FARMACIAS SIMILARES - 07870 Ciudad de México

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Av. Ing. Alfredo Robles Domínguez 180, Vallejo, Gustavo A. Madero, 07870 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +89
Website :
Categories :
City : CDMX

Elba Cristina Huerta Facio on Google

Es una avenida que sirve como desahogo de Cuitláhuac, misterios y calzada de Guadalupe, también une con Chapultepec, pasa el transporte de trolebús con costo de $2 hasta el paradero de el metro Rosario y como mencioné el autobús a metro Chapultepec, de retorno el trolebús te deja en San Felipe de Jesús
It is an avenue that serves as an outlet for Cuitláhuac, mysteries and Guadalupe road, it also connects with Chapultepec, the trolleybus transportation costs $ 2 to the bus stop of the Rosario metro and as I mentioned the bus to the Chapultepec metro, the trolleybus returns. leaves you in San Felipe de Jesús
Erick josue Padilla Aguilar on Google

No son educados y te tratan como si no valiera tu dinero muy déspota el personal
They are not polite and treat you like you are not worth your money very despotic staff
Jose Andres Reyes on Google

La farmacia da precios accesibles aunque a veces no cuenta con algunos productos, la atención es buena y atenta, siempre tratan de dar opciones si no cuentan con el medicamento que se busca, a lado hay laboratorio médico a bajo costo también, se complementan bien uno con otro.
The pharmacy gives affordable prices but sometimes does not have some products, the care is good and attentive, they always try to give options if they do not have the medicine they are looking for, there is a medical laboratory at a low cost too, they complement each other well with another.
Euro Isea on Google

Seria importante revisar la preparación y calificación del personal medico de consultas. Revisando una prescripción medica el profesional incurren en faltas graves de ortografía, lo que deja mucho que desear en su desempeño como profesional. Ricardo López-Gutierrez medico cirujano
It would be important to review the preparation and qualification of the medical consultation staff. When reviewing a medical prescription, the professional makes serious spelling mistakes, which leaves much to be desired in their performance as a professional. Ricardo López-Gutierrez surgeon
Eugenio Rosas on Google

El personal a cada momento muy atento, lo único malo es su estrategia de venta que a veces se aferran a que les compres algo adicional y no es tan cómodo esa parte.
The staff are very attentive at all times, the only bad thing is their sales strategy that sometimes they hold on to you buying something additional and that part is not so comfortable.
Emmanuel M. Prado on Google

? Nos tocó la mala suerte ? que fuimos a sacar un certificado médico ? y nos tocó un médico nuevo y sin experiencia. + Al ser certificado médico de un menor de edad ?, le tuvieron que sacar sangre el médico estaba súper nervioso por tener que inyectarla, y por su nerviosismo la inyectó mal. + La enyectó ? 3 veces ya que le temblaban las manos. + No está del todo bien que en estos lugares pongan médicos ? novatos ya que se está pagando por un buen servicio. + En la parte de la farmacia ? todo bien, buen surtido de medicamentos ? a costos ? accesibles. + Si llegas en ? auto ? puedes estacionarte en los alrededores. + Si te ayudó esta opinión regalanos un me gusta. Muchas Gracias.
? We were unlucky ? we went to get a medical certificate ? and we had a new and inexperienced doctor. + As a minor's medical certificate ?, they had to draw blood from him, the doctor was super nervous about having to inject it, and because of his nervousness he injected it wrong. + He injected her ? 3 times as his hands were shaking. + It is not entirely good that these places put doctors ? novices since they are paying for a good service. + In the part of the pharmacy ? all good, good assortment of medicines ? at affordable ? costs. + If you arrive by ? car ? you can park in the surroundings. + If this opinion helped you, give us a like. Thanks a lot.
Rodriguez大卫 on Google

Este domingo 8 de Ago del 2021, nos apoyaron en cambiar unos medicamentos NO USADOS, ya que a mi esposa en otra sucursal anterior no nos quisieron apoyar y que de hecho los compramos con ellos, desafortunadamente mi esposa tubo reacción alerjica al medicamento, pero en esta tienda si nos ayudaron. Gracias a la señorita quien amablemente nos los acepto y asi dar la diferencia por el medicamento correcto.
This Sunday, August 8, 2021, they supported us in changing some UNUSED medications, since my wife in another previous branch did not want to support us and that in fact we bought them with them, unfortunately my wife had an allergic reaction to the medication, but in this store if they helped us. Thanks to the lady who kindly accepted them and thus give the difference for the correct medication.
Rebeca Ramírez Puebla on Google

Son unas rateras las dependientes En dos ocasiones trataron de robarnos La estrategia:, música fuerte, te hacen plática, te confunden, no Te explican el total del producto y cuando entregan te distraen. La primer vez no querían regresarme el cambio. Diciendo que ya lo habían hecho, exigi un corte de caja, y después de pelear, lo aceptaron. Hace unos minutos volví a querer comprar medicamento sacaron el total de los medicamentos 289, llegó a caja y me cobran 462. Los regrese. Fui a otro similares y en efecto eran 289. Revisen bien sus tickets y pongan atención.
The dependents are thieves On two occasions they tried to rob us The strategy: loud music, they talk to you, they confuse you, they don't explain the whole product to you and when they deliver they distract you. The first time they didn't want to return my change. Saying they had already done it, he demanded a box cut, and after a fight, they agreed. A few minutes ago I wanted to buy medicine again, they took out the total of 289 medicines, it arrived at the checkout and they charged me 462. I returned them. I went to another similar one and in effect there were 289. Check your tickets well and pay attention.

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