Farmacias Similares - 96000 Acayucan

2.7/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Farmacias Similares

Address :

Calle Miguel Hidalgo 8, Centro, 96000 Acayucan, Ver., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +89
Website :!/
Categories :
City : Ver.

Calle Miguel Hidalgo 8, Centro, 96000 Acayucan, Ver., Mexico
Mario Albert on Google

Muy Buena Pero falta mejorar
Very Good But there is still room for improvement
MR.Spaguetti XD on Google

Buen lugar para comprar medicamentos. Es pequeño .. le faltan unos detalles
Good place to buy medicine. It is small .. it lacks some details
Eduardo Morrugares Alvarez on Google

Mi madre el dia de ayer fue a comprar a esa farmacia.y como andaba un poco enferma y ya esta grande, al vendedor se le hizo facil decirle que por la compra que llevaba se le obsequiaria un producto a lo.que le hizo señas al cajero comenta mi madre y el cajero le.dijo lo mismo. Cabe mencionar que llegando a su casa mi madre noto en el.tiket que le cobraron unas vitaminas que ella bo habia pedido en sus medicamentos y resulta que fue el supuesto medicamento que seria gratis. Estoy muy molesto por que se que en las farmacias te ponen cuotas para vender ciertas promociones pero es indignante que lo.hagan de esta forma engañando personas que si las ven enfermas o grandes de edad lo hagan. Lamentablemente yo no iba con mi madre y ella me comento lo sucedido por telefono. Si no le da solucion yo hare que se las den. No es el.dinero si no las atribuciones que se toman esos vendedores.
Yesterday, my mother went to buy from that pharmacy, and since she was a little sick and already grown up, it was easy for the seller to tell her that for the purchase she was taking, she would be given a product which she signaled to the Cashier says my mother and the cashier said the same. It is worth mentioning that when my mother came home, she noticed in the ticket that they charged her for some vitamins that she had not asked for in her medications and it turns out that it was the supposed medication that would be free. I am very upset that I know that in the pharmacies they put you quotas to sell certain promotions but it is outrageous that they do it this way, deceiving people who if they see them sick or old they do it. Unfortunately I was not with my mother and she told me what happened on the phone. If you do not give a solution I will make them give it to you. It is not the money but the attributions that those sellers take.

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