque ellos son abandonados a la vida, y yo estoy en la vida para decirles No te vayas con los lobos Te van a comer ó perderás la vida! TODOS Somos IGUALES, Ni + Ni - (=) S.S.P.
l know these Foks for more I oko 10 years I only known One Delivery Guy, Indeed he likes to do his JOBI Respects. You can ask him for a favor as I are going somewhere else, & Ask him politely to Bring it to Bodega Auherra by the Tech. Which is Basically the university of Iguala, Guerrero and you can. Count in his words "I'll take it to you, I'm just going to verify the recipe, and they give it to me and it's paid for and I'll bring it" Well, the boy I know for more than 10 years is to trust they have never stolen what because I did not speak for the medicine. Well, BECAUSE this delivery person does have compassion and write this to him because it has saved me time visiting the pharmacy when I am limited in time! And it saved me MONEY, because lately The Manager Gustavo DOES NOT SELL ANYTHING Controlled by HAVING Abnormal purchases - Not even because he has the Prescription. It is NOT about why I ran out of 1 box, it is because there is a sale and it will end on March 31, 2021. New price $ 717. I think they scolded him for having charged me $ 1,497 pesos. And Gustavo forgot to tell his other employees in the afternoon that I would go for the request of 3 people, but he in my name, He does not know what happens He You do not know what Action is for my neighbor, and They have Me At the Estrella branch at 10pm almost and the girl tells me, (WHAT SPECIALIST?) THAT HER BOSS "GUSTAVO" SAID I DON'T KNOW SELL ME ANYTHING! That is to say, I have 2 people who have been getting away SUPER WELL for 10 years, and this one prohibits the SALE, forgetting THE LAW! People who DENY you THE Medicine .because they are ABNORMAL purchases, NO! For Third Parties because I lived, we live 2 hours away from this Branch. The Good The girl Carmen from VICENTE GUERRERO Knows about me, and my career as a Pharmacologist. I represent Baylor Medical School in TX. Yes. I am not valid my Diploma is because I WILL NEVER NEED IT, And I will help whoever NEEDS it As well as the Deliveryman but El Gustavo, will have to see my Texas Diploma and why it is ABNORMAL MY PURCHASES! (I buy them from third parties in my town because, they are big and cannot GO! for lack of $ in transport! And finally! Well with everything except the problem with the Manager Gustavo, his courage to make a return to you 1,497 Pesos! Legally I left them out BUT I NEVER NOTIFY YOU TO ANYONE! That is to say, I know of no RETURNS, but I arrived and had already been charged from the App. (order 1:18 pm arrive at 4:20 pm.) Public transport and I only had that problem There he had 2 Orders in Hidalgo Y SUPER Branch! Well, another call for attention makes him MISSING AND with that he HAS TO STAY AT HOME NOW! It is my histone of 10 years. They do not sell me controlled because the child did the most clumsy thing! Charge and forget to tell them they will come by this order. And how many times have the Recipes been Fradulent? NEVER! Fraud is not KNOWING THE HEALTH LAW, YOU WILL NOT DENY THE SALE TO ..... People, WORSE when they are from the Foreign Health sector and they know more than You! I mean, NOT knowing why one needs 3 boxes of Farmapram? 1 for Bropina and 3 for clonazepam? Well, I am born from the heart to bring her medicines to a Friend, to a lady with difficulty walking. And to 2 more people who trust that I will bring their controlled medications, So Abnorma is, who cannot sleep It is not me I wake up because I have to RESURRTIE the Brospina Today I will go with you You will see I already made my complaint with the Ministerial Police of Huitzuco, In fact, I will have to go with the one from Iguala, you will sell it to me. Or you are really going to always remember who took your EGO from you and the same as Thursday's Employee. Told me. Wait for me (wait) another one approached He did not say anything until I left the phone is Gustavo's script. They don't need to work if they are going to Deny the Medicine Not even a box of Omeprazole? No ! Thank you for changing my perception of the Savings Pharmacy in 10 years. They appreciate my Loyalty. And they know who I am but you NEITHER THE Idea. (Counselor of Addictive Substances, PHASE I) Because I am the only one who gives another opportunity to former Addicts because they are abandoned to life, and I am in life to tell them Do not go with the wolves They will eat you or you will lose your life! We are ALL EQUAL, Ni + Ni - (=) S.S.P.
Daniel PC on Google

El médico que está en turno hoy Emilio Martínez Martínez es prepotente y mal educado. Reciente estoy esperando turno y pasa a otra persona y cuando voy y le digo que es mi turno se torna a la defensiva. Mal organizado entre los señoritas que están en caja como este "médico"
The doctor who is on duty today Emilio Martínez Martínez is arrogant and ill-mannered. Recent I am waiting for his turn and he passes to another person and when I go and tell him that it is my turn he becomes defensive. Badly organized among boxed ladies like this "doctor"
Salvador Serrano on Google

Very nice stuff they usually have the medication you need on like the other ones but the one in the market and don't even know how to handle I'm still waiting for my 1,497 pesos the only because they don't know what they're doing they just don't they took my money and it's in 5 minutes yeah it's taking them 2 days to put it back in my account they should be able to do with us to do when you take your money share at all and then I get treated like a little child and you don't even know I have a degree for it medicine more on

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