Felican centro veterinario policlinico - 15900 Ciudad de México

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Contact Felican centro veterinario policlinico

Address :

Rtno. 28 G. García 10, Jardín Balbuena, Venustiano Carranza, 15900 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +898
Website : https://www.facebook.com/Felican-centro-veterinario-policlinico-1774733942755354/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Rtno. 28 G. García 10, Jardín Balbuena, Venustiano Carranza, 15900 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Ariadna Lugo on Google

No es justo que por querer sacar más dinero jueguen con la salud de las mascotas, en el momento que a la vocación y amor por los animales le gana el amor al dinero ya todo está perdido. Todo lo que sé hace con alevosía algún día se paga, pongo este comentario para que no arriesguen la vida de sus queridas mascotas, no los lleven a este lugar
It is not fair that for wanting to get more money they play with the health of pets, at the moment that the vocation and love for animals wins over the love of money and everything is lost. Everything I know is done with treachery one day is paid, I put this comment so that they do not risk the lives of their beloved pets, do not take them to this place
Valeria Moreno on Google

Servicio asqueroso, de principio no medican a tu mascota, en mi experiencia acudí la noche del viernes 1 de abril por qué mi bb presentaba síntomas de algo semejante a gripé, de inicio la osculto la pseudo veterinaria lucero castillon, quien me requirió una placa de tórax quien me dijo un costo y después de acceder a realizarla aumento el precio, después otro pseudo veterinario me explicó la placa solo para decirme que tenía cancer en metástasis y que para estar seguro tenía que tomarle la saturación x $400 y la presión arterial x $400 y posterior a esto realizar una biometría enfática y una ecografía de corazón, a lo cual no accedí y me dijo que si no le realizaba los análisis en ese momento no podría volver a llevarla, le suministro algo para el dolor, pero se negó literalmente a darme el servicio después de esto. No vayan es una pérdida de tiempo y dinero, juegan con la vida delas mascotas y los sentimientos de los dueños, son una basura tremenda.
Disgusting service, at first they do not medicate your pet, in my experience I went on the night of Friday April 1 because my baby had symptoms of something similar to the flu, at first the pseudo-veterinarian Lucero Castillon hid it, who required a plate of thorax who told me a cost and after agreeing to perform it, I increased the price, then another pseudo-vet explained the plate to me only to tell me that I had metastatic cancer and that to be sure I had to take the saturation x $400 and the blood pressure x $400 and after this, perform an emphatic biometry and an ultrasound of the heart, to which I did not agree and he told me that if I did not perform the tests at that time he would not be able to take her again, I gave him something for the pain, but he literally refused to service me after this. Do not go, it is a waste of time and money, they play with the life of pets and the feelings of the owners, they are tremendous garbage.
Marcos flores on Google

Hola buenas tardes, ojala esto pueda servir para que no lleven si es que se puede llamar veterinaria "FELICAN CENTRO VETERINARIO POLICLINICO" ubicada en Balbuena cdmx Si no quieres que su mascota se le MUERA, ni se les ocurra ir a este lugar. Recientemente (miércoles 26 de mayo 2021) llevamos a nuestra perrita raza yorkshire terrier de mes y medio por vomito y resulta que tenía que ser hospitalizada, mismo que accedimos y empezaron a hacer su presupuesto y que le iban a realizar varios estudios, para descartar moquillo o parvovirus. Y nos cobrar casi 2500 pesos y debíamos dejar liquidado el 80%, lo cual uno por querer ver sano y que se mejore su mascota accede. Horas después nos llaman diciendo que teníamos que ir porque habia entrado en paro respiratorio y en coma. Como es esto posible? Si nuestra perrita solo iba por vomito y se miraba aún bien. Desafortunadamente en ese momento que fuimos a verla, nos subieron a que la viéramos, la tenían entubada en una encubadora pero la verdad en el aparato que tiene ya no mostraba signos vitales. Nos dijeron un buen de cosas mareadoras y de pronto sale con la pregunta que si entraba en paro aacediamos a que la reanimaran pero tenia un costo de 500 pesos por reanimación, pero dijimos que íbamos a revisar ya que se nos hacía excesivamente caro, y de pronto de la nada nos dicen que en ese momento había entrado en paro. Nos sacaron y después no salen a decir que no lograron salvarla. Siento que fue negligencia médica, ya que nunca nos dijeron que tenía, y que según hasta ese momento aún no tenían los resultados y que le aplicaron mal medicamentos y que tal vez ya había muerto y solo nos hicieron creer una historia para deslindarse. Nuestra perrita falleció :(, es un sentimiento que te da que no dejas de llorar. Como un cachorrito que entró por vomito salió muerta, y deciden que tiene que ser hospitalizada sin antes hacerle un diagnóstico bien. Enserio NO vayan a ese lugar por favor. Si revisan en google maps verán todas las quejas de su pésimo servicio. Pd: la Dra que nos atendió se llama Claudia. Nunca nos dieron los resultados y cuando se los pedimos dijeron que no se los habiam hecho.
Hello, good afternoon, I hope this can be used so that they do not carry if it can be called veterinary "FELICAN CENTRO VETERINARIO POLICLINICO" located in Balbuena cdmx If you don't want your pet to DIE, don't even think about going to this place. Recently (Wednesday, May 26, 2021) we took our Yorkshire terrier dog breed for a month and a half due to vomiting and it turned out that she had to be hospitalized, which we agreed and began to make their budget and that they were going to carry out several studies, to rule out distemper or parvovirus. And they charge us almost 2,500 pesos and we had to pay 80%, which one agrees to want to see healthy and improve his pet. Hours later they called us saying that we had to go because he had gone into respiratory arrest and in a coma. How is this possible? If our dog was only vomiting and still looked good. Unfortunately at that time we went to see her, they brought us up to see her, they had her tubed in an incubator but the truth in the device she has no longer showed vital signs. They told us a lot of dizzy things and suddenly she came up with the question that if she went unemployed, we agreed to have her resuscitated but it had a cost of 500 pesos per resuscitation, but we said that we were going to review since it was becoming excessively expensive, and soon out of nowhere they tell us that at that moment he had become unemployed. They took us out and then they don't come out to say that they couldn't save her. I feel that it was medical negligence, since they never told us that he had it, and that according to that moment they still did not have the results and that they applied wrong medications and that perhaps he had already died and they only made us believe a story to dissociate ourselves. Our dog passed away :(, it is a feeling that gives you that you do not stop crying. Like a puppy that came in due to vomiting, it came out dead, and they decide that it has to be hospitalized without first making a proper diagnosis. Seriously DO NOT go to that place please. If you check in google maps you will see all the complaints about your lousy service. Pd: the Dr. who attended us is called Claudia. They never gave us the results and when we asked them they said they hadn't done it.

Si quieren ser víctimas de amenazas, falta de ética, coerción, y no recibir un trato digno, este es el lugar indicado, NUNCA LO RECOMENDARIA gente codiciosa que hace negocio con la urgencia y el desconocimiento de los dueños de las mascotas. Ojala las autoridades clausuren el lugar, no se vale querer operar a un pobre perrito no mas porque si! es un riesgo y puede en serio morir tu perro.
If you want to be victims of threats, lack of ethics, coercion, and not receive a decent treatment, this is the right place, I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND IT, greedy people who do business with the urgency and ignorance of pet owners. I hope the authorities close the place, it is not worth wanting to operate on a poor puppy just because! It is a risk and your dog can seriously die.
Antonio Enriquez on Google

Solo fui por una placa,pero el servicio fue rápido
I only went for a plate, but the service was fast
Shiva Pereda on Google

Estoy mas que feliz a Duff le dieron un muy buen trato, como si yo estuviera ahí, mi pequeño tuvo la atención de todos los médicos ademas del trato lo que me hizo sentir mucha confianza fue la comunicación que ellos tienes, Duff llego muy mal tenia un pedazo de goma que le obstruía el intestino se la retiraron y tuvo complicación en los pulmones pero gracias al universo, a las ganas de vivir y a la preparación de los médicos Duff esta en casa, para muchos es exagerado pidan varios estudios o los costos son elevados, en fin cada quién le da el valor a la vida de su pequeñito.
I am more than happy they gave Duff a very good treatment, as if I were there, my little one had the attention of all the doctors, in addition to the treatment, what made me feel very confident was the communication they have, Duff arrived very badly a piece of rubber that obstructed his intestine was removed and he had complications in his lungs but thanks to the universe, to the desire to live and to the preparation of the doctors Duff is at home, for many it is exaggerated ask for several studies or the costs are high, in short, everyone gives value to the life of their little one.
Hek Olvera on Google

Jorge Cervantes on Google

Vaccine my dog thanks to all personal MVZ

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