Football Stadium Dr. Samuel León Brindis - 29000 Tuxtla Gutiérrez

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Football Stadium Dr. Samuel León Brindis

Address :

Av. Miguel Hidalgo s/n, Centro, 29000 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis., Mexico

Categories :
City : Chis.

Av. Miguel Hidalgo s/n, Centro, 29000 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis., Mexico
EDits_anime cosplay de runa on Google

Excelente lugar para practicar el fútbol americano y a la altura de cualquier otro recinto de americano
Jorge Eduardo Ruiz Macías on Google

Está muy bien cuidado en comparación con otros estudios 3 estrellas porque es una lastima que tengas que pagar para ingresar aún siendo jugador.
It is very well taken care of compared to other 3-star studios because it is a pity that you have to pay to enter even as a player.

Un espacio poco aprovechado. Tuvo su buena época algo efímera. Deberían buscar la manera de utilizarlo más. En el exterior le falta mucho mantenimiento y se ve muy abandonado.
A little used space. He had his good times somewhat ephemeral. They should find a way to use it more. On the outside it lacks a lot of maintenance and looks very neglected.
Carlos Domínguez Núñez on Google

Sitio que alberga pasión y entrega deportiva. Lo mismo si hay partidos de fútbol varonil qque femenil, la cancha se tiñe de afición cada que se programan encuentros de ligas locales. Entre gritos, ovaciones e incluso reclamos al árbitro, este espacio es,definitivamente mejor opción que el espacio de estacionamiento para el que se utilizaba anteriormente. ¿Es un lugar de desfogue deportivo y de afición! Muy buen sitio recreativo.
Site that houses passion and sports dedication. The same if there are men's or women's soccer games, the field is dyed with fans every time local league matches are scheduled. Between shouts, cheers and even complaints to the referee, this space is definitely a better option than the parking space for which it was previously used. Is it a place for sports and hobby venting! Very good recreational site.
Armida Estarada on Google

Gerardo Aguilar Gerardo Aguilar on Google

Eduardo Toledo on Google

A great place to play ,but it could be better ,if the manager really does his work , and he doesn't spend money in useless things o sometimes for himself
Daniel Morales on Google

As far as I know, if you go there you have to pay 20 Mexican pesos. The bathrooms are not that clean. It is just an open stadium. It does not have any protection against the sun.

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