FIVANCA - 44100 Guadalajara

1.9/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Frías 40, Col Americana, Villaseñor, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Frías 40, Col Americana, Villaseñor, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Ana Alicia Arvizu Romero on Google

Alicia Alvarez on Google

Paola Rubio on Google

Monica Marlene Garcia Gomez on Google

Me trataron de reclutar y todo son mentiras
They tried to recruit me and it's all lies
jeike jeikejaja on Google

Mala experiencia, te prometen el mundo entero y al momento de entrar te piden una compra, donde viene con "descuento", no pierdan su tiempo
Bad experience, they promise you the whole world and when you enter they ask you for a purchase, where it comes with a "discount", do not waste your time
David Humberto Gómez on Google

Todo lo de los comentarios e cierto te piden 8000 pesos de inversión es un fraude no pierdan su tiempo
Everything in the comments and it is true that they ask you for 8,000 pesos of investment is a fraud, do not waste your time
manchas y más on Google

Nunca ganas lo que te prometen y te piden una compra única neta no te conviene por qué son ingresos no sueldo fijo solo pierdes tu tiempo y dinero se los digo por experiencia propia
You never earn what they promise you and they ask you for a single net purchase, it does not suit you because they are income, not a fixed salary, you only waste your time and money. I tell them from my own experience.
Zac Cordova on Google

FRIAS 40. Hola, buen dia le quiero contar mi experiencia con (CODECE) COMERCIALIZADORA DEL CENTRO lamentableme cai en este tipo de red relativamente es una red de estafadores, jamas pense que me pasaria ami, primero ponen la tipa publicación de solicita aux. De secretaria o oficina algo relacionada con oficina de recursos humanos, en fin yo asisti al tipico entrevista y solo me dieron una breve información de que no se tratara de ventas, luego te citan a 3 a 5 dias de capacitacion y no señores solo lo hacian para lavarte el cerebro tipico cai en eso, luego ala 3era capacitacion te piden tipo inversion de una cantidad de $8,000 y luego supuestamente te bajan la tipica inversion por 4,500 pero te lavan el coco muy bien y te hacen pensar que es una inversion que puedes recuperarla ala semana cosa que no es cierto, luego te hacen pensar que ganaras mucho mas de lo inviertes , luego el anuncio que vi no era real todo eso te piden reclutar personas para lo mismo y asi van y supuestamente personas que llegan alli y firma contrato ganas el tanto porciento, jovenes realmente no es verdad una pierdes ese dinero, y tiempo que supuestamente invertiste otra no te pagan nada, creo que me di cuenta algo tarde, pero espero por eso se los hago saber y lo compartan por que muchos de verdad necesitamos trabajo y dinero y para que nos salgan estas cosas no se vale... Ya no confien en publicaciones de este tipo así como ami, le puedes pasar a muchas personas mas.... Al final te ponen a vender cosméticos
FRIAS 40. Hello, good day, I want to tell you about my experience with (CODECE) COMMERCIALIZADORA DEL CENTRO, unfortunately I fell into this type of network, relatively it is a network of swindlers, I never thought it would happen to me, first they put the type of publication asking for help. As a secretary or office, something related to the human resources office, in short, I attended the typical interview and they only gave me brief information that it was not about sales, then they quoted you for 3 to 5 days of training and no, gentlemen, they just did it to wash the typical brain I fell into that, then at the 3rd training they ask you for an investment of an amount of $8,000 and then supposedly they lower the typical investment by 4,500 but they wash your brain very well and make you think that it is an investment that you can recover a week something that is not true, then they make you think that you will earn much more than you invest, then the ad that I saw was not real all that they ask you to recruit people for the same thing and so they go and supposedly people who arrive there and sign a contract you win the percentage, young people, it's really not true, you lose that money, and the time you supposedly invested, another one doesn't pay you anything, I think I realized something late, but I hope that's why I'll do it for you know and share it because many of us really need work and money and for these things to come out is not worth it... Do not trust publications of this type anymore as well as me, it can happen to many more people.... In the end they put you to sell cosmetics

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