Federal Roads and Bridges of Income and Related Services Tollbooth No. 132 - Seybaplaya - 24460 Campeche

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Federal Roads and Bridges of Income and Related Services Tollbooth No. 132 - Seybaplaya

Address :

Villa Madero-Campeche, San Rafael, 24460 Campeche, Camp., Mexico

Categories :
City : Camp.

Villa Madero-Campeche, San Rafael, 24460 Campeche, Camp., Mexico
Yayis Ciar on Google

No reciben IABE, no reciben pago con tarjeta,solo reciben pago en efectivo, sin anuncio alguno de esto, y te dicen que adelante hay cajero y su cajero no sirve , recomiendo ir preparado para estos patanes ya que no hay opcion
They do not receive IABE, they do not receive payment by card, they only receive payment in cash, without any announcement of this, and they tell you that there is an ATM and their ATM is not working, I recommend going prepared for these louts since there is no option

Un lugar que fuera de ser caseta de cobro,tiene baños y un oxxo,así que si vas con rumbo a merida oh viceversa,note preocupes,ya que ahí encontrarás sanitarios y un oxxo,la zona es segura,así que note preocupes,saludos.
A place that would be a toll booth, has bathrooms and an oxxo, so if you are going to Merida oh vice versa, do not worry, since there you will find toilets and an oxxo, the area is safe, so do not worry, greetings .
J. Juan Caamal Can on Google

Excelente servicio y atención, únicamente hay un inconveniente, y es que nunca abren todas las puertas, por lo general solo hay una en cada sentido, lo cual dificulta y retrasa mucho el tráfico en horas pico o en fechas en las que hay mucho movimiento
Excellent service and attention, there is only one drawback, and that is that they never open all the doors, usually there is only one in each direction, which makes traffic difficult and delays a lot during peak hours or on dates when there is a lot of movement
Miguel angel Rodriguez rodriguez on Google

El area de descanso la agarramos para desayunar y todo d lujo muy vien
We grab the rest area for breakfast and all luxury is coming
Sergio Jimenez on Google

Por qué siempre igual que los bancos y supermercados. Habiendo más casetas por qué solo funciona una o aveces dos. Los sanitarios no tienen agua hay que acarrearla con las cubetas.
Why always the same as banks and supermarkets. Having more booths why only one or sometimes two works. The toilets do not have water, you have to carry it with the buckets.
Genaro Xala on Google

Mucho aceite regado en las casetas de cobro. Deben de limpiar constantemente sobre todo es un peligro para los motociclistas, siempre hay aceite tirado, en comparacion de otras cadetas de peaje estan mas limpias. A ver si limpian por favor.
A lot of oil spilled in the toll booths. They must constantly clean, especially it is a danger for motorcyclists, there is always oil wasted, compared to other toll booths they are cleaner. Let's see if they clean please.
Abdias Ucan on Google

Está todo bien, lo que si no me gustó es que hay personas que se dedican a sacar el diésel a los tractocamiónes a compañeros mientras descansas unas horas y aquí donde esta la seguridad por parte de la autopista tambien hay damas de compañía que son niñas menores de edad, queriendo entrar a las cabinas forzando las puertas no se sabe de donde provienen o quien las trae nosotros llegamos a descansar, los que quieran hacer sus cochinadas hay están los moteles las autoridades donde están?.. deverian de estar pendientes
It's all good, what if I didn't like it is that there are people who are dedicated to taking diesel out of the tractors to colleagues while you rest for a few hours and here where the safety is on the highway there are also ladies of company who are minor girls of age, wanting to enter the cabins by forcing the doors, it is not known where they come from or who brings them, we come to rest, those who want to do their dirty things, are there the motels, where are the authorities?
Juan Vargas on Google

Serca de champoton y de playas y paisajes de lo más hermoso en nuestro mexico
Serca de champoton and the most beautiful beaches and landscapes in our mexico

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