Federal Consumer PROFECO - 98614 Guadalupe

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Federal Consumer PROFECO

Address :

C. Telégrafos 14, Lomas del Consuelo, 98614 Guadalupe, Zac., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9997
Website : http://www.profeco.gob.mx/
Categories :
City : Zac.

C. Telégrafos 14, Lomas del Consuelo, 98614 Guadalupe, Zac., Mexico
Veronica Tachiquin Rodriguez on Google

Aquí en Nochistlán Zac en la tienda Los Arcos aumentaron el presio de varios productos sin razón y en fruterias del centro el huevo está a $50.00 por favor chequen
Here in Nochistlán Zac in the Los Arcos store they increased the price of various products for no reason and in fruit shops in the center the egg is $ 50.00 please check
Airam Led Salas on Google

Todavia no se. Si ayudan. Por eso no opino nucho.. En la gasolinera de junto al puente a Sauceda, acaban de vaciar 2 pipas de gasolina. Nos dijeron los despachadores.Nos esperamos . Y Cuando quisimos comprar dijeron que era Diesel. Y nos vendieron de una sisterna portatil. De 1000 litros. de una camioneta. Quiero saber si es legal. Gracias!
I still do not know. If they help. That's why I don't think so much .. At the gas station next to the bridge to Sauceda, they have just emptied 2 gas pipes. The dispatchers told us. We are waiting for you. And when we wanted to buy they said it was Diesel. And they sold us a portable sisterna. 1000 liters Of a truck. I want to know if it's legal. Thank you!
Jose Carrillo on Google

Las personas de la dependencia no tienen conocimientos tecnicos, refacciones,materiales, etc esto hace mas dificil que comprendan la situacion y te citan a una audiencia cada mes y es pura perdida de tiempo por que al ultimo ya lo que quieres es recuperar algo de lo que pagaste. Hay proveedores que tienen muchas quejas pero como no hay una sancion siguen abusando de los clientes (en povas palabras deneria de aber tecnicos de diferentes temas-electronica,mecanica,soldadura, etc, no abogados que desconocen de lo anterior
The people of the dependency do not have technical knowledge, spare parts, materials, etc. This makes it more difficult for them to understand the situation and they cite you to an audience every month and it is pure waste of time because the last thing you want is to recover something of the what did you pay There are providers who have many complaints but as there is no sanction they continue to abuse clients (in pov words deneria de aber tecnicos of different topics -electronics, mechanics, welding, etc, not lawyers who are unaware of the above
Rocio Gaytan on Google

Hasta ahora me habían ayudado muy bien. Sin embargo, en este asunto con SEARS no he recibido respuesta. Quizá sea por motivo de la contingencia. No he sabido nada hasta ahora. Ya debería de tener respuesta.
So far they had helped me very well. However, on this matter with SEARS I have not received a response. Maybe it's because of the contingency. I haven't heard anything so far. You should already have an answer.
Felix Frias on Google

Pésimo servicio marcas y te pasan de una extensión a otra y comentan que si el día de hoy 23/11/2021 se pone la denuncia hasta Enero empiezan con el proceso
Terrible service marks and they pass you from one extension to another and they comment that if the complaint is filed today 11/23/2021 until January they start the process
Myrella Leticia Casas Robles on Google

La licenciada Sandra Alejandra Pinedo Botello es muy trabajadora, atenta con el público y trata de resolver conciliando. Muchas felicidades por tener este personal en sus oficinas. Hace 3 meses que fui le dije " que gusto encontrarme con gente a la que le gusta su trabajo" la felicito
The lawyer Sandra Alejandra Pinedo Botello is very hard-working, attentive to the public and tries to resolve by conciliating. Congratulations on having this staff in your offices. I went 3 months ago I told her "it's nice to meet people who like their work" I congratulate them
Ángel Villarreal on Google

No sirven para nada los inútiles! Y además atienden de mala gana. Si no les gusta su trabajo lárguense que no están de a gratis…..
Useless people are useless! And they also serve reluctantly. If you don't like your job, get out, you're not for free...
Enrique Rodriguez on Google

I have been there by a couple times and they had resolved satisfactory my demands.

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