Farmacias Guadalajara - 45609 San Pedro Tlaquepaque

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmacias Guadalajara

Address :

Bahía de Acapulco, Parques del Bosque, 45609 San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Alex Ortiz on Google

No contestan el teléfono, el doctor no esta en horarios donde se supone que deberia estar y nunca tienen mesicamentos basicos como QG5, XL-3, etc. Ademas que se hace una fila de 10 minutos en el area de farmacia.
They do not answer the phone, the doctor is not at times where he is supposed to be and they never have basic messaging such as QG5, XL-3, etc. In addition, there is a 10-minute line in the pharmacy area.
Omar Gonzalez on Google

Demasiado concurrido a las 8 p.m. Ademas se torna un tanto dificil encontrar lo que buscas en medio de tanta caja tirada en los pasillos con mercancia por acomodar. No me gusta eso de despachar embutidos y dejartelo en la caja, facilmente los olvidas.
Too crowded at 8 p.m. It also becomes somewhat difficult to find what you are looking for in the middle of so much box thrown in the aisles with merchandise to accommodate. I do not like that of dispatching sausages and leaving it in the box, you easily forget them.
Esmeralda Zarate on Google

Servicio pésimo, no querían sellar la receta y me hicieron una copia para que pudiera tener las instrucciones del doctor y me querían cobrar dos pesos, cuando cuestioné fueron a tirarla y me dijeron que a ellos se las rebajaban. Los dos empleados tratando de pelearme como cliente en vez de ayudar.
Lousy service, they did not want to seal the prescription and they made me a copy so that I could have the doctor's instructions and they wanted to charge me two pesos, when I questioned they went to throw it away and they told me that they were being reduced. The two employees trying to fight me as a customer instead of helping.
Evan on Google

PELIGROSO, EVITENLA. Van y dan cristalazos a los carros o roban en el estacionamiento y alrededor de la farmacia. La atención al cliente también es mala, sin ganas de trabajar y muy tardado sin razón aparente. No vale la pena ir bajo ninguna circunstancia
DANGEROUS, AVOID IT. They go and hit cars or steal in the parking lot and around the pharmacy. Customer service is also bad, unwilling to work and too late for no apparent reason. It is not worth going under any circumstances
Mario Rodriguez on Google

La cajera Paulina tiene muy mala atención con los clientes porque le pagué con un billete de 500 se molestó y me hizo esperar mi cambio aproximadamente 10 minutos
The cashier Paulina has very bad customer service because I paid her with a 500 ticket, she was upset and made me wait for my change for approximately 10 minutes
karlossssssssssss on Google

Pésima atención por parte de la consulta médica a cargo del “Dr. Guillermo Hernandez Basurto” (creo que es el, eso dice en la receta) primeramente su poca profesionalidad a no dar explicación de las cosas y cuestionarme a mi como paciente en forma de burla sobre la acción y uso de los medicamentos, cuando se supone que el médico es el, poca paciencia hacia el paciente y falta de ética al no lograr dar un poco de seguridad y lo peor que se supone que recibió buena preparación como médico en Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, en segunda siempre tomaba cada duda o comentario a la defensiva, cuidado a farmacia Gdl con quien contratan para poner nuestra salud en sus manos.
Terrible attention from the medical consultation in charge of “Dr. Guillermo Hernandez Basurto ”(I think it's him, that is what he says in the prescription) firstly, his lack of professionalism in not giving an explanation of things and questioning me as a patient in the form of a mockery about the action and use of medicines, when it is supposed that The doctor is him, little patience towards the patient and lack of ethics by not being able to give a bit of security and the worst thing that is supposed to have received good preparation as a doctor at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, in second grade he always took every question or comment to defensive, careful to Gdl pharmacy with whom they contract to put our health in their hands.
Rafael Macias on Google

Slowest drugstore Ive been, the personal doesnt have se se of urgency.
Charlie Abraham Arana on Google

The aisles are WAY too narrow but, it's good if you're in a pinch

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